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a decision or judgment involving a severe penalty; tragic or ruinous.fate; destruction or ruin that seems inevitable; doom is a terrible future state or event which an individual feels he cannot prevent (she sees warnings of impending doom in the economy); if you have a sense or feeling of doom, you feel that things are going very badly and are likely to get even worse (why are people so full of gloom and doom?)
doom, doomed, dooming, dooms.transitive verbs
to be in condemnation; to destine to an unhappy end

drift, drifted, drifting, drifts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move sporadically without much purpose; to be carried along by currents of air or water (a balloon drifting eastward; as the wreckage drifted toward shore); to proceed or move unhurriedly and smoothly (drifting among the party guests); to wander from a set course or point of attention; stray (the speaker drifted away from the main point and lost the attention of the audience for awhile); to be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of a current (snow drifting to five feet)
transitive verb use.to cause to be carried in a current (drifting the logs downstream); to pile up in banks or heaps (wind drifted the loose straw against the barn)
the act or condition of drifting; something moving along in a current of air or water; a bank or pile, as of sand or snow, heaped up by currents of air or water; in geology, rock debris transported and deposited by or from ice, especially by or from a glacier; a general trend or tendency, as of opinion (she finally got the drift of the conversation); tendency; general meaning or purport; tenor (caught the drift of the conversation); a gradual change in position; a gradual deviation from an original course, model, method or intention; variation or apparent.random.oscillation about a fixed setting, position or mode of behavior; a gradual change in the output of a circuit or amplifier; the rate of flow of a water current; a tool for ramming or driving something down; a tapered steel pin for enlarging and aligning holes; a horizontal or nearly horizontal passageway in a mine running through or parallel to a vein; a secondary mine passageway between two main shafts or tunnels

discombobulate, discombobulated, discombobulating, discombobulates.transitive verbs
to throw into a state of confusion; confuse

drawn.verb,.past participle of draw
haggard, as from fatigue or ill health (a drawn face)

draw, drew, drawn, drawing, draws.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to move after or toward one by applying continuous force; drag (drew the chair closer to the table; a team of horses drawing a wagon); to pull; to cause to move in a given direction or to a given position, as by leading (the teacher drew the children into the room to see the decorations); to move or pull so as to cover or uncover something (draw the curtains); to cause to flow forth (a pump drawing water; a cut that drew blood); to suck or take in air, for example; inhale; to require a specified depth of water for floating (a boat drawing 18 inches); to take or pull out (drew a knife from its sheath; drew out a fat wallet); to extract or take from for one's own use (drew strength from their faith in God); to eviscerate; disembowel (eviscerated chicken); to select or take in from a given group, type or region (draw clients from all levels of society); to bring to a certain condition or action; lead (drawn to despair; drew them to resign); to bring on oneself as a result; provoke (drew them to the meeting with free offers); to earn; gain (deposits in a financial institution that draw interest); to withdraw money; to receive on a regular basis or at a specified time (draw a pension); to take or receive by chance (draw lots); to take cards from a dealer or central stack; to end or leave a contest tied or undecided; to hit or strike a ball so as to give it backspin; to pull back the string of a bow; to stretch taut; to flatten, stretch or mold metal by hammering or die stamping; to shape or elongate a wire, for example, by pulling through dies; to inscribe a line or lines with a pencil or other marking implement; to make a likeness of on a surface, using mostly lines; depict with lines (drew a map of the area; drawing landscapes and still lifes); to formulate or devise from evidence or data at hand (draw a comparison; to arrive at a conclusion in one's mind after thinking)
intransitive verb use.to proceed or move steadily (a ship drawing near the shore); to attract customers or spectators (the new play is drawing well); to cause a flow of liquid (the patient's veins don't draw easily); to cause suppuration; to take in a draft of air (we have smoke in the room because the flue on the wood stove isn't drawing); to use or call upon part of a fund or supply (drawing on an account; drew from the experience of fellow workers); to contract or tighten (the glue draws the material tight when it dries); to conclude a contest without either side winning; tie (the chess players drew in 32 moves); to make a likeness with lines on a surface; sketch
an act of drawing; the result of drawing (let's see what you drew); something drawn, especially a lot, card or cards drawn; an inhalation, especially through a pipe or other smoking implement; something that attracts interest, customers or spectators (a singer who is a popular draw); the movable part of a drawbridge; a contest ending without either side winning
one that draws; a boxlike compartment in furniture that can be pulled out and pushed in (please take the stuff off the shelves and put them in the drawers); drawers are also called underpants, underwear

draw near.phrasal verb
to move towards (we were approaching our destination)
draw out.phrasal verb
to prolong; protract; to induce and/or encourage to speak freely from the heart
you can describe something as drawn-out when it lasts or takes longer than you would like it to (the road to grandpa's place will be long and drawn-out, so take some things to do as we drive there)

the act or an instance of drawing; the art of representing.objects or forms on a surface.chiefly.by means of lines; a work.produced by this art
draw a blank.idiom
to fail to find or remember something
draw straws.idiom
to decide by a lottery with straws of unequal lengths

Music:.of or using only the eight tones of a standard major or minor scale without chromatic deviations

dab, dabbed, dabbing, dabs.verbs
transitive verb use.to apply with short, poking strokes (dabbed some paint on the worn spots; dabbed the wet cloth on the stain to remove it); to cover lightly with or as if with a moist substance; to strike or hit lightly (dabbed her on the shoulder to get her attention amongst all the noice)
intransitive verb use.to tap gently; pat
a small amount ((a dab of jelly); a quick, light pat; any of various flatfishes, chiefly of the genera Limanda and Hippoglossoides, related to and resembling the flounders

dabble, dabbled, dabbling, dabbles.verbs
transitive verb use.if you dabble in something, you take part in it but not very seriously (she dabbled in the real estate market for awhile; people who dabble in painting as a way of relaxing); also to move your hands, feet etc about in water; to splash or spatter with or as if with a liquid
intransitive verb use.to undertake something superficially or without serious.intent; to splash liquid gently and playfully (Johnny is taking his bath, dabbling in the water with his rubber ducky); to bob forward and under in shallow water so as to feed off the bottom (look at the ducks dabbling for food at the bottom)
one who engages in an activity superficially or without serious intent (dabbling in something to get a feel for liking it or not); an amateur or learner

daub, daubed, daubing, daubs.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover or smear with a soft, adhesive substance, such as plaster, grease or mud; to apply paint to with hasty or crude strokes
intransitive verb use.to apply paint or coloring with crude, unskillful strokes
the act or a stroke of daubing; matter daubed on; a smear

dub, dubbed, dubbing, dubs.transitive verbs
to transfer (recorded material) onto a new recording medium; to copy a record or tape; to insert a new soundtrack, often a synchronized translation of the original dialogue, into a film); to add (sound) into a film or tape (dub in strings behind the vocal)
the new sounds added by dubbing; a dubbed copy of a tape or record

dub, dubbed, dubbing, dubs.transitive verbs
to tap lightly on the shoulder by way of conferring knighthood; to honor with a new title or description; to give a name to facetiously or playfully; a nickname; to strike, cut or rub (timber or leather, for example) so as to make even or smooth; to dress a fowl; to execute a golf stroke, for example poorly
an awkward individual or player; a bungler
dub, dubbed, dubbing, dubs.verbs
transitive verb use.to thrust at; poke; beat a drum
intransitive verb use.to make a thrust; to beat on a drum
the act of dubbing; a drumbeat

defocus, defocused, defocusing, defocuses.transitive verbs
to cause a beam or a lens to deviate from accurate.focus; to take one's attention off of something, especially an item that one no longer wants to be concerned about
the act or result of causing a lens to deviate from accurate focus

in physics, a pair of radio frequency signals commonly termed magnetic poles or electric charges, of equal magnitude but of opposite sign or polarity, separated by a small distance; the dipole is the part of the energy that is discarded, when it could be used, all with no thanks to antiquated electrical principles continuing to be taught, with the end result being that of increasing charges to people for utilities, one of the forms of economic slavery; in electronics, an antenna usually fed from the center, consisting of two equal rods extending outward in a straight line (remember the old TV aerials that sat on top of the TV)

a dirge is a slow, sad song or piece of music which are sometimes performed at funerals; a funeral hymn or lament; a mournful.poem or other literary work, such as the.Book of Lamentations and the.Book of Dirges

disfigure, disfigured, disfiguring, disfigures.transitive verbs
to mar or spoil the appearance or shape of; deform
disfiguration.or.disfigurement, disfigurer.nouns

disqualify, disqualified, disqualifying, disqualifies.transitive verbs
to render.unqualified or unfit; to declare.unqualified or ineligible
the act of disqualifying or the condition of having been disqualified; something that disqualifies (illness as a disqualification for enlistment in the army)

deemphasize, deemphasized, deemphasizing, deemphasizes.transitive verbs
to decrease the emphasis on; minimize the importance of deemphasis.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

marking a distinction; distinguishing; able to discriminate or distinguish (a mind of great diacritical power); serving as a diacritic
diacritical; in medicine, diagnostic or distinctive
a mark, such as the cedilla of the word façade or the acute.accents of résumé, added to a letter to indicate a special phonetic value or distinguish words that are otherwise graphically identical

disappear, disappeared, disappearing, disappears.intransitive verbs
to pass out of sight; vanish; to cease to exist

disciplined, repetitious.exercise as a means of learning.through being taught, guided and being corrected, thus.perfecting a skill or procedure; a task or exercise for teaching a skill or procedure by repetition (she drilled herself until she was sure she could do it properly); a drill for learning the multiplication tables; if you drill people, you teach them to do something by having them repeat it enough times (he drills the church choir to a high standard); a drill is a way that teachers teach their students something by making them repeat it many times
drill, drilled, drilling, drills.verbs
transitive verb use.to instruct thoroughly by repetition in a skill or procedure (drilled the students well so they would know grammar); to infuse knowledge of or skill in by repetitious instruction; practice; teach

drill down, drills down, drilled down, drilling down.verbs
to get to the nitty gritty of something; to reach the foundational.concepts of

a drill is a tool or machine that you use for making holes (pneumatic drills; a dentist's drill); an implement with cutting edges or a pointed end for boring holes in hard materials, usually by a rotating abrasion or repeated blows; a bit; when you drill into something or drill a hole in something, you make a hole in it using a drill (she drilled into the wall in order to hang a picture); the hand-operated or hand-powered holder for this implement
intransitive verb use.to perform a training exercise
one who uses a drill

loud, harsh noise made by or as if by a powered tool of this kind

drill, drilled, drilling, drills.verbs
transitive verb use.to make a hole in a hard material with a drill (a bit for drilling masonry); to make a hole with or as if with a drill (drills holes in trees); to strike or hit sharply (in baseball the batter can often drill the baseball down through the infield)
intransitive verb use.to make a hole with or as if with a drill