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discriminate, discriminated, discriminating, discriminates.intransitive verbs
to make a clear distinction; distinguish.(discriminate among the options available); to make sensible decisions; judge wisely; to make fine.distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice.(was accused of discriminating against women; discriminated in favor of his cronies)
transitive verb use.to perceive the distinguishing features of; recognize as distinct (discriminate right from wrong); to distinguish by noting differences; differentiate (unable to discriminate colors)

able to recognize or draw fine distinctions; perceptive; showing careful judgment or fine taste (a discriminating collector of rare books; a dish for the discriminating palate); separating into distinct parts or components; analytical; serving to distinguish; distinctive (a discriminating characteristic; marked by or showing bias; discriminatory

marked by or showing prejudice; biased; making distinctions discriminatorily.adverb

the act of discriminating; the ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment; treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice.(it's necessary to eliminate all forms of sexual discrimination)

disdain, disdained, disdaining, disdains.transitive verbs
to regard as unworthy or beneath one's dignity or status; if you feel disdain for someone or something, you feel dislike toward them because you think that they are inferior or unimportant; to spurn; to reject, regard or treat with haughty.contempt; despise; to consider or reject as beneath oneself; an attitude of an overtone of superiority
a feeling or show of contempt and aloofness; scorn
scornful and aloof; proud
expressive of disdain; scornful and contemptuous; proud

Law: in law, the act or process of distraining; distress
distrain, distrained, distraining, distrains.verbs
Law: transitive verb use.to seize and hold property to compel payment or reparation, as of debts; to seize the property of an individual in order to compel payment of debts; distress
intransitive verb use.to levy a distress

disguise, disguised, disguising, disguises.transitive verbs
to make appear, sound, etc. different from usual so as to be unrecognizable; to modify the manner or appearance of in order to prevent recognition; to conceal or obscure by dissemblance or false show; misrepresent (disguise one's true intentions)
the act or an instance of disguising; the condition of being disguised; clothes or accessories worn to conceal one's true identity; appearance that misrepresents the true character of something (a blessing in disguise); a pretense or misrepresentation (his repeated references to his dangerous hobbies were only a disguise to cover up his insecurity)

dishearten, disheartened, disheartening, disheartens.transitive verb
to shake or destroy the courage or resolution of; dispirit; discourage

dishevel, disheveled, disheveling, dishevels, disheveling.transitive verbs
to throw into disorder or disaray (she loosened and let her hair fall in disaray); marked by disorder or disarray

disintegrate, disintegrated, disintegrating, disintegrates.verbs
to lose or cause to lose wholeness; disunite; to separate into pieces or fragments; decay
intransitive use.to become reduced to components, fragments or particles; to decompose, decay or undergo a nuclear transformation
transitive use.to cause to disintegrate; decay

the act or process of disintegrating; the state of being disintegrated
Chemistry and Physics:.the natural or induced.transformation of an atomic.nucleus from a more massive to a less massive configuration by the emission of particles or radiation

disparage, disparaged, disparaging, disparages.transitive verbs
to say things and/or act in such as way as to lower in esteem; downgrade; discredit; belittle; decry; deprecate; to speak of in a slighting way; put another person down in spirit
that disparages; slighting; belittling

the condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank or degree; difference (narrow the economic disparities among regions and industries); unlikeness; incongruity; discrepancy

dispense with, dispensed with, dispensing with, dispenses with.verbs
to set aside; get rid of; discard (dispensing with the usual introduction); to do without (could dispense with such a large staff)
not essential; unimportant (dispensable items of personal property); capable of being dispensed, administered or distributed (dispensable medications); subject to dispensation, as a vow or church law

dispense, dispensed, dispensing, dispenses.verbs
transitive verb use.to deal out in portions (dispensed with her fears one by one); administer (dispense justice); to give dispensation to; exempt; to prepare and distribute (medication)
one who dispenses something
synonyms.distribute, deal, disburse, disperse, divide, divvy up, dole out, lot out, measure out, partition out; give out; furnish; hand, hand over; supply; transfer; turn over; portion; prorate

an office in a hospital, school or other institution from which medical supplies, preparations and treatments are dispensed

disperse, dispersed, dispersing, disperses.transitive verbs
to scatter in all directions; distribute widely
transitive verb use.to drive off or scatter in different directions; to strew or distribute widely (the airplane dispersed the leaflets over the city); to cause to vanish or disappear; scatter; to disseminate.(knowledge, for example); to separate (light) into spectral rays
intransitive verb use.to move in different directions; scatter; to vanish; dissipate.(the storm clouds had dispersed by noon)

the act or process of dispersing or the condition of being dispersed; distribution

the act or process of dispersing; the state of being dispersed; a diaspora

dispossess, dispossessed, dispossessing, dispossesses.transitive verbs
to deprive another of the possession or occupancy of something, such as real property ('real' property is 'immovable' property)

if you are disposed to do something, you are willing or eager to do it (she is always ready to be helpful if you ask, because her disposition is one of caring)
dispose, disposed, disposing, disposes.verbs
transitive verb use.to place or set in a particular order; arrange; to give a tendency to; incline.(faulty diet disposes one to sickness); to put business affairs, for example, into correct, definitive or conclusive form; to put into a willing or receptive frame of mind
intransitive verb use.to settle or decide a matter
dispose of.phrasal verb; to attend to; settle (disposed of the problem quickly; to transfer or part with, as by giving or selling; to get rid of; throw out; to destroy (a corrupt government that disposed of documents that revealed truths they wanted to hide from the public)
designed to be disposed of after use (disposable diapers; disposable razors); free for use (disposable income); available (every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the auction)
an article, such as a paper diaper or toilet paper that can be disposed of after one use
the act or process of getting rid of something; a particular order, distribution or placement (a pleasing disposal of plants and lawn); a particular method of attending to or settling matters; transference by gift or sale (how did you dispose of your old clothes that didn't fit you?); an electric device installed below a sink that grinds garbage so it can be flushed away

the normal or prevailing-aspect of one's nature (the crew had genial-dispositions); the way a person is inside (she has a spiritual disposition); one's disposition is the mindset he or she carries all day long; the way a person is that makes them what it is they are and perceived by others to be like (the uniqueness of every individual is often discounted by dishonest onlookers); inclination (practical political protocol policy precludes publically presented programs or does anybody effectively listen to you higher up on the physical plane); tendency (a disposition to find ways of agreement); predilection (a person's usual mood; temperament (a sweet disposition); a habitual inclination; a physical property or tendency (a political program with a disposition to rupture); arrangement, positioning or distribution; an act of disposing of (he disposed of the body in a dignified way); a bestowal or transfer to another; the power or liberty to control, direct or dispose; management
directed toward or effecting disposition of a case; dispositive evidence

dispute, disputed, disputing, disputings, disputes.verbs
transitive verb use.to argue about; debate; to question the truth or validity of; doubt.(her friends disputed her intentions); to strive to win (a prize, for example); contest for (our team disputed the visitors' claim to the championship; to strive against; resist.(disputed the actions of his competitors
intransitive verb use.to engage in discussion or argument; debate; discuss; to quarrel angrily
a verbal controversy; a debate; an angry altercation; a quarrel; argument

a disputing; dispute; controversial discussion; debate; argument
inclined to dispute; fond of arguing; contentious
disputacious; having to do with disputation 
that can be disputed; debatable 
a person who disputes or debates 
in a disputable manner
dispute.intransitive verb
to argue; debate; to oppose; resist; controversy

discompose, discomposed, discomposing, discomposes.transitive verbs
to disturb the composure or calm of; perturb
discomposedly, discomposingly.adverbs

a room providing sleeping quarters for a number of persons; a building for housing a number of persons, as at a school or resort; a residential community whose inhabitants commute to a nearby city for employment and recreation