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any object made by human work

humanly contrived often on a natural model; man made (an artificial limb; artificial diamonds); lacking in natural or spontaneous quality (an artificial smile; an artificial excitement); imitation; sham (artificial flavor)

endowed with the power of speech; expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language (an articulate speaker); characterized by the use of clear, expressive language; composed of distinct, meaningful syllables or words, as human speech
articulate, articulated, articulating, articulates.verbs
transitive verb use.to pronounce.distinctly and carefully; enunciate; to utter.(a speech sound) by making the necessary movements of the speech organs (tongue, vocal cords); to express in coherent verbal form; give words to (could articulate the scene well)
intransitive verb use.to speak clearly and distinctly; to utter a speech sound
Anatomy:.to form a joint; be jointed (the thighbone articulates with the bones of the hip; an articulated transit bus)
the act of vocal expression; utterance or enunciation (an articulation of the group's sentiments; the act or manner of producing a speech sound; a jointing together or being jointed together as an articulated transit bus; the method or manner of jointing; a joint between two separable parts, as a leaf and a stem; a node or a space on a stem between two nodes

the attainment of a dignity or rank (the queen's accession to the throne); something that has been acquired or added; an acquisition; an increase by means of something added; the addition to or increase in value of property by means of improvements or natural growth; the right of a proprietor to ownership of such addition or increase; agreement or assent; access; admittance; a sudden outburst
accession, accessioned, accessioning, accessions.transitive verbs
to record in the order of acquisition (a curator accessioning newly acquired paintings)

the act or process of ascending; ascent; in astronomy, the rising of a star above the horizon; the bodily rising of Emmanuel into heaven on the 40th day after his Resurrection; designing one's life so it works for an individual and not against them (what's happening regarding you? And see gene decode on ascencion)
ascend, ascended, ascending, ascends.intransitive verbs
to climb; to go up; move upward; rise
transitive verb use.to move upward upon or along; climb (ascended the mountain); to succeed to; occupy (ascended the company chair after her father)
that can be ascended
ascendence or ascendance.noun,.plural.ascendences or ascendances
means ascendancy
ascendency or ascendancy.noun,.plural.ascendencies or ascendancies
the quality or state of being in the ascendent; domination 
ascendent or ascendant.adjective
inclining or moving upward; ascending or rising; dominant in position or influence; superior
the position or state of being dominant or in control (a policy currently in the ascendant; an ancestor
ascending; rising
an individual or thing that ascends (the ascension of Christ)
that ascends
the act or process of rising or going upward; an upward slope or incline

assent, assented, assenting, assents.intransitive verbs
to agree to something hopefully after thoughtful consideration (she was bamboozled into agreeing); concur
assent, assentor.or.assenter.nouns,
plurals.assents, assentors.or.assenters.
agreement; concurrence (reached assent on a course of action); acquiescence; consent (gave my assent to the plan)
synonyms.consent, accede, acquiesce, agree, subscribe
assentiveness-noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

declaration; positive statement
assert, asserted, asserting, asserts.transitive verbs
to state or express positively; affirm (asserted his innocence); to defend or maintain (one's rights, for example); to put (oneself) forward boldly or forcefully in an effort to make an opinion known, for example: 'I had to assert myself in the meeting in order to ensure acquisition of the new book'.
assertable or assertible.adjective
asserter or assertor.noun,.plural.asserters or assertors
inclined to bold or confident assertion; aggressively.self-assured
assertiveness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

asseverate, asseverated, asseverating, asseverates.transitive verbs
to declare seriously or positively; affirm; to assert

ascertain, ascertained, ascertaining, ascertains.transitive verbs
to find out with certainty, as through examination or experimentation; to make certain in the mind; discover (questioned the children to ascertain what happened)

common in many eastern religions is practicing strict self denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline; austere in appearance, manner or attitude; severe
ascetic, ascetical.adjectives

ascribe, ascribed, ascribing, ascribes.transitive verbs
to impute, attribute to a specific cause (ascribed the good harvest to abundant sunshine and adequate rain); to put onto someone (the work we noticed was ascribed to you; ascribed his good deeds to another so the credit for them would be regarded as belonging to her); to regard as belonging as a quality or attribute; implies assignment to someone of something that may reasonably be deduced; to assign as a quality or characteristic
the act of ascribing; a statement that ascribes

having no evident sex or sex organs; sexless; relating to, produced by or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes; lacking interest in or desire for sex

Ash Wednesday.proper noun
the seventh Wednesday before Easter and the first day of Lent, on which many Catholic Christians receive a mark of ashes on the forehead as a token of penitence and mortality

a particular part or feature, as of God; a way in which something can be viewed by the mind; view; the appearance of a thing as seen from a specific point (if you stand over here you'll see a different aspect of the volcano erupting)

aspire, aspired, aspiring, aspires.intransitive verbs
to seek to attain or accomplish a particular goal (aspired to a career in a discipline that provides help to others); ascend, soar
someone's aspirations are their desire to achieve things; strong desire for high achievement; an object of such desire; an ambition (he had aspiration to be an inventor); the act of breathing in; inhalation; a speech sound produced with an aspirate
if you describe something or someone as aspirational, you mean that they have strong hopes of moving toward some ideal that would be an improvement (the couple had an aspirational goal of bringing their family closer together by more frequently having relatives over for dinner)

aspirate, aspirated, aspirating, aspirates.transitive verbs
to draw into the lungs; inhale
a speech sound followed by a puff of breath

adscititious.adjective.(pronounced 'ads suh tish is')
added or derived from an external source; additional; neither.inherent.nor.essential; added to supplement (adscititious remarks)

a session of a court; a decree or edict.rendered at such a session; a judicial.inquest, the writ by which it is instituted or the verdict of the jurors; also assize is an ordinance regulating weights and measures and the weights and prices of articles offered for sale; the standards so established; from Middle English 'assise' from Old French from past participle of 'asseoir' meaning 'to seat'

assiduous.adjective.(pronounce 'a sid you us')
constant in application or attention; diligent (an assiduous worker who strove for perfection); unceasing; persistent (assiduous research)
persistent application or diligence; unflagging effort; often assiduities; constant personal attention and often obsequious.solicitude; And why the 2 's' in such words? Duh! Welcome to the screwed up cabal's English.

assume, assumed, assuming, assumes.transitive verbs
assume has a somewhat positive implication; if you assume that something is true, you imagine.that it is true, sometimes wrongly (it is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar; if mistakes occurred, they were assumed to be the fault of the guide on the trail); if someone assumes power or responsibility, they are in power in accordance with We the People's will or in power or responsibility because the cabal placed him or her into it (as soon as she arrived the new teacher assumed responsibility over the class and began destroying individuality by teaching groupthink); if something assumes a particular quality, it begins to have that quality (in his estimation, the mountains assumed enormous importance); you can use 'let us assume' or 'let's assume' when you are considering a possible situation or event, so that you can think about the consequences; to take upon oneself in contemplation; to affect the appearance or possession of; feign; to seize; presume; usurp-(assume control); to take for granted; suppose.(supposed that the dictatorship was legal); to put on; compare presume

having the character of an assumption; presumptuous
anything taken for granted; supposition; presumption; supposition

a star shaped mathematical structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell and having ray like fibers that surround the centrosome during mitosis

Astronomy:.in astronomy, any of numerous small celestial bodies of rock that revolve around the sun, with orbits lying chiefly between Mars and Jupiter and characteristic.diameters.between a few and several hundred kilometers; also called minor planet and planetoid
star-shaped; from the Greek 'asteroeides', meaning starlike and aster, meaning star

a captivating interest; overpowering wonder or amazement (how could these things have happened and been kept hidden?)
astonish.transitive verb
to strike with sudden amazement
causing surprise
astonish, astonished, astonishing, astonishes.transitive verbs
to fill with sudden wonder or amazement
(astonishingly, he walked the tightrope over Niagara Falls)

being in a bewildered state; dazed

ail, ailed, ailing, ails.verbs
intransitive verb use.to feel ill or have pain
transitive verb use.to cause.physical or mental pain or uneasiness to; to trouble; from Middle English 'eilen' from the Old English 'eglian' from 'egle' meaning 'troublesome'
a physical or mental disorder, such as a mild illness

anoint, anointed, anointing, anoints.transitive verbs
to apply oil, ointment or a similar substance to; to put oil on during a religious.ceremony as a sign of sanctification or consecration as in being anointed; to choose by or as if by guidance from the divine; Christians are designated as being anointed by the Holy Spirit, thus being placed into the family of God; is oil needed today for this?