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a large number of persons gathered together; a throng; a group of people united by a common.characteristic, such as age, interest, or vocation (the over-30 crowd); an audience (the play drew a large and appreciative crowd); a large number of things positioned or considered together (their living room was crowded with boxes all packed for their move)
crowd, crowded, crowding, crowds.verbs
intransitive verb use.to congregate in an area; throng (the children crowded around the instructor)
transitive verb use.to force one's way (people crowded forward to buy tickets for a good seat at the concert; the expanding city was crowding out animals in the area); to draw or stand near to (in baseball, the batter sometimes crowds the plate where the ball goes across); to press, cram or force tightly together (crowded the clothes into the closet); to fill or occupy to overflowing (books crowded the shelves of the new library

combat, combated, combating, combats.verbs
transitive verb use.to oppose in battle; fight against; to oppose vigorously; struggle against
intransitive verb use.to engage in fighting; contend or struggle
fighting; strife; conflict
of.or.relating.to combat (flew 50 combat missions); intended for use or deployment in combat (combat boots; combat troops)
one who would rather fight in anger than listen and reason; belligerent; argumentative
ready to enages in being a combatant (his attitude of combativeness led to the company having to let him go)
one, such as a person or a combat vehicle, that takes part in armed strife
engaging in armed strife (in that truck is an excellent combatant division from Pakistan)

a fortress in a commanding position in or near a city; a stronghold or fortified place; a bulwark

fruit.stewed or cooked in syrup; a dish used for holding fruit, nuts or candy

a military.machine for hurling.missiles, such as large stones or spears, used in ancient and medieval times; a mechanism for launching aircraft at a speed sufficient for flight, as from the deck of an aircraft carrier; a slingshot
catapult, catapulted, catapulting, catapults.verbs
transitive verb use.to hurl or launch from or as if from a catapult
intransitive verb use.to become catapulted; if someone or something catapults or is catapulted through the air, they are thrown very suddenly, quickly and violently through it (we've all seen enough dummies catapulting through windshields in TV warnings to know the dangers of not wearing seat belts)

land next to the sea; the seashore (the Pacific Coast of North America); a hill or other slope down which one may coast, as on a sled; the act of sliding or coasting; slide
coast, coasted, coasting, coasts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to slide down an incline through the effect of gravity; to move effortlessly and smoothly
transitive verb use.to sail or move along the coast or border
in the sea or on the land near the coast (the coastal waters of Scotland; the coastal path where we walk); pertaining to or bordering on a coast

a career is the job or profession that someone does for a long period of their life (she is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer); your career is the part of your life that you spend working
doing what one does as a permanent.occupation or lifework (career nurses; a career mechanic)
career, careers, careering, careered.intransitive verbs
to move or run at full speed; rush; careen

a circus is a group that consists of clowns, acrobats and animals which travels around to different places and performs shows for entertainment to the public; the circus is the show.performed by these people (my dad took me to the circus; we went to the.Cirque Du Soleil.when it came to perform in our city and then watched a performance of them on the Internet when they were in another city)

a preparation, such as powder or a skin cream, intended to beautify the body by direct application; something superficial that is used to cover a defect
intended to beautify the body, especially the face and hair; serving to modify or improve the appearance of a physical feature, defect or irregularity (cosmetic surgery); decorative.rather than.functional (cosmetic fenders on cars) 

a musical composition for an orchestra and one or more solo instruments, typically in three movements

something that covers, so as to protect or conceal
cover, covered, covering, covers.verbs
transitive verb use.to place something upon or over, so as to protect or conceal; to overlay or spread with something (cover potatoes with gravy); to put a cover or covering on (put the cover on the pot and turn down the heat to simmer); to spread over the surface of (dust covered the table; snow covered the ground); to extend over (a farm covering more than 100 acres); to protect by insurance (took out a new policy that will cover all our camera equipment); to compensate or make up for; to be sufficient to meet or offset the cost or charge of (had enough cash to cover the expense of the meals); to deal with; treat of (the book covers many vacation.spots); to travel or pass over; traverse (they covered 60 miles in two days); to be responsible for reporting the details of an event or situation (two reporters covered the news story); to protect (we'll cover for you if you'll be late getting back); to match the amount of a wager
intransitive verb use.to spread over a surface to protect or conceal something (a paint that covers well); to act as a substitute during someone's absence (her assistant covered for her while she was out to lunch) 
something that covers or is laid, placed or spread over or upon something else; a binding or enclosure for a book or magazine (the cover of a book); a protective overlay, as for a mattress or furniture; something that provides shelter; something, such as vegetation, covering the surface of the ground; to deal with or accomplish something in a certain manner (the history course covered a lot of ground in six weeks)
cover charge money that you have to pay in a restaurant in addition to the cost of the food and drinks, especially when there is a band or dancing

any of several fishes of the genus Salvelinus, especially the arctic char, related to the trout and salmon

char, charred, charring, chars.verbs
transitive verb use.to burn the surface of; scorch; to reduce to carbon or charcoal by incomplete.combustion
intransitive verb use.to become scorched; to become reduced to carbon or charcoal; to burn
a substance that has been scorched, burned or reduced to charcoal

charbroil, charbroiled, charbroiling, charbroils.transitive verbs
to broil over charcoal

a black, porous, carbonaceous.material, 85 to 98 percent carbon, produced by the destructive.distillation of wood and used as a fuel, filter and absorbent; a drawing pencil or crayon made from this material; a drawing executed with such a pencil or crayon; a charcoal color is dark grayish brown to black or dark purplish gray charcoal, charcoaled, charcoaling, charcoals.transitive verbs
to draw, write or blacken with a black, carbonaceous material; to charbroil

activated charcoal.noun,.plural.activated charcoals
highly absorbent carbon obtained by heating granulated charcoal to exhaust contained gases, resulting in a highly porous form with a very large surface area, used primarily for purifying gases by adsorption, solvent recovery or deodorization and as an antidote to certain.poisons; used in many health protocols to rid the body of toxins; also called activated carbon

deception by trickery or sophistry; a subterfuge; the use of clever plans or actions to deceive people, usually with the motive of greed, that is, to gain money from them

a cold-blooded animal, such as a snake, has a body temperature that changes with the temperature of the air or ground around it; lacking.feeling or emotion (a cold-blooded performance of the concerto); ectothermic