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swathe, swathed, swathing, swathes.transitive verbs
to wrap or bind with or as if with bandages; to enfold or constrict
a wrapping, binding or bandage

the width of a scythe stroke or a mowing machine blade; a path of this width made in mowing; the mown grass or grain lying on such a path; something likened to a swath; a strip
cut a swath.idiom
to create a great stir, impression or display; to extend in distinctive physical length and width

an implement.consisting of a long, curved single edged blade with a long, bent.handle, used for mowing or reaping
scythe, scythed, scything, scythes.transitive verbs
to cut with or as if with a scythe; from Middle English 'sithe' which comes from Old English 'sithe' meaning 'sickle'

an implement having a semicircular blade attached to a short handle, used for cutting grain or tall grass; the cutting mechanism of a reaper or mower
sickle, sickled, sickling, sickles.verbs
transitive verb use.to cut with a sickle; to deform a red blood cell into an abnormal.crescent shape
intransitive verb use.to assume an abnormal crescent shape, often used of red blood cells

sickle cell.noun,.plural.sickle cells
an abnormal, crescent shaped red blood cell that results from a single change in the amino acid.sequence of the cell's hemoglobin, which causes the cell to contort, such as when it is under low oxygen conditions
sickle cell anemia.noun
an anemia marked by crescent shaped red blood cells, occurring almost exclusively in Black people of Africa or of African descent and characterized by occasional pain in the joints, fever, leg ulcers and jaundice; also called sickle cell dsease

swaddle, swaddled, swaddling, swaddles.transitive verbs
to wrap or bind in bandages; swath; to wrap a baby in swaddling clothes; to restrain or restrict
a band of some kind or a cloth used for swaddling

in a way not specified, understood or known

thoroughly soaked; saturated; soggy and heavy from improper cooking; doughy
sodden, soddened, soddening, soddens.verbs
intransitive and transitive verb use.to make or become sodden

soggy, soggier, soggiest.adjectives
saturated or sodden with moisture; soaked (soggy clothes); humid; sultry (a soggy afternoon in August)

sultry, sultrier, sultriest.adjectives
very humid and hot (sultry July weather); extremely hot; torrid (the sultry sands of the desert); sensual; voluptuous (a sultry look; a sultry dance; a sultry dress)

a male gamete or reproductive cell; a spermatozoon; semen

a chronic.infectious.disease caused by a spirochete (Treponema pallidum), either transmitted by direct contact, usually in sexual intercourse or passed from mother to child in utero and progressing through three stages characterized.respectively by local formation of chancres, ulcerous skin eruptions and systemic infection leading to general.paresis

any of various slender, spiral, motile.bacteria of the order Spirochaetales, many of which are pathogenic, causing syphilis, relapsing.fever and other diseases

also called.sperm cell; the mature fertilizing gamete of a male organism, usually consisting of a round or cylindrical nucleated cell, a short neck and a thin, motile tail
also called spermatozoal.and.spermatozoic

a devious.trick.used.especially for an underhand.purpose; tricky or questionable.practices or conduct; high-spirited or mischievous.activity; a prank; mischief; remarks.intended to deceive; deceit

a slothful person; an idler (Titus 1:12)

desecration, profanation, misuse or theft of something sacred; sacrilege is behavior that shows great disrespect for a holy place or object (vandals who committed sacrilege by tipping over a statue of an ancient.saint); stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege
grossly.irreverent toward what is or is held to be sacred; profane; having committed sacrilege

suborn, suborned, suborning, suborns.transitive verbs
to induce a person to commit an unlawful or evil act; in law, to induce a person to commit perjury; to procure perjured testimony

full of juice or sap; juicy; in Botany, having thick, fleshy, water-storing leaves or stems; highly interesting or enjoyable; delectable (people seem to love a succulent bit of gossip) succulent.noun,.plural.succulents
in botany, a succulent plant, such as a sedum or cactus, such as aloe vera

the part of a garment, such as a dress or coat, that hangs freely from the waist down; a garment hanging from the waist and worn by women and girls; an outer edge; a border or margin (a base camp on the skirt of the mountain); the edge, as of a town; the outskirts
skirt, skirted, skirting, skirts.verbs
transitive verb use.to lie along or form the edge of; border (the creek that skirts our property); to pass around rather than across or through (changed their course to skirt the storm); to pass close to; miss narrowly (the small plane just skirted the hill); to evade, as by circumlocution (skirted the controversial.issue)
intransitive verb use.to lie along, move along or be an edge or a border

fixed compensation for services, paid to a person on a regular basis; the word 'salary' came from 'money given to Roman soldiers to buy salt'; compare wages

serotonin is a chemical produced naturally in your brain, blood serum and gastric.mucous membrane of mammals that affects the way you feel, for example making you feel happier, calmer or less hungry and helps carry messages from the brain; serotonin assists in making you feel positive and thus happy and influences constriction of blood vessels, stimulation of the smooth muscles, transmission of impulses between nerve cells and regulation of cyclic body processes; serotonin is a suprachiasmatic nucleus

suprachiasmatic nucleus.noun
either of a pair of neuron.clusters in the hypothalamus situated directly above the optic chiasma that receive photic input from the retina via the optic nerve and that regulate the body's circadian.rhythms

simmer, simmered, simmering, simmers.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be cooked gently or remain just at or below the boiling point; to be filled with pent up.emotion; seethe
transitive verb use.to cook food gently in a liquid just at or below the boiling point; to keep a liquid near or just below the boiling point
the state or process of simmering (she had three simmers going at one time)
simmer down.phrasal verb
to become calm after excitement or anger

a long, irregular.strip cut or torn off (put the old papers through the paper shredder); a small amount of something on its own; a particle (not a shred of evidence it may rain today); see also shed
shred, shredded.or.shred, shredding, shreds.transitive verbs
to cut or tear into shreds (not being of the questioning kind of individual, his life was at the mercy of those he willy-nilly trusted)