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nominate, nominated, nominating, nominates.transitive verbs
to propose by name as a candidate, especially for election; to designate or appoint to an office, a responsibility or an honor

a word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others (Nikola Tesla was a most important inventor in history)
name, named, naming, names.transitive verbs.
to give a name to (named the child after both grandparents); to mention, specify or cite by name (named the primary colors {*}); to call by an epithet (named them all sheep)

in name only.idiom
allegedly; erroneously; falsely; pretended; quasi; self-called; specious; spurious; synthetically; titular
in name only.adverb
by title though not in fact (they present thmselves one way but in actuality are Jews in name only)

one that is named after another; someone's or something's namesake has the same name as they do; one named after another (his uncle Alex is the baby's namesake; Matthew 19:29)

not metallic
Chemistry:.of, relating.to.or.being a nonmetal
any of a number of elements, such as oxygen or sulfur, that lack the physical and chemical.properties of metals

an addictive.substance, such as opium, that reduces pain, alters.mood and behavior and usually induces sleep or stupor; natural and synthetic narcotics are used in medicine to control pain
inducing sleep or stupor; causing narcosis; of.or.relating.to narcotics, their effects or their use
a condition of deep stupor or unconsciousness produced by a drug or other chemical substance

numerate, numerated, numerating, numerates.transitive verbs
to enumerate; count
someone who is numerate is able to do arithmetic (your children should be literate and be able to numerate); able to think and express oneself effectively in quantitative.terms
numeracy is the ability to do arithmetic
the act or process of counting or numbering; enumeration; a system of numbering

narrow, narrower, narrowest.adjectives
of small or limited width, especially in comparison with length;  limited in area or scope; cramped; lacking flexibility; rigid (narrow opinions); barely.sufficient; close (a narrow margin of victory)
narrow, narrowed, narrowing, narrows.verbs
transitive verb use.to reduce in width or extent; make narrower; to limit or restrict (narrowed the possibilities down to three) intransitive verb use.to become narrower; contract
a part of little width, as a pass through mountains; a body of water with little width that connects two larger bodies of water (be careful going through the narrows in your boat); a part of a river or an ocean current that is not wide

also used with a hyphen between 'narrow' and 'minded', as in 'narrow-minded'; lacking.tolerance or breadth of view; petty; if you describe someone as narrowminded, you are criticizing them because they are unwilling to consider new ideas or other people's opinions

not photosynthetic

refusing.commitment to a particular.opinion or course of action; not revealing what one feels or thinks

'neuro' is a 'nerve' which transmits.impulses received from one's senses, such as something you hear, smell or something touching you, etc., which signals that are stimulated.thereby travel across what's called a synapse by using the body's natural chemical substances, such as acetylcholine or dopamine, that transmits nerve impulses across the synapse

nod, nodded, nodding, nods.verbs
intransitive verb use.to lower and raise the head quickly, as in agreement or acknowledgment; to let the head fall forward when sleepy; doze.momentarily (nodded off on the train; flowers nodding in the wind)
transitive verb use.to lower and raise the head quickly in agreement or acknowledgment; to express by lowering and raising the head (she nodded her agreement)
a forward or up-and-down movement of the head, usually expressive of drowsiness or agreement (gave a nod of affirmation); an indication of approval or assent

causing.irritation or distress; vexatious
nettle, nettled, nettling, nettles.transitive verbs
to sting with or as if with a nettle; to irritate; vex
any of numerous plants of the genus Urtica, having toothed leaves, unisexual apetalous flowers and stinging hairs that cause skin irritation on contact; any of various hairy, stinging or prickly plants

not reverberant; lacking a tendency to reverberate; unreverberant

not crystalline

nonplus, nonplused, nonplusing, nonpluses.transitive verbs
to put at a loss as to what to think, say or do; bewilder
a state of perplexity, confusion or bewilderment

failure or refusal to comply

a pulpy or cottonlike polymer.derived from cellulose treated with sulfuric acid and nitric acid and used in the manufacture of explosives, collodion, plastics and solid monopropellants; also called guncotton, cellulose nitrate

of, in or relating to the nose; in linguistics, articulated by lowering the soft palate so that air resonates in the nasal cavities and passes out the nose, as in the pronunciation of the nasal consonants 'm', 'n' and 'ng'; characterized by or resembling a resonant sound produced through the nose (a nasal whine)
in linguistics, a nasal consonant; a nasal part or bone, forming part of the bridge of the nose; the nosepiece of a helmet

a desert region and ancient.kingdom in the Nile River valley of southern Egypt and northern Sudan. After B.C.E. the 20th century it was controlled by the rulers of Egypt, although in B.C.E. the 8th and 7th centuries an independent kingdom arose that conquered Eygpt and ruled as the XXV Dynasty, B.C.E. 712-663. Converted to Christianity in the 6th century A.D., Nubia united with Ethiopia but fell to the Moslems in the 14th century A.D. Much of the region was flooded by the completion of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960's.

Noph.proper noun
the Hebrew name of an ancient Egyptian city (Isaiah 19:13; Jeremiah 44:1). In Hosea 9:6 the Hebrew name is 'Moph' and is translated 'Memphis' which is its Greek form. It was one of the most ancient and important cities of Egypt and stood a little to the south of the modern Cairo, on the western bank of the Nile. It was the capital of Lower Egypt. Among the ruins found at this place is a colossal statue of Rameses the Great.