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the word 'ego' comes from the Greek word 'i-mee', number 1510 in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and means 'I am', 'the self', the ego, the I, the me, me, me, a focused attention upon the things of the self; the ego is about a reward/deprivation.syndrome; someone's ego is their sense of worth toward greatness, self-aggrandizment as compared to one feeling worthy because he or she is able to be of help and/or good service to another, for example, if someone has a large ego, they think they are very important and valuable (ancient king Sennacherib had a massive ego); the word ego basically means, the individual as aware of himself; someone's ego is their sense of worth, for example, if someone is mostly egocentric, they are mostly thinking from a selfish viewpoint about what they encounter in life, that it is only important and valuable for themselves (he had a massive ego, seldom if ever would he admit to wrong because of hubris.permeating his character); the ego is typified by trying to figure out every angle so it can adjust in such a way as to always have or gain advantage and this is often the motivator to follow one's curiosity; the ego is us as individuals and is necessary in the early stages for the human journey we are on
self-centered; considering oneself or one's own interests to be above all other concerns

confined in attitude or interest to one's own needs or affairs; caring only about oneself; selfish; conceited; holding the view that the ego, the self, is the center, object and norm of all experience 
egocentric, egocentricity, egocentrism.nouns

a self-centered or selfish person; one devoted to one's own interests and advancement; an egocentric person; an egotist; an adherent of egoism
egoistic or egoistical.adjectives
conceited; self-centered; selfish

obsessive and excessive.preoccupation with the self; narcissistic

an individual characterized by egotism; a conceited, boastful individual; a selfish, self-centered person (a person of low taste, more interested in himself than others)
characterized by egotism 

excessive reference to oneself; the tendency to speak or write excessively and boastfully of things having to do with oneself; an inflated sense of one's own importance; conceit

egregious.adjective-(pronounced 'agree jus')
outstandingly, conspicuously bad or offensive; shocking
synonyms.flagrant, glaring, gross, rank

elaborate, elaborative.adjectives.(pronounced 'e lab or it')
developed in great detail; intricate; you use elaborate to describe something that is very complex because it has a lot of different parts; planned or executed with painstaking attention to numerous parts or details; produced by great effort; worked out in careful detail (used an individual's Cestui Que Vie trust kept hidden from them and the rest of We the People, to pay financial penalties levied by the criminal justice/attorney system who set up myriad rules {how many?} for violating them); built a large elaborate residence with money scammed from We the People through imposition of unapproved rules by We the People
elaborate.(pronounced 'e lab or ate'), elaborated, elaborating, elaborates.transitive verbs
to express at greater length or in greater detail (asked me to elaborate on my proposal)

elate, elated, elating, elates.transitive verbs
to make proud or joyful (her success elated the family)

of, relating.to.or.produced by electromagnetism
electromagnetic induction
a current flows in a wire when the wire is moved through a magnetic field

electromagnetic radiation
Radiation-emitted in the form of an electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic radiation includes all the forms of light including visible light.

electromagnetic wave.noun,.plural.electromagnetic waves
one of the waves that are propagated by simultaneous.periodic variations of electric and magnetic field.intensity and that include radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X rays and gamma rays; a wave that consists of an electric field in conjunction with an electromagnetic field-oscillating at the same frequency; an electromagnetic wave travels at the speed of light. Examples of electromagnetic waves are light, radio, etc.

electromagnetic spectrum 
the entire range of light radiation extending in frequency from approximately 1023 hertz (frequency) to 0 hertz or, in corresponding wavelengths, from 1013 centimeter to infinity and including, in order of decreasing frequency, cosmic ray-photons, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves and radio waves

the area of physics that deals with electrical and magnetic-fields; electromagnetism is of the four fundamental forces.(actually only 2, electromagnetism and gravity).necessary for all existence throughout the Universe; the others being gravity, the strong interaction (or, the strong force) and the weak interaction (or, the weak force)

Electromagnetism is magnetism developed by a current of electricity; a fundamental physical force that is responsible for interactions between charged particles which occur because of their charge and for the emission and absorption of photons, which, of the four forces is about 100 times weaker than the strong force (or, interaction) and that extends over infinite distances but is dominant over atomic and molecular distances, called also electromagnetic force; compare gravity, strong force, weak force.

Electromagnetism is a branch of physical science that deals with the physical relations between electricity and magnetism.

electron microscope
uses the electron instead of light as optical microscopes do; used because of the high magnification they provide; microscopy on the Net

electron transport
a sequence of biochemical reduction oxidation reactions that affect the transfer of electrons through a series of carriers

The successive passage of electrons from one cytochrome (proteins containing iron) or flavoprotein (a group of enzymes containing flavin bound to protein and acting as dehydrogenation catalysts in biological reactions) to another by a series of oxidation reduction reactions during the aerobic production of ATP, with the electrons originating from an oxidizable substrate and ultimately being passed to molecular oxygen. The oxidation reduction reactions generate the energy required for the production of ATP.

England/United Kingdom.proper nouns
a division of the United Kingdom, the southern part of the island; originally settled by Celtic peoples, it was subsequently conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes and Normans; acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 to create the political entity known as Great Britain and in 1801, with Ireland to form the United Kingdom. London is the capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
commonly called Great Britain or Britain, England, all terms referring to the British people and people of the United Kingdom (comprising the British, Scottish, Irish, Welsh people) Abbr. U.K., UK; a country comprising England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; beginning with the kingdom of England, it was created by three acts of union (with Wales (1536), Scotland (1707) and Northern Ireland (1800)); at the height of its power in the 19th century it ruled an empire that spanned the globe; London is the capital and the largest city of the U.K.

entreaty.noun,.plural.entreaties.(see intreat)
an earnest request or petition; a plea

the practices and forms customary to various cultures as prescribed by social convention or by consensus

expunge, expunged, expunging, expunges.transitive verbs
to erase or strike out (I have expunged what I felt were the unnecessary items to reduce the weight of the shipment); to eliminate completely; annihilate

etch, etched, etching, etches.transitive verbs
an etching is a picture printed from a metal plate that has had a design cut into it with acid; to cut into the surface of glass, for example, by the action of acid; to make or create by this method (etch a design on glass); to impress, delineate or imprint clearly (a landscape that is forever etched in my memory; trees that were etched against the winter sky)
intransitive verb use.to engage in etching

enshroud, enshrouded, enshrouding, enshrouds.transitive verbs
to cover with or as if with a shroud (louds enshrouded the summit)

estimate, estimated, estimating, estimates.transitive verbs
to calculate approximately (the amount, extent, magnitude, position or value of something); to form an opinion about; evaluate
the act of evaluating or appraising; tentative.evaluation or rough calculation, as of worth, quantity or size; a statement of the approximate cost of work to be done, such as a building project or car repairs; a judgment based on one's impressions; an opinion

the act or an instance of estimating; the amount, extent, position, size or value reached in an estimate; an opinion or a judgment; favorable regard.(in my estimation he is a good fellow); esteem

having no part excluded or left out; whole (I read the entire book); complete (gave us his entire attention); all in one piece; intact; of one piece; continuous; unmixed or unalloyed; pure or homogenous
the whole; the entirety
entireness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)
the state of being entire or complete; wholeness (to appreciate the sonata, one must hear it in its entirety)
wholly; completely (entirely satisfied with the meal); solely or exclusively (he was entirely correct)

a result; something brought about by a cause or an agent; producing an outcome or achieve a result; influence (his attitude had an immediate effect to cheer her up); the effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the second thing (parents concerned about the effect of music on their adolescent's behavior); an effect is an impression that someone creates deliberately, for example in a place or in a piece of writing (the whole effect of the new lighting is warm, light and airy, giving a nice freshness to the room); if you say that someone is doing something for effect, you mean that they are doing it in order to impress people and to draw attention to themselves; a person's effects are the things that they have with them at a particular time or the things that they own); if you effect something that you are trying to achieve, you succeed in causing it to happen (prospects for effecting real political change seemed to have taken a major step forward); consequence; outcome; placebo effect, ripple effect, side-effect, sound effect, special effect, greenhouse effect; you add 'in effect' to a statement or opinion that is not precisely accurate, but which you feel is a reasonable description or summary of a particular situation (that deal would create, in effect, the world's biggest airline)
effect, effected, effecting, effects.transitive verbs
to bring into existence; to produce as a result; to bring about; compare 'affect'
Usage note: the word 'effect' means 'to bring about or execute' (additional sales effected more income for the employees that owned the company); consider the sentence 'additional sales will effect income', implies that increased sales will cause new additional income', whereas, the sentence 'additional sales will affect income' could imply that the measures may reduce savings and income. See more Usage notes.

in effect.idiom
in essence; to all purposes (testimony that in effect contradicted her earlier statement; by not wearing proper winter clothes one is in effect, making it colder for himself); virtually
compare affect

having an intended or expected effect; producing a strong impression or response; striking (gave an effective performance as Othello); operative; in effect (the law is effective immediately); existing in fact; actual (a decline in the effective demand); of use for its intended purpose (the tool was effective for extraction of the worn part)
effective, effectiveness.or.effectivity.noun,.plural.effectives, effectivenesses.or.effectivities

in an effective way; in an effective manner; in a way that produces the result that was intended (children have to learn to communicate effectively); for all practical purposes; in effect (though it was still raining a bit the flood was effectively over)

producing or sufficient to produce a desired effect; fully adequate; effective

effectuate, effectuates, effectuated, effectuating.intransitive verbs
to bring about; effect

elongate, elongated, elongating, elongates.transitive and intransitive verbs
to make or grow longer (clams can elongate their shells)
made longer; extended; having more length than width; slender

Epictetus 55?-135?."Greek philosopher, whose philosophy of Stoicism.emphasized freedom, morality and humanity. Epictetus was probably born at Hierapolis, Phrygia, ancient Phrygia now being part of Turkey. Although a slave, as a youth he studied the philosophy of Stoicism. His master subsequently granted him his freedom and until AD90, Epictetus taught philosophy at Rome. In that year the Roman emperor Domitian, fearful of the dangers engendered by the teachings of the Stoics, exiled Epictetus and several other philosophers. Epictetus settled at Nicopolis, in southern Epirus, where he died. His doctrines have been preserved in two works compiled by his pupil, the Greek historian and philosopher Arrian: the Encheiridion (Handbook), the whole of which survives today and Discourses of Epictetus, of which four of eight books survive. According to these works, Epictetus was concerned chiefly with the problem of morality, that is, of defining good. He asserted that humans are basically.limited.(*).and irrational beings, but that the universe, ruled by God through pure reason, is perfect. Because human beings can neither know nor control their destiny, they must cease.striving for the attainment of worldly ends and instead calmly.accept the fact of their own powerlessness before fate. As a corollary of this doctrine, Epictetus held that human beings must, because of their own weaknesses, be tolerant of the faults of others."....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
