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a.indefinite article
Usage note:.usage of 'an' and 'a'.
Word 'an' is used in front of a word starting with a vowel, such as in this example."And Noah built 'an altar' unto the Lord".
The vowels are a, e, i, o, u.and sometimes.y) or with an unpronounced 'h', such as 'an hour'.
In English, the form 'a' is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound, such as in 'a frog' and 'a euphemism'. Even though the words 'university' and 'euphemism' each begin with a vowel, they take the 'a', such as in 'a university', 'a euphemism'.
The form 'an' is used before a word beginning with a vowel.sound.such as 'an orange' and in 'an hour', where the 'h' isn't pronounced, so it's regarded as 'o', a vowel.
Welcome to the crazy English language; See more on parts of speech/writing. See more Usage notes.

abate, abated, abating, abates.verbs
transitive verb senses or use.to put an end to (abate a nuisance); nullify.(abate a writ); to reduce in degree or intensity; moderate; to reduce in value or amount; make less especially by way of relief (abate a tax); deduct, omit.(abate part of the price) 
intransitive verb senses or use.to decrease in force or intensity; to become defeated or become null.or void; to decrease in amount or value
synonyms.decrease, ebb, subside, wane
-abate, stresses the idea of progressive diminishing (the storm abated) 
-ebb, meaning to die down in force or intensity; ebb suggests the receding of something (as the tide) that commonly comes and goes (the ebbing of daylight) 
-subside, implies the ceasing of turbulence or agitation (the protests subsided after a few days) 
-wane, suggests the fading or weakening of something good or impressive (waning enthusiasm; waning time of the moon is the best time to cut trees for lumber as they have special properties)
diminution in degree or intensity; moderation; the amount lowered; a reduction; in law, the act of eliminating or annulling

aberrant means unusual and away from what would normally be expected of someone; (evolutionists.ostracize themselves from true science by adhering to scientifically unacceptable erroneous.concepts); straying from the right or normal and effective way; deviating from the usual or natural type; atypical
a departure from what is right, true and correct; a deviation from the normal or the typical

having a similar.quality or character; of the same kin; related by blood, such as those of humanity God created and those tinkered with using satanic means, known as those with mankind genes; analogous
akin to.adjective
similar to, resembling, like, alike, twin to, analogous, parallel with, consanguineous, approximate, near, close, something like, sort of

you use abject to emphasize that a situation or quality is extremely bad (this idea turned out to be an abject failure); sunk to or existing in a low state or condition (abject poverty); cast down in spirit; servile, spiritless (made abject by suffering); showing utter hopelessness or resignation (abject surrender); expressing or offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit (abject flattery) (an abject apology)

abnegate, abnegated, abnegating, abnegates.transitive verbs
to give up rights or a claim, for example; renounce; to deny something to oneself (the king abnegated his throne); to refuse

staying in a place; home; house; residence

allot, allotted, allotting, allots.transitive verbs
to parcel out; distribute or apportion (allotting land to homesteaders; allot blame); to assign as a portion; allocate.(allotted 20 minutes to each speaker); assign

abound, abounded, abounding, abounds.intransitive verbs
to bring forth (the website abounds with many spectacular pictures from space; she was abounding with joy you could see that came from her heart; the rich soil made possible the abounding of beautiful flowers); teem; to have plenty; to be filled

an abortive attempt or action is one that becomes unsuccessful, one that you had to give up on; failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless (an abortive attempt to finish the negotiations)
the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus
abort, aborted, aborting, aborts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to give birth before the embryo or fetus is capable of surviving on its own; miscarry; to terminate an operation or procedure, as with a project before completion
transitive verb use.to cause to terminate pregnancy; to conclude.prematurely (abort plans for a vacation); to terminate before completion (abort a trip for some reason; abort a spaceflight; abort a takeoff); to stop the progress of a disease, for example
the act of terminating an operation or procedure

a ruler having unlimited power; a despot.(an individual with unlimited power or authority (a corporate autocrat); ruling by oneself; dictator
autocratic or autocratical.adjective
government by a single individual having unlimited power; despotism; a country or state that is governed by a single person with unlimited power

abrogate, abrogated, abrogating, abrogates.transitive verbs
to abolish, do away with or annul

abet, abetted, abetting, abets.transitive verbs
to approve, encourage and support (an action or a plan of action); urge and help on; to urge, encourage or help someone (abetted the one in control of alleviating the disaster)
abetment, abettor.or.abetter.nouns

sudden; hasty; an abrupt change or action is very sudden, often in a way which is unpleasant (Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents separated; he stopped abruptly and looked my way); someone who is abrupt speaks in a rather.rude, unfriendly way

allocate, allocated, allocating, allocates.transitive verbs
to set apart for a special purpose; designate.(allocate a room to be used for storage); to distribute according to a plan; allot (allocate rations for a week long camping trip) 

abscissa.noun, plural.abscissas.or.abscissae
symbol.x; the coordinate representing the position of a point along a line perpendicular to the y-axis in a plane Cartesian coordinate system

having no evident sex or sex organs; sexless; relating to, produced by or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as in binary fission or budding; lacking interest in or desire for sex; in asexual reproduction new plants are identical to parent plants, asexual reproduction involves no union of cells or nuclei of cells, there are no mingling of genetic traits

acquit, acquitted, acquitting, acquits.transitive verbs
to free or clear from a charge or accusation; to release or discharge from a duty

absolve, absolved, absolving, absolves.transitive verbs
acquit; a setting free from obligations or responsibilities; to relieve of a requirement or an obligation; to set free of some duty or duties
absolver.noun, plural.absolvers

agency.noun, plural.agencies
an organization or department, that does a specific job (ant colonies lack agency, yet get the job done, how?); the condition of being in action; operation; the means or mode of acting; instrumentality; a business or service acting by agreement for others (an employment agency); if an agency changes from the information originally provided to establish it, it then has disestablished itself, example WEF (World Economic Forum) established with good principles, but changed by Klaus Schwab, once it was established, to a criminal organization at war with We the People as proven by the covid con and by an original founder who left the WEF in disgust; the story

a means by which something is done or caused; instrument; a force or substance that causes a change (a chemical agent such as a bactericide); one that acts or has the power or authority to act; one empowered to act for or represent another (an author's agent; an insurance agent; a musician's agent); a representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government (an FBI agent; a spy); an agent provocateur

agent provocateur.noun,.plural.agents provocateurs
a person employed to associate with individuals or groups with the purpose of inciting them to commit acts that will make them liable to punishment; an instigator; one who provokes a crowd against someone or something and who is usually paid money by someone to do so

so speculative and flimsy as to lack all substance, purpose and practicality
airy-fairy.noun, plural.airy-fairies
an intellectual; one who lives 'in his head' too much and not enough from his heart (see the hilarious, but oh so very true Sir Ken Robinson video on modern education on TED) and don't forget funny man George Carlin's assessment of what's going on)

apothecary.noun, plural.apothecaries
an apothecary was a person who prepared remedies, often of herbs, for people; closest today would be a pharmacist in a pharmacy

asp.noun, plural.asps
any of several venomous snakes of Africa, Asia and Europe such as the small cobra (Naja haje) or the horned viper

an unfathomable chasm; a yawning gulf; an immeasurably profound depth or void

very bad (an abysmal performance); resembling an abyss in depth; unfathomable; very profound; limitless (abysmal wars); deep

quickness, accuracy and keenness of judgment or insight; sharp

assail, assailed, assailing, assails.transitive verbs
to attack with or as if with violent blows; assault (she assailed me with her invective); to attack verbally; to trouble; beset (was assailed by doubts)
assailableness, assailer, assailment.noun

occurring or belonging to the era before the Flood written about in the.Bible; also used to describe extremely old and antiquated things

alibi.noun, plural.alibis.(pronounced 'al euh buy', 'al euh buys')
if you have an alibi, you can prove that you were somewhere else when a crime was committed; something that proves that someone was not where a crime happened and therefore could not have done it; in law, a form of defense whereby a defendant attempts to prove that he or she was elsewhere when the crime in question was committed; the fact of having been elsewhere when a crime in question was committed' an excuse
alibi, alibied, alibiing, alibis.verbs
intransitive verb use.to make an excuse for oneself

having an ardent desire or unbounded craving (avid for adventure); marked by keen interest and enthusiasm (an avid sports fan); eager

asphyxiate, asphyxiated, asphyxiating, asphyxiates.verbs
transitive verb senses.to cause asphyxia in; smother
intransitive verb senses.to undergo asphyxia; suffocate
asphyxiator.noun, plural.asphyxiators
fire departments use various asphyxiators to extinguish fires
a condition in which an extreme.decrease in the amount of oxygen in the body accompanied by an increase of carbon dioxide leads to loss of consciousness or death; asphyxia can be induced by choking, drowning, electric shock, injury or the inhalation of toxic gases

of, relating.to the United States (map) or its people, language or culture; of or relating to North or South America, the West Indies or the Western Hemisphere; of or relating to any of the Native American peoples; indigenous to North or South America, used of plants and animals
American.noun, plural.Americans
a native or inhabitant of America

American Revolution (1775-1783)
was about conflict between 13 British colonies (*) in North America and their parent country, Great Britain. It was made up of two related events: the American War of Independence (1775-1783) and the formation of the American government as laid out by the Constitution of the United States in 1787. First, the war achieved independence from Great Britain by the 13 colonies in America (the Treaty of Paris recognized this). Second,the newly created United States of America established a republican form of government, in which.power resided with the people

The state of Virginia, for a while, remained loyal to the king of England, but finally had enough of British tactics..Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
