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doozy or doozie.noun,.plural.doozies

dirigible.noun,.plural.dirigibles.(pronounced 'dir idge a bull')
see airship

disrail, disrails, disrailed, disrailing.verbs
transitive verb use.to reduce to a lower position (the politician's remarks were disrailed by the facts); to degrade; downgrade; displace (trolls tried displacing information to steer her effectiveness from influencing others); disrate

disrate, disrated, disrating, disrates.transitive verbs
to reduce in value, rank or rating; demote

disjoin, disjoined, disjoining, disjoins.verbs
transitive verb use.to undo the joining of; separate
intransitive verb use.to become separated

disjoint, disjointed, disjointing, disjoints.verbs
transitive verb use.to put out of joint; dislocate; to take apart at the joints; to destroy the coherence or connections of; to separate; disjoin
intransitive verb use.to come apart at the joints; to become dislocated
Mathematics: in mathematics, having no elements.in common; in a system of sets, having the property that every pair of sets is disjointed
separated at the joints; out of joint; dislocated; lacking.order or coherence (disjointed sentences)

a vertical.pipe for carrying rainwater down from a roof gutter

of.or.relating.to the common people; nor exclusive; popular (demotic speech; demotic entertainments); of, relating to or written in the simplified.form of ancient.Egyptian.hieratic writing; also of or relating to a form of modern Greek based on colloquial use

any of several carcinogenic or teratogenic.heterocyclic.hydrocarbons that occur as impurities in herbicides made with petroleum and causing massive harm to people (Dr. Sam Bailey and Eric explain 1, 2, 3)

demotivate, demotivates, demotivated, demotivating.transitive verbs
to cripple, depress, devitalize, discourage, dishearten, enervate, sadden, sap, undermine, weaken (normally enthusiastic, she had lost it for a short while)

a white or light-colored mineral, essentially CaMg(CO3)2, used in fertilizer, as a furnace refractory and as a construction and ceramic material; dolomite is a magnesia-rich sedimentary rock resembling limestone

disestablish, disestablished, disestablishing, disestablishes.transitive verbs
to alter the original.status of something approved to function as an existing entity having received acceptance to operate; to deprive a church or other NGO of their original approval (they no longer followed their original principles and so have disestablished themselves; the agency was set up to help but it was an excuse to initiate selfish harmful and nefarious.activities)

disk is another spelling of disc
a thin, flat, circular object or plate; something resembling such an object (the Frisbee is a disk used for having fun; the disk used in a disc brake); a disk used on a disk harrow; a phonograph record (the old LP's, the long playing records, outperform CD's, the compact discs, in sound quality, that is, fidelity is superior
Computers: in computers, a magnetic disk stores information such as sounds, pictures and data in the form of electrical signals through magnetization of a magnetic material, like a steel wire made of iron oxide
disked, disced, disking, discing, disks, discs.transitive verbs
to work soil with a disk harrow; to make a recording on a phonograph record
disklike, discoid, discoidal.adjectives
having a flat circular shape; discus

something resembling a flat, circular plate; a disk;
in sports, a typically wooden or plastic disk with a metal rim, that is thrown for distance in athletic competitions; a track-and-field event in which a discus is thrown; a small, brilliantly colored South American freshwater fish (Symphysodon discus) that has a disk-shaped body and is popular in home aquariums

any of a class of powerful explosives composed of nitroglycerin or ammonium nitrate dispersed in an absorbent.medium with a combustible.dope, such as wood pulp and an antacid, such as calcium carbonate, used in blasting; slang, something exceptionally exciting or wonderful and something exceptionally dangerous
dynamite, dynamites, dynamited, dynamiting.transitive verbs
to blow up, shatter or otherwise destroy with or as if with dynamite; to charge with dynamite (building number 7 was certainly charged with dynamite to blow it up as you can tell by how it collapsed)

of.or.relating.to.the Netherlands or its people or culture; of or relating to the Dutch language; of or relating to any of the Germanic peoples or languages; of or relating to the Pennsylvania Dutch in Pennsylvania, state of the US
Dutch.plural noun
the people of the Netherlands; the Pennsylvania Dutch; the West Germanic language of the Netherlands
go Dutch idiom
to pay one's own expenses on a date or outing (she pays for her meal, etc. and he pays for his)