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something added or attached to an entity of greater importance or size; an adjunct; to denote.subordinate.elements that are added to another entity
Biology:.a part or an organ, such as an arm, a leg, a tail or a fin, that is joined to the axis or trunk of a body
synonyms.appurtenance, adjunct, accessory, attachment

append, appended, appending, appends.transitive verbs
to add as a supplement or an appendix (appended a list of errors to the report); to fix to; attach

physical or verbal attack
Law:.an unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another; the act or an instance of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another
assault, assaulted, assaulting, assaults.verbs
transitive verb use.to make an assault upon; attack
intransitive verb use.to make an assault
aggravated assault.noun,.plural.aggravated assaults
any of various assaults that are more serious than a common assault, especially one performed with an intent to commit a crime

aggravate, aggravated, aggravating, aggravates.transitive verbs
to make worse or more troublesome; to rouse to exasperation or anger; provoke; annoy

an invisible breath, emanation or radiation; a distinctive but intangible.quality that seems to surround an individual or thing, such as the hue.emanating from a meditating man, woman or child; atmosphere (an aura of brightness surrounded his head); an air

aureole also aureola.noun,.plural.aureoles also aureolas
a circle of light or radiance surrounding the head or body of a representation of a deity or holy person; a halo

Aurora borealis; Aurora australis; the dawn
auroral or aurorean.adjective

having a feeling of opposition, distaste or aversion; repugnant; strongly disinclined.(was averse to sharing a table with them; investors who are averse to risk taking)
causing avoidance of an unpleasant stimulus

abstain, abstained, abstaining, abstains.intransitive verbs
to hold oneself off and away from; to refrain from something by one's own choice (abstain from dark side influences); refrain; decline

the act or habit of deliberate.self-denial; to hold back; abstain

voluntary.forbearance especially from indulgence of an appetite or craving or from eating some foods 
the act or practice of abstaining
abstinent, abstentious.adjectives

wholly involved or occupied; engrossed

absorb, absorbed, absorbing, absorbs.transitive verbs
this word 'absorb' is basically identical to the meaning of 'adsorb', shown next below, welcome to English, like puke, what was done to the language
absorbing information is done by occupying one's full attention, interest or time; engross; to take in a substance from the surface or space around something (plants absorb nutrients from the soil; to interest someone so much that they do not pay attention to other things (she sat on the couch, totally absorbed in her book); to read or hear a large amount of new information and understand it (her capacity to absorb information is amazing); to suck up (some kitchen cloths have great absorption); monopolize; to take something in through or as through pores or interstices; assimilate (immigrants who were quickly absorbed into society because they spoke the language of the country they came into, making it easier for them to socialize); to receive an impulse without echo or recoil (a fabric that absorbs sound; a bumper that absorbs impact); to take over a cost or costs (I'll absorb the trip's cost for you); to endure; to accommodate
capable of absorbing (hemp made T shirts are very absorbent and will keep the sweat away from the skin)
a substance that is capable of absorbing
the absorbencies of clothing materials vary widely; see also adsorb

the act or process of absorbing or the condition of being absorbed; a state of mental concentration
the property of a body that determines the fraction of incident radiation.absorbed by the body

adsorb, adsorbed, adsorbing, adsorbs.transitive verbs
to take up by adsorption
the accumulation of gases, liquids or solutes on the surface of a solid or liquid
adsorptive, adsorbent.adjective
capable of adsorption
an adsorptive material, such as activated charcoal
an adsorbed substance; see also absorb

ameliorate, ameliorated, ameliorating, ameliorates.transitive and intransitive verbs
to make or become better; improve
the act or an instance of ameliorating; the state of being ameliorated; improvement
(see also meliorate)

advocate, advocated, advocating, advocates.transitive verbs
someone who helps; to speak, plead or argue in favor of; support
advocate, advocator.nouns
one that helps and even argues for a cause; a supporter or defender (an advocate of civil rights); one that pleads in another's behalf; an intercessor (advocates for the underprivileged)
the act of pleading or arguing.in favor of something, such as a cause, an idea or a policy; active support

used to express various emotions, such as satisfaction, surprise, delight, realization, dislike or pain (ah shucks)

an antecedent of something is what happened or existed before it and was similar to it in some way; going before; preceding
one that precedes another; a preceding occurrence, cause or event (one's ancestors)

an apology is a line of reasoning presenting an argument of defense, an argument defending something; today however, the word also has this meaning, because the cabal keeps screwing around with language for its own purposes and to hell with your intelligence growth; so here this meaning of the same word is an acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense.(*)
apologize, apologized, apologizing, apologizes.intransitive verbs
regretful acknowledgment of a fault or offense to someone, even animals as they have souls too; to make a formal defense or justification in speech or writing
one who makes a justification or defense; an explanation or a reason to excuse what caused the offending act

a defense or justification
an individual who argues in defense or justification of something, such as a doctrine, a policy or an institution

apologetics is concerned with proving the truth of Christianity through well reasoned answers to questions of skeptics and seekers alike (1Peter 3:15)

apologetic also apologetical.adjective
offering or expressing an apology or excuse (an apologetic note or an apologetic smile); self-deprecating; humble (an apologetic manner); justifying or defending in speech or writing; a formal defense or apology

public announcement of the sentences imposed on individuals tried by the Inquisition and the public execution of those sentences by the secular authorities; the burning of a heretic at the stake. public ceremony of execution of individuals condemned to death by the Inquisition for heresy and other sins. It was the most cruel and torturous of the judicial ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church and was celebrated with great pomp and solemnity, as they loved to find reasons to murder others, as they do in today's age. The ceremony consisted of the procession of the condemned to a public place and the delivery of a sermon, followed by execution of the sentence, which frequently meant a burning at the stake. Most of these executions took place in Spain and Portugal and their colonies. The first recorded one was held by the Spanish inquisitor general Tomás de Torquemada in Sevilla (Seville) in 1481; the last took place in the early 19th century. Under Torquemada alone, about 2000 people were executed in autos-da-fé. The Americas also had autos-da-fé, with Mexico conducting one as late as 1815. The ceremony generally was held on a Sunday between Whitsunday and Advent or on All Saints' Day.

All Saints' Day, also Allhallows or Hallowmas, festival celebrated on November 1 in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches and by the Orthodox churches on the first Sunday after Pentecost, in honor of God and all his saints, known and unknown. It became established as a church festival early in the 7th century when the Pantheon in Rome was consecrated as the Church of the Blessed Virgin and All Martyrs.

Pope Gregory IV gave the custom official authorization in 835. November 1 may have been chosen because it was the day of one of the four great festivals of the pagan nations of the north and it was church policy to supplant pagan with Christian observances..comprised from Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

abjure, abjured, abjuring, abjures.transitive verbs
to renounce under oath; forswear; to recant.solemnly; repudiate (abjure one's decision); to give up (an action or practice, for example); abstain from
abjuration, abjurer.nouns

if someone is accused of apostasy, they are accused of abandoning their spiritual faith, political loyalties or principles; abandonment of one's faith and trust in their Creator, a political party, one's principles or a cause
one who practices apostasy
apostatize, apostatized, apostatizing, apostatizes-
to abandon one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause

placed before or in front; occurring before in time; earlier
