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the spinal column of a vertebrate; a thorn; something that resembles or suggests a backbone; the hinged back of a book; the crest of a ridge; strength of character; courage or willpower
spinal column.noun,.plural.spinal columns
the series of articulated vertebrae, separated by intervertebral disks and held together by muscles and tendons, that extends from the cranium to the coccyx or the end of the tail, encasing the spinal cord and forming the supporting axis of the body; the spine, also called the vertebral column
of, relating.to.or.situated near the spine or spinal cord; vertebral; resembling a spine or spinous part
resembling a spine or thorn; having spines or similar projections; spiny
spiny, spinier, spiniest.adjectives
bearing or covered with spines, thorns or similar stiff projections (pine cones feel spiny); shaped like a spine

stain, stained, staining, stains.verbs
transitive verb use.to discolor, soil or spot; to bring into disrepute; taint or tarnish; to color glass for example, with a coat of penetrating.liquid.dye or tint; to treat specimens for the microscope with a reagent or dye that makes visible certain structures without affecting others
intransitive verb use.to produce or receive discolorations
a discolored or soiled spot or smudge; a blemish on one's moral.character or reputation; a liquid substance applied especially to wood that penetrates the surface and imparts a rich color, such as varnish; a reagent or dye used for staining microscopicspecimens

smudge, smudged, smudging, smudges.verbs
transitive verb use.to make dirty, especially in one small area;  so smear or blur something using the improper window cleaner smudged the glass); to fill an orchard or another planted area with dense smoke from a smudge pot in order to prevent damage from insects or frost
intransitive verb use.to smear something as with dirt, soot or ink; to become smudged (photo negatives smudge easily)
a blotch or smear; a smoky fire used as a protection against insects or frost, as used in orchards

the top layer of the Earth's surface, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with organic.matter; a particular kind of Earth or ground (sandy soil)

soil, soiled, soiling, soils.verbs
transitive verb use.to make dirty, particularly on the surface; to disgrace; tarnish (a reputation soiled by scandal); to corrupt; defile; to dirty with excrement
intransitive verb use.to become dirty, stained or tarnished
the state of being soiled; a stain; filth, sewage or refuse matter
soiling or the condition of being soiled; a blot, stain or smudge

soil, soiled, soiling, soils.transitive verbs
to feed livestock with soilage; to purge livestock by feeding with green food
green crops cut for feeding penned livestock

fodder prepared by storing and fermenting green forage plants in a silo

a tall cylindrical.structure, usually beside a barn, in which fodder is stored; a pit dug for the same purpose; an underground shelter for a missile, usually equipped to launch the missile or to raise it into a launching position
silo, siloed, siloing, silos.transitive verbs
to store in a silo

soiree.noun,.plural.soirees (pronounced 'swaw ray')
an evening party or reception

of, characterized by or producing a hissing sound like that of the letter 's' or 'sh' (the sibilant consonants; a sibilant bird call)
a sibilant speech sound, such as English 's', 'sh', 'z' or 'zh'

the upper house of the U.S.A. Congress, to which two members are elected from each state by popular vote for a six year term; the senate is commonly applied to a body of men entrusted with a share in the administration of government, usually a higher body in a government, such as the Senate of the United States of America; the senate is an outcrop of Roman influence from the time of Julius Caesar, the senate being an assembly or council of citizens thought by some others to have the highest deliberative and legislative.functions in a government and was the supreme council of the ancient Roman.republic and empire; in the U.S.A. Congress, the upper house is called a senate and also in bicameral.legislatures of many states in the United States for America, to which two members are elected from each state by popular vote for a six year term; in Canada, France and some other countries, it's also the upper legislative house and called the senate; senate is an outcrop of the supreme council of state of the ancient Roman Republic and later of the Roman Empire; the building or hall in which such a council or assembly meets is also called a senate
of, concerning.or.befitting a senator or senate; composed of senators
a member of a senate

Shinar.proper noun
the ancient name for the territory later known as Babylonia or northern Chaldea; a country on the lower courses of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers; Amraphel was king of Shinar:.Genesis 14:1; Shinar refers to the plain lying in the south between the Euphrates river and the Tigris river (map). It was where Nimrod established his kingdom and where the tower of Babel was built. Amraphel, king of Shinar, was one of the four kings who fought against the five kings when Lot was taken prisoner. In later times it was known as Chaldea or Babylonia. Amraphel is known in history with the name Hammurabi

partially.conscious; not completely aware of sensations
semiconsciousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

a marriage.partner; a husband or wife; a man or woman in a romantic and/or planned to be long term, loving sexual.relationship
spouse, spoused, spousing, spouses.transitive verbs
to marry; wed

Sepharvaim.proper noun
was a double city and received the common name Sepharvaim, i.e. 'the two Sipparas' or 'the two booktowns'. This double city was taken by Sargon, king of Assyria:.Isaiah 37:13

a carton in which soap is packed; a temporary.platform used while making an impromptu public speech
soapbox, soapboxed, soapboxing, soapboxes.intransitive verbs
to engage in impromptu or public speaking, often flamboyantly
on one's soapbox.idiom
speaking one's views passionately

a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole (as hand for sailor; we have 30 hands on board for the voyage), the whole for a part (as the law for police officer in here comes the law; as fifty sail tomorrow for fifty ships), the specific for the general (as cutthroat for assassin), the general for the specific (as thief for pickpocket) or the material for the thing from which it is made (as steel for sword)

containing its own means of propulsion (a self-propelled golf cart; a self-propelled lawnmower)

situated or occurring within a cell (subcellular organelles); a division within the cell; smaller in size than ordinary cells (subcellular organisms); below the cellular level (subcellular research)

stylus.noun,.plural.styluses or.styli
a sharp, pointed instrument used for writing, marking or engraving; a phonograph needle; a sharp, pointed tool used for cutting record grooves; a stylus is a device like a pen with which you can input written text or drawing directly into a computer using a separate electronic writing pad or a touch screen computer