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-Nadab: One of the sons of evil Jeroboam I king of Israel, whose son also was wicked and reigned only two years:.1Kings 14:20; 15:25,26.

He succeeded his father in B.C.E. 954 before being assassinated by Baasha, who usurped his kingdom.

Keeping with the universal princiiple of reaping what one has sown, this retributive.justice some 24 years later fell on Baasha's family as Baasha had inflicted on Nadab:.1Kings 16:11-14. With Nadab's end the dynasty of Jeroboam was extirpated, as foretold by the prophet Ahijah:.1Kings 14:7-12.

And so, here's what happened to Nadab to end the race of Jeroboam I:.1Kings 15:27-30. This event is typical of the entire history of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, characterized by revolutions and counter revolutions, closeness to God when in trouble and distant from God when not.

Nebuchadnezzar I, long before Nebuchadnezzar II, the first Nebuchadnezzar was king of the earlier Babylon. He reigned B.C.E. 1125-1103. During that time he conquered Elam after the death of its latest king. Elam was one of the first nations on Earth.

-Nebuchadnezzar-II:.B.C.E. 630-562. Also spelt Nebuchadrezzar. He was contemporary with Cyrus the Great.

He was king of Babylonia 605-562:.Isaiah 14:4. He captured.(in 597).and destroyed.(586).Jerusalem and carried the Israelites into captivity in Babylonia. God calls this great king 'my servant'. God used Nebuchadnezzar to take the stubborn and rebellious ancient people of Israel into captivity. It would be better for them there than being slaughtered if they resisted this king of the massive first world ruling kingdom. They neglected God and automatically, this put them away from God.(Psalms 103:10), his love and protection. The very interesting story with many things for us all to learn:.Jeremiah 27:6-17. And please see about God humbling Nebuchadnezzar. Guess who's in control!

Nebuchadnezzar II lived in the time of the prophet.Daniel, who prophesied of the 'times of the Gentiles' which time began with his reign.

Nebuchadnezzar II had one big ego until God humbled him:.Daniel 4:29-31. Ego thinking precludes the flow of God to one's mind.

Nebuchadnezzar II became a wild beast for seven years. Though his physicality was that of a beast, his mind was the mind he always had; but it needed changing. Again, please see Nebuchadnezzar's story.

And, Nebuchadnezzar's story scripture by scripture:.Daniel 4th chapter.

Nebuchadnezzar II is remembered for making Babylon one of the most outstandingly beautiful cities of the ancient world. Babylon city included the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the World and was built for his Median wife Amyitis, daughter of Cyaxares, king of the Medes.

Nebuchadnezzar II's reign was followed by his good kind son Evil-Merodach.

-Nebuzaradan:.New and Concise Bible Dictionary:."Captain of the guard or commander in chief of Nebuchadnezzar-II's army at the capture of Jerusalem and afterwards at its destruction. He told Jeremiah, when he released him from his chains, that God had brought all this destruction upon Jerusalem because they had sinned against Jehovah and had not obeyed His voice. He gave Jeremiah.liberty to go where he pleased:.2Kings 25:8-20; Jeremiah 39:9-14; 40:1-4

-Nergalsharezer.also called Neriglissar and Nerglissar, was husband of Nebuchadnezzar II's daughter. He was an evil prince in Babylon who became king by killing his brother-in-law Evil-merodach Nebuchadnezzar II's son, in B.C.E. 559:.Jeremiah 39:3

Nergalsharezer was son of Sennacherib. On some bricks his name has been found as Nergal-shar-uzur, Rubu-emga. 

He was married to a daughter of Nebuchadnezzar-II. He was succeeded by his son, a mere boy, named Labosodarchod, who was murdered after a reign of some nine months by a conspiracy of the nobles, one of whom, Nabonadius, ascended the vacant throne and reigned for a period of seventeen years in about B.C.E. 555, at the close of which period Babylon was taken by Cyrus the Great.

Neriglissar/Nergalsharezer was brother in law to Evil-Merodach the good king of Babylon who was son of Nebuchadnezzar II. Nergalsharezer conspired against him and murdered him so he could reign as king.

-Nethinim: were those who were taken captive and became willing servants of king David and his son Solomon in the service of the temple:.Ezra 2:58 "All the Nethinims and the children of Solomon's servants, were three hundred ninety and two."
Ezra 2:70 "So the priests and the Levites and some of the people and the singers and the porters and the Nethinims, dwelt in their cities and all Israel in their cities. Ezra 8:20 "Also of the Nethinims, whom David and the princes had appointed for the service of the Levites, two hundred and twenty Nethinims, all of them were expressed by name."
Nehemiah 11:3 "...in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, to wit, Israel, the priests and the Levites and the Nethinims and the children of Solomon's servants."

Concise Bible Dictionary: The name 'Nethinim', signifies 'given' and 'devoted ones' and was applied to those who assisted the Levites in the service of the ancient tabernacle and the temple. It does not appear that God appointed them, as He did the Levites, but David and the princes appointed them for the service of the Levites, see above paragraph. After the return from exile the Nethinim are called the ‘ministers of this house of God.

The Nethinims grew in knowledge while serving in Israel:.Nehemiah 10:28 "And the rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the porters, the singers, the Nethinims and all they that had separated themselves from the people of the lands unto the law of God, their wives, their sons and their daughters, every one having knowledge and having understanding."

-Nimrod: He apparently founded Babylon and the city of Nineveh and the Assyrian empire. Nimrod is supposed to have begun the tower of Babel. His name is still preserved by a vast ruinous mound, on the site of ancient Babylon:.Genesis 10:8 "And Cush begat Nimrod. He began to be a mighty one in the Earth."

Barnes Notes:."Nimrod himself made no secret of his designs and pursued them with a bold front and a high hand and at the same time was aware of the name and will of Yahweh. This defiant.air gives a new character to his hunting, which seems to have extended even to man, as the term is sometimes so applied. His name, which literally means 'we shall rebel', is in keeping with the practice of an arbitrary and violent control over men's persons and property."

Nineveh: Nineveh, a huge city and capital of ancient Assyria.(map). The Greeks and Romans called it "the great Ninus". It was situated on the east bank of the Tigris, opposite and below the modern Mosul.

Its origin is traced to the times near the flood. See Nimrod, above. For nearly fifteen centuries afterwards it is not mentioned. In the books of Jonah and Nahum it is described as an immense city, three days' journey in circuit, containing more than one hundred and twenty thousand young children or probably six hundred thousand souls. It contained much cattle and numerous parks, garden groves, etc. Its inhabitants were wealthy, warlike and far advanced in civilization. It had numerous strongholds with gates and bars and had multiplied its merchants 'above the stars'. It is said that its crowned princes were as locusts and its captains as grasshoppers. With this description agrees that of the historian Diodorus Siculus, who says Nineveh was twenty-one miles long, nine miles broad and fifty-four miles in circumference; that its walls were a hundred feet high and so broad that three chariots could drive upon them abreast and that it had fifteen hundred towers, each two hundred feet high.

Nineveh had long been the mistress of the East, but for her great luxury and wickedness, the prophet Jonah was sent, more than eight hundred years before Christ, to warn the Ninevites of her speedy destruction. Their timely change of heart delayed for a time the fall of the city, but about B.C.E. 753, the period of the foundation of Rome, it was taken by the Medes under Arbaces and nearly a century and a half later, according to the predictions of Nahum, it was a second time taken by Cyaraxes and Nabopolassar, after which it no more recovered its former splendor. Subsequent writers mention it but seldom and as an unimportant place, so complete was its destruction, that for ages its site has been lost. 

This whole extensive space is now one immense area of ruins. The mounds which were the 'grave' of its ruins, were covered with soil as to seem like natural hills. But since 1841, Layard, Botta and others have been exploring its remains, so long undisturbed. The mounds chiefly explored lie at three corners of a trapezium about eighteen miles long and twelve miles wide and nearly sixty miles in circumference, thus confirming the ancient accounts of its vast.extent. The recent excavations disclose temples and palaces, guarded by huge winged bulls and lions with human heads. The apartments of these buildings are lined with slabs of stone, covered with sculptures in bas-relief and inscriptions in arrow-headed characters.

The Assyrian empire then came to an end, the Medes and Babylonians dividing its provinces between them. After having ruled for more than six hundred years with hideous tyranny and violence, from the Caucasus and the Caspian to the Persian Gulf and from beyond the Tigris to Asia Minor and Egypt, it vanished like a dream. Its end was strange, sudden, tragic.

Forty years ago our knowledge of the great Assyrian empire and of its magnificent capital was almost wholly a blank. Vague memories had indeed survived of its power and greatness, but very little was definitely known about it. Other cities which had perished, as Palmyra, Persepolis and Thebes, had left ruins to mark their sites and tell of their former greatness, but of this city, imperial Nineveh, not a single vestige remained.

Nisan:.Amtract Dictionary:."A Hebrew month, nearly answering to our April, but varying somewhat from year to year, according to the course of the moon. It was the seventh month of the civil year, but was made the first month of the sacred year at the coming out of Egypt:.Exodus 12:1,2. By Moses it is called Abib:.Exodus 13:4. The name Nisan found only after the time of Ezra and the return from the captivity of Babylon:.2Chronicles 36:10..It was before this called Abib:.Exodus 13:4. The name Nisan means 'month of flowers' and 'beginning'; basically Springtime. In their climate this was harvest time for grains, especially barley..Concise Bible Dictionary:."There were two periods for the year to commence, one called the Civil year and the other the Sacred."

The other months of the thirteen are:
2) Zif, May
3) Sivan, June
4) Tammuz, July
5) Ab, August
6) Elul, September
7) Ethanim or Tisri, October
8) Bul, November
9) Chisleu, December
10) Tebeth, January
11) Sebat, February
12) Adar, March
