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a part, share or portion, especially in relation to its whole; portion; ratio; proportion implies a gracefulness that results from the measured fitness in size or arrangement of parts to each other or to the whole
proportion, proportioned, proportioning, proportions.transitive verbs
to adjust so that proper relations between parts are attained; to form the parts of with balance or symmetry

forming a relationship with other parts or quantities; being in proportion; properly related in size, degree or other measurable characteristics
one of the quantities in a mathematical proportion proportionally.adverb

being in due proportion; proportional
proportionate, proportionated, proportionating, proportionates.transitive verbs
to make proportionate

propelling; onward force

is a protein like molecule; a group of organic-compounds comprising two or more amino acids which when linked form proteins

a digestive.enzyme found in gastric juice that catalyzes the breakdown of protein to peptides; a substance.containing.pepsin, obtained from the stomachs of hogs and calves and used as a digestive aid

helps metabolize fats

phase, phased, phasing, phases.transitive verbs
to plan or carry out systematically by phases; to set or regulate so as to be synchronized
phase in.phrasal verb
to introduce, one stage at a time
phase out,.phased out, phasing out, phases out.phrasal verbs
to bring or come to an end, one stage at a time
in phase.idiom
in a correlated or synchronized way
out of phase.idiom
in an unsynchronized or uncorrelated way
 a distinct stage of development; a temporary manner, attitude or pattern of behavior (just a passing phase); an aspect; a part: every phase of the operation; one of the cyclically.recurring.apparent forms of the moon or a planet; a distinct part in a heterogeneous system, as ice is a phase of H20 (2 parts hydrogen, 1 part oxygen, being combined, results in water); a homogeneous part of an heterogeneous system

salts based formally on phosphorus oxo acids and phosphoric acid; a chemical fertilizer containing phosphorus compounds

phosphorus.noun Symbol P 
a highly reactive, poisonous, nonmetallic element occurring naturally in phosphates, especially apatite and existing in three allotropic forms, white (or sometimes yellow), red and black. An essential constituent of protoplasm, it is used in safety matches, pyrotechnics (fireworks), incendiary (causing fire) shells and fertilizers and to protect metal surfaces from corrosion. Atomic number 15; atomic weight 30.9738; melting point (white) 44.1°C; boiling point 280°C; specific gravity (white) 1.82; valence 3, 5; phosphorus is important in maintaining the balance in ecology. Phosphorus in the form of phosphate enters the ocean from rivers, as a result of the weather processes affecting the Earth. It gets trapped in sediment and is released back into the oceans over time. This helps in the balance of nitrogen fixation and denitrification, the consumption of CO2 (carbon dixiode). Phosphorus helps maintain the balance, limiting the growth of organic material in the oceans.

a substance that exhibits phosphorescence; the phosphorescent coating on the inside of the screen of a cathode ray.tube, such as original TVs used in displaying their programs; from Latin 'phosphorus' meaning 'the morning star'

persistent.emission of light following exposure to and removal of incident.radiation; emission of light without burning or by very slow burning without appreciable heat, as from the slow oxidation of phosphorous

same as nucleotide, but many; they are involved in DNA replication, telling cells how to make polypeptides

a peptide containing ten or more amino acids

Any of a group of carbohydrates comprising long chains of monosaccharide-molecules.

an organic nitrogenous base soluble in water

a crystalline organic base, C4H4N2-(4 parts {molecules} carbon, 4 parts hydrogen, 2 parts nitrogen),that is the parent substance of various biologically important derivatives; any of several basic compound derived from or structurally related to pyrimidine, especially the nucleic acid.constituent.uracil, cytosine and thymine

Paleozoic Era.noun
The era.evolutionists believe to be characterized by the development of amphibians (lives in water and on land), fish and sea plants, land plants and reptiles; the Geologic Time Scale

the observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, as determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences; a type distinguished by visible characters rather than by hereditary or genetic traits; all the individuals belonging to such a type; opposed to genotype
phenotypic or phenotypical.adjective

coloring matter in the cells and tissues of plants and animals
pigment, pigmented, pigmenting, pigments.transitive verbs
to color with pigment
coloration of tissues by pigment; deposition of pigment by cells

movement, as toward a goal; advance; development or growth (homeschooled children progressing in learning); steady improvement
progress, progressed, progressing, progresses.intransitive verbs
to advance; proceed.(work on the new building progressed at a rapid rate); to advance toward a higher or better stage; improve steadily
in progress.idiom
begun; commenced; going on; underway

a moving forward; a sequence or succession of acts or happenings 
progressive, progressional.adjectives
a person who believes in progress 

pan.as a.transitive.or.intransitive verb
to move as camera does in order to get a panoramic effect or to follow a moving object 
a shallow, wide, open container, usually of metal and without a lid, used for holding liquids, cooking and other domestic purposes; a vessel similar in form to a pan, such as an open, metal dish used to separate gold or other metal from gravel or waste by washing; either of the receptacles on a balance or pair of scales; a basin or depression in the Earth, often containing mud or water; a hardpan which is a freely floating piece of ice that has broken off a larger floe
pan, panned, panning, pans.verbs
transitive verb use.to wash gravel, for example in a pan for gold or other precious metal; to cook food in a pan (panned the fish right after catching it)
intransitive verb use.to wash gravel, sand or other sediment in a pan; to yield gold as a result of washing in a pan
pan out.phrasal verb
to turn out well; be successful

that which stands out from others (could you please bring over that particular hammer with the red handle? is that the vehicle you are particularly speaking of, the one with the larger tires?); distinctive among other examples or cases of the same.general.category; of.relating.to.or.being a single person or thing (the particular person I had in mind; I'll get a particular present that I know she wants); of, relating to or concerned with details (gave us a very particular account of the trip); concerned over or attentive to details; exacting; meticulous (a very particular gardener); partial; notably.unusual (the cosmos has a particular hum to it); nice in taste; fastidious; hard to please (he's very particular about how food appears on the plate); being one unit or element among others (particular incidents in a story); denoting an individual member or subclass in logic; affirming or denying a predicate to a part of the subject, used of a proposition in logic ("some men are wise" is a particular affirmative)

an individual fact, point, circumstance or detail (now this particular movie edit, we'll place near the end; what particularly do you think would be a good present for his birthday?); a specific.item or detail of information or news (bill of particulars of expenditures); item
in particular
in distinction from others; specifically
to a great degree; especially (I particularly like the brown shoes; we called you here to particularly fix the wood cutting machine, but perhaps also you could have a look at the refrigerator in the coffee room as its not keeping the temperature cold enough); with particular reference or emphasis; individually or specifically

the quality or state of being particular rather than general; exactitude of detail, especially in description (a travel account written with almost excruciating particularity); attention to or concern with detail; fastidiousness.(a scholar known for her particularity); meticulous; a specific point or detail; an individual characteristic; a peculiarity

particularize, particularized, particularizing, particularizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to mention, describe or treat individually (itemize or specify) make particular as opposed to general or universal
intransitive verb use.to go into or give details or particulars

also known as a harlot or a strumpet; if someone describes a woman as a harlot, they disapprove of her because she is a prostitute or because she looks or behaves like a prostitute (1Thessalonians 5:22; 1Corinthians 10:32; Acts 15:20; 1Thessalonians 4:3), ancient Rahab was a harlot but she was one good woman, along with many other good women; one who solicits (sells) herself or himself, accepting payment for sex acts
prostitute, prostituted, prostituting, prostitutes.transitive verbs
to sell oneself or one's talent, for example for an unworthy purpose; to offer oneself or another for sexual hire
the act or practice of earning money for engaging in sex acts; the act or an instance of offering or devoting one's talent to an unworthy use or cause

Judaism:.either of two small leather boxes, each containing strips of parchment inscribed with quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures, one of which is strapped to the forehead and the other to the left arm by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish men during morning worship, except on the Sabbath and holidays; an amulet (an object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury); a reminder; Matthew 23:5 "But all their works they do for to be seen of men. They make broad their phylacteries and enlarge the borders of their garments."

ancient royal city of Mysia (an ancient region of northwest Asia Minor, which was passed successively to Lydia, Persia, Macedon, Syria, Pergamum and Rome) in Asia Minor, not visited by Paul as far as is recorded; ancient church there is one of the seven in Asia to which the addresses in the Revelation were sent; christians dwelt where Satan's throne was (the city was renowned for its idolatry); the city is still in existence and is called Bergama, with a population of about 20,000, some 2,000 of whom are nominally christian

living by seizing or taking prey; predatory; given to victimizing, plundering or destroying for one's own gain

living by or given to victimizing or destroying others for one's own gain; living by preying on other organisms (a predatory animal); of, relating to or characterized by plundering, pillaging or marauding

an organism that lives by preying on other organisms; one that victimizes, plunders or destroys, especially for one's own gain

prolong, prolonged, prolonging, prolongs.transitive verbs
to lengthen in duration; protract; to lengthen in extent
prolongate, prolongated, prolongating, prolongates.transitive verbs
to prolong