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not educated; ignorant or illiterate; not skilled or versed in a specified.discipline; not acquired by training or studying (an unlearned response
unlearn, unlearned.also.unlearnt, unlearning, unlearns.transitive verbs
to put something learned out of the mind; forget; to undo the effect of; put aside the practice of (was successful in unlearning anger by emphasizing.love)

impossible to dispute or disprove; undeniable (the historically unassailable truths of the Bible); not subject to intelligent attack or seizure; impregnable (an unassailable castle)
(it is unassailably the strongest plastic we've every used)

uplift, uplifted, uplifting, uplifts.transitive verbs
to raise; elevate; to raise to a higher social, emotional, intellectual or moral.level or condition; to raise to spiritual or emotional heights; exalt (music that uplifts the spirit)
the act, process or result of raising or lifting up; an effort to improve social, emotional, moral or intellectual standards; in geology, an upheaval

the process of being heaved upward; an.instance of being.so heaved; a sudden, violent.disruption or upset
Geology: a raising of a part of the Earth's crust
upheave, upheaved, upheaving, upheaves.verbs
transitive verb use.to lift forcefully from beneath; heave upward intransitive verb use.to be lifted or thrust upward

failing to give due.heed, care or attention; inattentive; forgetful

a flat-topped or rounded flower cluster in which the individual flower stalks arise from about the same point, as in the geranium, milkweed, onion and chive

having no special.function; without specialty or specialization

unwind, unwound, unwinding, unwinds.verbs
transitive verb use.to reverse the winding or twisting of (unwind the hose to water the garden); to separate the tangled.parts of; disentangle; when you unwind, you relax after you have done something that makes you tense or tired
intransitive verb use.to become unwound; to become free of stress from tension; relax (she liked to unwind before dinner just sitting in the back yard beside the creek)

not merited; unjustifiable or unfair
not deserving or worthy of something positive, especially help or praise

if you describe someone or something as unoffensive, you mean that they are not unpleasant or unacceptable in any way; harmless; innocent

Uz The native land of Job, supposed to have been in the south-east of Palestine towards.Arabia Deserta, the Arabian Desert of eastern Egypt between the Nile Valley and the Red Sea, which would lie open to attacks from the Sabeans and the Chaldeans.

an institution for more detailed.learning with teachingand research.facilities.constituting a graduate.school and professional schools that award in the form of papers, such things as master's degree and doctorates and an undergraduate.division that awards bachelor's degrees; the buildings and grounds of such an institution; the group of students and faculty of such an institution; literally.meant 'in one specified.direction' but.actually meant 'the whole of, entire' and 'regarded as a whole'
as first recorded around 1300 A.D.

universe means 'one song', that is, created by the one and only true, loving and kind Creator-God; all matter and energy, including Earth, the inhabitants, the galaxie we are in and all therein of the Milky Way galaxy regarded as a whole, called the multiverse; it's not a developing multiverse, but it's one of many; compare multiverse
of, relating.to, extending to or affecting the entire world or all within the world; worldwide; including, relating to or affecting all members of the class or group under consideration; general; applicable or common to all purposes, conditions or situations (the multiiversal language of a smile or laugh); a universal remedy for wellness revolves around 8-10 hours each night of sleep); of or relating to the universe or cosmos; cosmic
in logic, a universal proposition; a general or abstract.concept or term.considered.absolute or axiomatic
something that is universal relates to everyone in the world or everyone in a particular group or society (the desire to look attractive is universal; laughter and smiles are universal languages)

on; See Usage note at 'on'

a college or university.student who has not yet received a bachelor's or similar degree; a high-school student who has not yet received a diploma
of, relating.to.or.characteristic of undergraduates (undergraduate courses; undergraduate humor); having the standing of an undergraduate (an undergraduate transfer student)

in a lower position or place than (a rug under a chair); if a person or thing is under something, they are at a lower level than that thing and may be covered or hidden by it (a path runs under the trees); to or into a lower position or place than (rolled the ball under the couch); beneath the surface of (under the ground; swam under water); beneath the assumed surface or guise of (traveled under a false name); less than; smaller than (he jar's capacity is under three quarts); subject to the authority, rule or control of (under a dictatorship); subject to the supervision, instruction or influence of (under parental.guidance); subject to the restraint or obligation of (under contract); within the group or classification of (listed under biology); in the process of (under discussion); in view of; because of (under these conditions); sowed or planted with (an acre under oats);
in or into a place below or beneath (the hippopotamus played on the surface and then slipped under the water)
located or situated on a lower.level or beneath something.else (the under parts of a machine); lower in rank, power or authority; subordinate
in motion or operation; already commenced or initiated; in progress
out from under.idiom
having gotten free of worries or difficulties