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misinterpret, misinterpreted, misinterpreting, misinterprets.transitive verbs
to interpret.inaccurately; to explain inaccurately
misinterpretation, misinterpreter.nouns

Massachusett also Massachuset.noun,.plural.Massachusett or Massachusetts also Massachuset or Massachusets
a Native American people formerly located along Massachusetts Bay from Plymouth north to Salem; reduced by epidemics, the Massachusett ceased to exist as a people during the 17th century; a member of this people; the Algonquian language of the Massachusett

must.auxiliary verb
you use must to indicate that you think it is very important or necessary for something to happen; you use must not or mustn't to indicate that you think it is very important or necessary for something not to happen (what you wear should be stylish and clean and must definitely fit well; a doctor must not allow the patient to be put at risk); to be obliged or required by morality, law or custom (people must monitor government to ensure policies affecting them are what the voters wanted); to be compelled, as by a physical necessity or requirement (people and plants must have sunlight, oxygen and nutrition in order to live); used to express a command or an admonition (you must not go alone; you simply must be careful); Black's Law Dictionary used by the criminal cabal in their applicable to you today Maritime Law system to confuse the language meanings normally learned by people and says of word 'must', it's a definitive word to be determined by consent, such as someone says to you, 'You must have a vaccination' so you, not knowing the meaning of the word 'must' they are using, would think, 'I'd better do what they say', and that because you don't know that the use by them of the word 'must' requires your consent to do what has been asked of you; no consent on your part means you don't comply; have as a fixed resolve (if you must {consent to leave} leave, please come visit again soon); 'must' is used to indicate logical.probability or presumptive.certainty (if the lights were on, they must have been at home)
something that is absolutely.required or indispensable (promptness on the job is a must, that is you consent to that requirement); these suitcases are musts we are taking on our trip; comfortable shoes are a must when taking a walking tour of the countryside; this movie is a must see) 

the unfermented or fermenting juice expressed.from fruit, such as grapes

musth.also.must.noun,.plural.musths or musts
an annual period of heightened aggressiveness and sexual activity in male elephants, during which violent frenzies occur

musty, mustier, mustiest.adjectives
stale or moldy in odor or taste; out of date; antiquated; out of use or practice

a memorial is time set aside for someone having done good deeds who is now passed on deserving remembrance by those having known him or her for what they did, that is, a time with perhaps a meaningful.ceremony in remembering an individual for what good they had done:.Matthew 26:7-13; something, such as a monument, time or holiday, intended to celebrate or honor the memory of an individual or an event
serving as a remembrance of an individual or an event; commemorative; of, relating.to.or.being.in memory
memorialize, memorialized, memorializing, memorializes.transitive verbs
to provide a memorial for; commemorate; to present a memorial to
in memoriam.preposition
an expression.meaning.'in memory of', often used on the stone above the place where a dead individual is buried

a structure, such as a building or sculpture, erected as a memorial, such as the monument to the 10 million Ukrainians starved to death on purpose by Josef Stalin; an inscribed marker placed at a grave; a tombstone; something.venerated for its enduring.historic.significance or association with a notable past an individual or thing (traditions that are monuments to an earlier era); an object, such as a post or stone, fixed in the ground so as to mark a boundary or position

of, resembling or serving as a monument; impressively large, sturdy and enduring; of outstanding.significance (Nassim Haramein's monumental contributions to physics); astounding (monumental talent)

one that designs, builds or repairs mills or mill machinery

a device or mechanism that grinds grain; a building equipped with machinery and usually a stone called a millstone, for grinding grain into flour or meal; a machine or device that reduces a solid or coarse.substance into pulp or minute grains by crushing, grinding or pressing (a coffee grinder; a pepper mill); a machine that releases the juice of fruits and vegetables by pressing or grinding (a juicer; a cider mill); a machine, such as one for stamping coins, that produces something by the repetition of a simple process; any of various machines for shaping, cutting, polishing or dressing.metal surfaces; a building or group of buildings equipped with machinery for processing raw materials into finished or industrial products (a textile mill; a steel mill)
mill, milled, milling, mills.verbs
transitive verb use.to grind, pulverize or break down into smaller particles in a mill; to transform or process.mechanically in a mill; to shape, polish, dress or finish in a mill or with a milling tool; to agitate or stir until foamy; to halt a cattle stampede by turning the lead animals in a wide arc so that they form the center of a gradually tightening spiral
intransitive verb use.to move around in churning confusion 

one who builds or works with stone or brick
mason, masoned, masoning, masons.transitive verbs
to build of or strengthen with masonry
the trade of a mason; work done by a mason, a skilled tradesman in stonework or brickwork

a Freemason is a person who was a member of a guild of skilled.itinerant masons during the Middle Ages; also, refers to one belonging to an international fraternal and charitable organization with secret rites and signs
another name for Freemasonry

a brief.statement.used.to.express a principle, a goal.or an ideal; a saying to abide by; a maxim.adopted as a guide to one's conduct; a slogan

a device.consisting of fixed and moving parts that modifies.mechanical.energy and transmits that into a more useful.form; a simple device, such as a lever, a pulley or an inclined.plane, that alters the magnitude or direction or both, of an applied force; a system or device for doing work, as an automobile or a jackhammer, together with its power source and auxiliary.equipment; a system or device, such as a computer, that performs or assists in the performance of a human task; an intricate natural system or organism, such as the human body; a person who acts in a rigid, mechanical.manner
of, relating.to.or.felt to resemble a machine (machine repairs) machine, machined, machining, machines.verbs
transitive verb use.to cut, shape or finish by machine
intransitive verb use.to be cut, shaped or finished by machine (the metal for use in vehicles is easily machined)
being without a machine to do the work intended
machines or machine parts considered as a group; the working parts of a particular machine; a system of related.components that operate in a definable.manner (the machinery of a family managing their home and lives); a device or means of achieving or effecting a result

edible whole or coarsely.ground grains of a cereal grass; a granular.substance produced by grinding; kibble

the food served and eaten in one sitting; a customary time or occasion of eating food (mealtime is usually at about 5pm)

unwilling to state facts or opinions simply and directly; not brave or honest enough to say clearly and directly what you really think; mealy-mouthed is used in order to show disapproval; the expression mealy-mouthed occurs in the writings of Martin Luther, who was willing to speak his mind and this was different to the lackeys he spoke about

to determine.information from something, such as, if you measure the quality, value or effect of something, you discover or judge how great it is; dimensions, quantity or capacity as ascertained by comparison with a standard; a reference standard or sample used for the quantitative comparison of properties (the standard kilogram is maintained as a measure of mass; a unit.specified by a scale, such as an inch or by variable.conditions, such as half a day's trek (check a measuring tape and you'll see the gradations of 1/16th of an inch and the millimeter gradations as well); a system of measurement such as the metric system with its millimeters, meters, hectares, millilitres, litres, grams, kilograms, etc. or the imperial system with its inches, feet, yards, acres, ounces, pints, quarts, gallons, bushels, etc.; the act of measuring (please measure the width of the board); the extent or degree (the problem was in large measure caused by carelessness); a definite.quantity that has been measured out (the price of wine went up and the measure went down from 1 litre to 750 millilitres, so it's an up for them and a down for you); a fitting amount (she received a measure of recognition for her children's books)
Music:.a measure is one of the several short parts of the same length into which a piece of music is divided; the metric unit between two bars on the staff; a bar
the act of measuring or the process of being measured; a system of measuring (measurement in miles); the dimension, quantity or capacity.determined by measuring (the measurements of a room)

possible to be measured (measurable depths; measured the width of the container); significant
measure, measured, measuring, measures.verbs
transitive verb use.to ascertain the dimensions, quantity or capacity of (measured the height of the ceiling); to mark, lay out or establish dimensions for by measuring (measure off an area for the animals); to mark off or apportion, usually.with reference to a given unit of measurement (measure out a pint of liquid); to allot or distribute as if by measuring; mete; to serve as a measure of (the inch measures length; the pound measures weight); to consider or choose with care; weigh (she's a cautious speaker,  measuring her words before spouting out with them)
intransitive verb use.to have a measurement of (the room measures 12 by 20 feet; to take a measurement of
measure up.phrasal verb
to be the equal of; to have the necessary.qualifications (a job applicant who measured up well)
beyond measure.idiom
in excess of; wthout limit
for good measure.idiom
in addition to the required or suggested.amount

an action taken as a means to an end; an expedient (desperate measures to reduce.expenditures)