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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n 
p a g e  3 9

In this overview, you will discover the human body's cell membranes are made of amphiphilic.molecules, which have two sticks coming out of them and which consist of hydrocarbons.(made from carbon and hydrogen).which is the oil loving part of the molecule. The molecule's round head however has an affinity for water. The parts of the membrane are chemically tied together. When these molecules associate with other amphiphilic molecules, the tails, having an affinity for oil, huddle together to exclude water, while the heads all touch the water. This formation is by means of 2 sheets which react appropriately to ensure the hydrocarbons at the bottom edge of the sheet are not exposed to water. They bend inward and upward at the bottom shielding them from the water.

The living world contains two fundamentally different types of cells; the eukaryotes.(literally 'true nucleus').and the prokaryotes.(for 'proto cells'). The eukaryotes exhibit organizational complexity and the prokaryotes relative simplicity.

In what follows don't worry so much over the names, etc., just notice the complexity involved and the remarkable design evidenced.

Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes contain large cellular compartments called cytoplasm. Prokaryotes are no where near as complicated as the eukaryotes. A eukaryote's compartment is a subcellular organ called organelles which house all the functions necessary to perform a specific metabolic function. 

Eukaryotes gain structural integrity from fibrous proteins called cytoskeletons. Eukaryotes have a second membrane which encloses the nucleus of the cell.

The eukaryotic DNA being far more complex than prokaryotes, has several hundred billion nucleotides in some flowering plants. Humans have about three billion nucleotides...

Prokaryotes don't have the feature of eukaryotes and are a more simple form of a cell, when compared to the more complex eukaryotes. Prokaryotes gain structural support from a rigid wall surrounding the cell. Prokaryotes do not contain mitochondria, lysosomes.(a digestive vesicle).or peroxisomes.(another digestive vesicle). Prokaryotes lack organelles and a typical eukaryotic cytoskeleton.

The internal compartments of these types of cells are aqueous.(of, or like water), but compartments don't drift off as an unmoored boat would in the lake.

The specific structure of water is crucial to beneficial cellular functioning, as high quality water directly supports machinery involved in efficient molecular functioning.."Cancer is essentially a problem of cellular water. MRI's measure the relaxation phase of water. That's how they work."....Thomas Cowan, M.D., at about 58 minutes into the video.

Water has microplastics, prozac, birth control pills, chlorine, fluoride, cosmetics, medication pills, laundry chemicals, solvents, 'cides', solvents, paints, etc. Many poisons.lurk for the unwary.

Get a good filter, if you can find one that doesn't remove minerals or a system that does, then adds them back after ridding itself of the toxins filtered out. Don't take anybody's word for it unless you look up the specifications on it. Checking with your city's water department for their latest analysis will help you select which one to decide upon.

Be sure to do your part by using an infared sauna to help sweat out toxins, get plenty of sleep and do help the less fortunate.

High quality organic oils.(but never canola and not soy, palm or cottonseed oil, even if it's organic; look them up at.naturalnews.com, mercola.com, greenmedinfo.com; brianpeskin.com.{*}).are critically important as part of a cell responds to water and the other, to oils. High quality organic oils rich in Omega 6's and Omega 9's are needed to take oxygen from the blood into cells. 

Organic oils are extra virgin coconut oil, sesame, sunflower, extra virgin olive oil, safflower, almond, walnut, peanut, avocado, etc., again, only if they are organic and that because of the processes, pesticides and other 'cides' used in conventional production. Hear professor Brian Peskin, a trainer of doctors, on this.(brianpeskin.com).

Tallow is lard, in case you wanted to know. Bacon fat much the same as tallow.

Because of how the cell responds to both high quality water and high quality oils we could never have come.(as an original primordial.cell).out of the vacuum of space.(the Big Bang).or from some kind of primordial predominantly carbon solvent soup, as proteins would not have folded, thus preventing the major stabilizing force of certain cells aversion to water, whereby carbon rich.(oily).portions of the cell are folded within the protein globule.(like a glob of glue). Molecules rely upon this water repellence for their structural integrity. Without this, we would not exist!

From Total Health Breakthrough.(totalhealthbreakthrough.com):."In the 1960s, the edible oils industry began a campaign to convince us that vegetable oils are healthy. 

"Yes, these oils are derived from natural sources. But by the time they make it to your grocery store, they are anything but good for you. Corn oil, for example, contains none of the vitamins, minerals and fiber found in the plant itself.".And 85% of the corn and soybeans in the U.S.A have been corrupted by genetic modification, chemical fertilization and sprays of dangerous pesticides and other 'cides', such as the highly disruptive to the human system, glyphosate, one of Monsanto's poisonous concoctions, from the company that brought you Agent Orange. Glyphosate is used in the commercial product Roundup. If you use it or similar, you're part of the problem. Idiot farmers even use it on crops to dry them out. They too should have class action.suits taken out against them.

"A number of studies have shown a link between processed oils and heart disease. Processed oils have also been associated with asthma, blindness, cancer, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, stroke and liver problems. Meanwhile, the average American is consuming more than 50 times as much vegetable oil as he once did. Vegetable oils are not easy to avoid. They are in all salad dressings and processed foods. But some are healthier than others.

"Choose coconut oil for cooking. Choose olive oil.(which is easily damaged by cooking heat).for salads.".And make sure all your oils are organic. Organic Extra Virgin oils provide your intelligent body with the nutrients required to build the myelin sheath which protects nerves.

Evolutionary theory as has been commonly taught is such a crock! Among physical scientists the theory of evolution has been the nemesis.of credibility for behaviorial 'scientists' espousing.tenets of the evolutionary theory.

How does this complexity we see everywhere in nature arise and how is it maintained? The compartments arise as a result of the intrinsic properties of the biomolecules themselves; that is, the organelles have their own built in programming to do this.

Cancer starts due to erratic functioning of cells as two Nobel prize winners discovered, caused by damage from too many x-rays.(there is no such thing as a safe dose of radiation; taking vitamin C before and after getting an x-ray can mitigate the dangerous effects of radiation), smoking, chemical food dyes, preservatives, the many 'cides' used by the chemical industry on our foods, processed food, fluoride, on the counter and over the counter prescription and hard drugs, which greatly hinder the electrical signals the body, causing disconnects between the invisible pattern the body is always trying to repair itself to,  needs for proper digestion and elimination and all its functions including cell replacement, chemicals in cleaning sprays, deodorants, face creams, etc. and by poor diet which lacks needed minerals and lack of sleep, which hinders the body's ability to properly repair itself, but the big issue is they are out to poison you because satanists hate humans. More.

Most crystal 'natural' deodorants, sprays and vaccines contain dangerous aluminum.."Some of the most popular natural deodorants are the 'crystal' deodorant stones and sprays. But most people don't know that some of these crystal deodorant products contain aluminum. The crystal deodorant stones are normally made from alum. The most widely used form of alum used in the personal care industry is potassium alum. The full chemical name of potassium alum is potassium aluminum sulfate.

"The reason that most people try to avoid aluminum in deodorant is because of its possible link to Alzheimer's disease."....Dr. Mercola.(articles.mercola.com)

As well as the nutritional substances we ingest, the quality of the water affects cell function. Drink only natural mineral water or get a filter for your tap water after your throughly research to find one that takes out poisons and leaves in or returns minerals, as the particular properties of water and nutritional substances influences the level of enzyme activity in micro environments.

Miso helps rid the body of radiation that affects the body from microwaves, cell phone, computers, TVs, etc.. So does potassium iodide, but get the pure stuff.

The replication of eukaryotic DNA appears much more complex than prokaryote DNA replication.

Following is a description.(in condensed form).of prokaryotic DNA replication. 

There are two types of prokaryotes. Prokaryotes have two features; the nucleoid.(possessing organizational structure of the highest complexity).a mass of DNA, which rests in the cytoplasm.(the soluble cell contents). In addition to a membrane, these prokaryotes have a second structure surrounding the cell called the cell wall. Unlike the membrane, the cell wall is made of polysaccharide that is rigid and permeable to nutrients and small molecules. This prevents the cell from rupturing under stress.

The cell walls in plants are strengthened enough to withstand high winds, that is, until the fall, when the leaves come off.
