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execute, executed, executing, executes.transitive verbs
to put into effect; carry out; to perform; do (execute a U-turn); to make valid, as by signing (execute a deed); to perform or carry out what is required by (execute the terms of a will); in computer administration, to run a program or an instruction
the individual performing or the one to carry out what is required to execute the terms of a deceased's will
the act or an instance of putting to death or being put to death as a lawful penalty for such horrible.crimes as Crimes Against Humanity and Treason; effective, punitively.destructive action; the act of executing something or a criminal; the carrying into effect of a court judgment; a writempowering the enforcement of a judgment; validation of a legal.document by the performance of all necessary.formalities; the manner, style or result of performance (the plan seemed.sound, but its execution was faulty); the act or an instance of putting to death or being put to death; executions of cabal members for crimes against humanity and/or treason; latest, but not as yet verified (congress members in US) and those verified, Queen Elizabeth II, Gavin Newsome governor of California, slated for execution January 24, 2022.

an individual who carries out or performs something
Law:.in law, one who is appointed by a testator to execute the testator's will

possessing, exerting or displaying energy; active; of or relating to energy; energetic suggests sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality (an energetic fund raiser to assist the poor)
the capacity for work, the ability to do work or vigorous.activity; vigor; power; strength; exertion of vigor or power (building our own house was worth it, but was a project requiring a great deal of time and energy); vitality and intensity of expression (a speech delivered with energy and emotion); usable heat or power (magnetic energy would save people monthly utility costs); a source of usable power, such as magnetic motors or solar panels); in physics, the capacity of a physical system to do work
used to modify another noun (energy conservation; energy efficiency; energy costs)
energize, energized, energizing, energizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to give energy to; activate or invigorate (the monthly visit by the family friend was so interesting, it energized the boy); to supply with an electrical current; connect to a source of electricity
intransitive verb use.to release or put out energy

embitter.(also spelt 'imbitter'), embittered, embittering, embitters.transitive verbs
to make bitter in flavor; to arouse bitter feelings in (was embittered by the divorce; being told to leave school because of refusing the poisons in vaccines is enough to embitter anyone)

of, relating.to.or.characteristic of an epoch; highly significant or important; momentous (epochal decisions made by Iceland to benefit its people; without parallel (epochal stupidity)

an era; a particular period of history, especially one considered remarkable or noteworthy (the epochal inventions of Nikola Tesla; the joke of the Geologic Time Scale); a notable event that marks the beginning of such a period; in astronomy, an instant in time that is arbitrarily selected as a point of reference

being in a vertical, upright position (an erect lily stalk; an erect posture shows poise)
erect, erected, erecting, erects.transitive verbs
to construct by assembling (erect a skyscraper building); to raise to an upright condition; to fix in an upright position; to set up; establish (erected a lego tower with the kids)
erectness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)
capable of being raised to an upright position; of or relating to tissue that is capable of filling with blood and becoming rigid

in or to a different or another place (she has property at the shore and elsewhere; you will have to look elsewhere for many answers as the educational system.lacks them, why?)

other; different (ask someone else); additional; more (would you like anything else?)
in a different or an additional time, place or manner (I have always done it this way and I do not know how else it could be done; where else would you like to go besides San Francisco?); if not; otherwise (be careful or else you will make a mistake)
or else.idiom
regardless of any extenuating.circumstances (be there on time or else!)
Usage note: the word 'else' is often used redundantly in combination with prepositions such as but, except and besides (no one else but Sam saw the accident (omit else); when a pronoun is followed by else, the possessive form is generally written thus (someone else's, not someone's else; you use 'else' after words such as 'anywhere', 'someone' and 'what', to refer in a vague way to another person, place or thing (if I can't make a living at painting, at least I can teach someone else to paint;
we had nothing else to do on those long trips; there's not much else I can say); both who else's and whose else are in use, but not whose else's (who else's book could it have been? whose else could it have been? See Usage note at who, whose. See more Usage notes.

effervesce, effervesced, effervescing, effervesces.intransitive verbs
to emit small bubbles of gas, as a carbonated or fermenting liquid; to escape from a liquid as bubbles; bubble up; to show high spirits or excitement

the use of physical or mental energy to do something; exertion; a difficult exertion of the strength or will (it was an effort to get up after that short sleep); a usually.earnest.attempt (she made an effort to arrive.promptly); something done or produced.through.exertion; an achievement (a play that was his finest effort)
Physics:.in physics, a force applied against inertia
effortless, effortfully.adverbs
calling for, requiring or showing little or no effort; easy
effortlessness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

an alloy of silver and gold

in anthropology, a marriage within a particular group in accordance with custom; fertilization resulting from pollenation among flowers of the same plant; in biology, reproduction by the fusion of gametes of similar.ancestry

of, relating to or characteristic of a horse; of or belonging to the family Equidae, which includes the horses, asses and zebras

enfold, enfolded, enfolding, enfolds.transitive verbs
to cover with or as if with folds; envelop; to hold within limits; enclose; to embrace

Grammar:.an interjection.such as Hi! Ugh!, Hmm! or Wow! and ending with the exclamation mark   ! 
an abrupt, forceful utterance (an exclamation of delight as of a reaction to surprise at a gift received "Oh, it's just what I wanted but never expected!); an exclamation is a sound, word or sentence that is spoken suddenly, loudly or emphatically and that expresses excitement, admiration, shock or anger
exclaim, exclaimed, exclaiming, exclaims.verbs
intransitive verb use.to cry out suddenly or vehemently, as from surprise or emotion (the children exclaimed with excitement about the plans of the family to go on a holiday to the beach)
transitive verb use.to express or say something suddenly or vehemently (exclaimed her surprise when she learned of her sisters coming to visit)
constituting, containing, relating.to or using exclamation

money, property, a deed or a bond put into the custody of a third party for delivery to a grantee only after the fulfilment of the conditions.specified
escrow, escrowed, escrowing, escrows.transitive verbs
to place in escrow
in escrow.idiom
in trust as an escrow

surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size; of, constituting, having to do with or suggestive of a literary epic (an epic poem)
an epic is a long book, poem or film, whose story tells of great events or extends over a long period of time; something that is epic is very large and impressive; an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero; a literary or dramatic composition that resembles an extended, narrative poem celebrating heroic feats; a series of events considered appropriate to an epic (the epic of the Old West)

relating to, existing on or connected with the outside or an outer part; exterior; suitable for application to the outside (external paints); existing independently of the mind; acting or coming from the outside (external pressures); of or relating chiefly to outward appearance; superficial
an exterior part or surface; outer circumstances; outward appearances (the home's externals highlighted the large yard) externally.adverb

outer; external (the exterior door); originating or acting from the outside (exterior influences affecting interior temperature); suitable for outside use (an exterior paint)
a part or a surface that is outside (the exterior of the house); an external or outward appearance (a friendly exterior; exteriors of houses with the same colors)

a comprehensive.reference work containing articles on a wide range of subjects or on numerous.aspects of a particular.field, usually.arranged.alphabetically; the word encyclopedia, which to us usually means a large set of books, descends from a phrase that involved coming to grips with the contents of such books; the Greek phrase is 'enkuklios paideia', made up of 'enkuklios', meaning 'cyclical', 'periodic', 'ordinary' and 'paideia' meaning 'education' and meaning 'general education', literally the arts and sciences that a person should study to be liberally educated; copyists of Latin manuscripts took this phrase to be the Greek word 'enkuklopaedia' with the same meaning and this spurious Greek word became the New Latin word 'encyclopaedia', coming into English with the wrong sense 'general course of instruction' first recorded in 1531. In New Latin the word was chosen as the title of a reference work covering all knowledge; the first such use in English of encyclopedia is recorded in 1644

educate, educated, educating, educates.verbs
transitive verb use.to develop the innate.capacities of, especially through educing; teach; to provide with knowledge and training in a particular.area (not having any money for it, she decided to educate herself further in life by 'walking with wise people to become wise' through books, after reading.James 1:5); to provide with information applicable to educing; to bring to an overstanding; to stimulate toward development or refinement of mental and moral growth of
intransitive verb use.to provide advantageous educational circumstances for; to teach or instruct a person or group; to educe
educable.adjective.(pronounced 'ed juh ka bul')
capable of being educated or taught (educable youngsters)
capable of being educated or taught; not close-minded

the act or process of educating or being educated; the knowledge or skill.obtained or developed by learning (driver education; a college education); an enlightening experience
of or relating to education; serving to educate (an educational film)
one who educates; a teacher or an administrator of a school or some other educational institution
one who is capable of educing; a specialist in the theory of education

educe, educed, educing, educes.transitive verbs
the word 'education' is educing in order to bring out something latent within someone, education being centered around drawing out those particular views a child or anyone, has toward the things of life so that they can be enhanced, thus taking the person further into learning so he or she can gain competence in living, reaching the fullest potential he or she could possibly.attain; educe is to draw from within, often with questions proposed and questions clearly answered, as if connected to a source of sound.reasoning; to deduce; to evokeelicit; extract
evoke.implies a strong stimulus that arouses an emotion or an interest or recalls an image or memory (a song that evokes warm memories) 
elicit usually implies some effort or skill in drawing forth a response (careful questioning elicited the truth) 
eduction.noun.(pronounced 'e duck shun')

incapable of being educated