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a local swelling of the skin that contains watery fluid and is caused by burning or irritation; a similar swelling on a plant; a raised bubble, as on a painted or laminated surface; a rounded, bulging, usually transparent structure, such as one used for observation on certain aircraft or for display and protection of packaged products (many shaving blades are sold in blister packs)
blister, blistered, blistering, blisters.verbs
transitive verbs use.to cause a blister to form on (we have a cool patio to go to when it's blistering hot); to reprove.harshly (he got a blistering talk to, from someone upset with him)
intransitive verb use.to break out in or as if in blisters

the isolation of a nation, an area, a city or a harbor by hostile ships or forces in order to prevent the entrance and exit of traffic and commerce; the forces used to effect this isolation
blockade, blockaded, blockading, blockades.transitive verbs
to set up a blockade against; besiege

blockchain is a newer technology having higher security that secures money transfers with protection not found in outdated centralized money transfer systems such as SWIFT (Secure Wire International Funds Transfer) aka Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication); blockchain is used in securing QFS money transfers using XRP and XLM

a solid piece of a hard substance, such as wood, having one or more flat sides; in printing, a large amount of text; a stand from which articles are displayed and sold at an auction (many priceless antiques went on the block); a mold or form on which an item is shaped or displayed (a hat block); an engine block; a usually rectangular section of a city or town bounded on each side by consecutive streets; a segment of a street bounded by consecutive cross streets and including its buildings and inhabitants; a large building divided into separate units, such as apartments (an apartment block); the act of obstructing; something that obstructs; an obstacle; in sports, an act of bodily obstruction, as of a player or ball; a blockhead (he seems like he's a blockhead at times, as when he is so stubborn)
block, blocked, blocking, blocks.verbs
transitive verb use.to shape into a block or blocks; to support, strengthen or retain in place by means of a block (we'll have to block the water flow in the creek for awhile); to shape, mold or form with or on a block (block a hat); to stop or impede the passage of or movement through; obstruct (block traffic); to shut out from view (a curtain blocking the stage); to indicate broadly without great detail; sketch (block out a plan of action)
intransitive verb use.in sports, to obstruct the movement of an opponent
out of the blocks.idiom
from a starting position, as in a race or contest (which horse was the first out of the blocks?; the company has in the past been slow out of the blocks to adapt to consumer tastes)

a spot; a discoloration on the skin; a blemish
blotch, blotched, blotching, blotches.transitive and intransitive verbs
to mark or become marked with blotches

bruise, bruised, bruising, bruises.verbs
transitive verb use.to injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of (part of the body) without breaking the skin, as by a blow; a contusion; to damage plant tissue, as by abrasion or pressure (bruised the fruit by careless packing); to dent or mar
intransitive verb use.to experience or undergo bruising (peaches bruise easily)
injury to underlying tissues or bone in which the skin is not broken, often characterized by ruptured blood vessels and discolorations; a similar injury to plant tissue, often resulting in discoloration or spoilage

in a lower place; below; underneath
lower than; below; covered or concealed by (the Earth lay beneath a blanket of snow); lower than, as in rank or station; unworthy of; unbefitting

in or to a lower place; beneath; on or to a lower floor; downstairs; in a later part of a given text (figures quoted below); farther down, as along a slope or valley; below zero in temperature (40° below)
underneath; beneath

backslide, backslid, backsliding, backslides.intransitive verbs
to revert to sin or wrongdoing; to start doing the bad things that you used to do, after having improved your behavior

a narrative poem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung, consisting of simple stanzas and usually having a recurrent.refrain; the music for such a poem; a popular song especially of a romantic or sentimental nature (a ballad singer; ballad compositions)
a singer of ballads

a four-wheeled open carriage with the seat or seats attached to a flexible board running between the front and rear axles and pulled by a horse or horses, as were used in wagon trains in the migration of men and women toward the settlement of Western parts of North America from the 1750s to the early 1900s (a buckboard wagon train of settlers)

a clear, colorless, highly refractive.flammable liquid, C6H6, derived from petroleum and used in or to manufacture a wide variety of chemical products, including the highly poisonous DDT, detergents, toxic insecticides and motor fuels; also called benzine, benzol

benzoyl peroxide.noun
a flammable white granular solid, (C6H5CO)2O2, used as polymerization.catalysts.in.bleaching.agents for flour, fats, waxes, oils and used in pharmaceuticals

originally, bonefire, a fire of bones; also now know as an outdoor fire that people can gather around because it provides warmth and can be used for cooking

something.produced in the making of something else; a secondary.result; a side effect

a strong gust of wind or airl the effect of such a gust; a forcible stream of air, gas or steam from an opening, especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion; a sudden loud sound, especially one produced by a stream of forced air (a piercing blast from the steam whistle because we were close to it); the act of producing such a sound (gave a blast on his trumpet); a violent.explosion, as of dynamite or a bomb; the violent effect of such an explosion, consisting of a wave of increased atmospheric pressure followed immediately by a wave of decreased pressure; a violent verbal.assault or outburst (the kids got a verbal blast from their parents for not responding to them)
blast, blasted, blasting, blasts.verbs
transitive verb use.to knock down or shatter by or as if by explosion; smash; to play or sound loudly (the referees blasted their whistles); to hit with force (the batter blasted the ball to right field); to make or open by or as if by explosion (blast a tunnel through the mountains for the trains later to comee)
intransitive verb use.to use or detonate explosives; (to emit a loud, intense sound; blare (speakers blasting at full volume); blight
blast off.phrasal verb
to take off, as a rocket
full blast.idiom
at full speed, volume or capacity (turned the radio up full blast; played the stereo at full blast)

a sudden hard stroke or hit, as with the fist or an object; an unexpected.shock or calamity; an unexpected attack; an assault (his finances took a blow when the economy went down)

blow, blew, blown, blowing, blows.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be in a state of motion as used of the air or of wind; to move along or be carried by or as if by the wind (her hat blew away); to expel a current of air, as from the mouth or from a bellows; to produce a sound by expelling a current of air, as in sounding a wind instrument or a whistle; to breathe hard; pant; to storm (it blew all night); to melt or otherwise become disabled as used of a fuse; to burst.suddenly (the tire blew); to spout moist air from the blowhole as used of a whale) 
transitive verb use.to cause to move by means of a current of air; to expel air from the mouth; to cause air to be expelled suddenly from (blew a tire); to drive a current of air on, in or through (blew my hair dry after I shampooed it); to clear out or make free of obstruction by forcing air through (constantly blowing his nose due to allergies); to shape or form glass, for example by forcing air or gas through at the end of a pipe; in music, to cause a wind instrument to sound; to sound (a bugle blowing); to cause to be out of breath; to allow a winded horse to regain its breath; to demolish by the force of an explosion; to melt or otherwise disable a fuse); to spend money freely and rashly; waste
the act or an instance of blowing; a blast of air or wind
blown away.phrasal verb
to affect.intensely; overwhelm (that concert blew me away
blew in.phrasal verb
to arrive, especially when unexpected (she just blew into town for a day and wanted to see us)
blow off.phrasal verb
to relieve or release pressure; let off
blow out.phrasal verb
to extinguish or be extinguished by a gust of air (blow out a candle); to fail, as an electrical apparatus (the electical surge from the electrical utility company had blown out the TV); to erupt in an uncontrolled manner, used of a gas or oil well
blow over.phrasal verb
to subside, wane or pass over with little lasting effect (the storm blew over quickly)
blow up.phrasal verb
to come into being (a storm blew up); to fill with air; inflate (blow up a tire that needed air); to enlarge a photographic image or print; to explode; to lose one's temper; bombs blowing up
blow a gasket.idiom
to explode with anger
blow hot and cold.idiom
to change one's opinion often on a matter; vacillate
blow off steam.idiom
to give vent to pent-up emotion
blow one's cool.idiom
to lose one's composure
blow one's mind.idiom
to be affected with intense emotion, such as amazement, excitement or shock
blow one's top or blow one's stack.idiom
to lose one's temper

one of the upright, usually rounded or vase-shaped supports of a balustrade; an upright support, such as a furniture leg, having a similar shape; one of the supporting posts of a handrail
a rail and the row of balusters or posts that support it