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facsimile; counterpart; a person or thing resembling another; form; image; similarity; likeness 

skulk, skulked, skulking, skulks.intransitive verbs
to hide or conceal something with often sinister.intent; to evade work or obligation; shirk; to move in a stealthy or furtive manner as out of cowardice or bad conscience; lurk

likely to be affected with; easily affected emotionally; responsive
susceptible, receptiveness
a disposition with a capacity for receiving impressions (we have to decide daily on what comes to our minds)
so as to be susceptible 
the quality of being susceptive 

a mythical person as in fairy tales, supposed to make one sleepy by throwing sand up and watching the shapes it falls down and forms

composed; calm; quiet; dignified; exhibiting peaceful deportment; serenely.deliberate, composed and dignified in character or manner; serious
sedate, sedated, sedating, sedates.transitive verbs
to administer a sedative to; calm or relieve by means of a sedative drug

having a soothing, calming or tranquilizing.effect; reducing or relieving.anxiety, stress, irritability or excitement
an agent such as an herbal tea or a drug, having a soothing, calming or tranquilizing effect

shy, shyer, shyest.adjectives
implies a reticence in being ostentatious; modest
easily startled; timid; drawing back from contact or familiarity with others; retiring or reserved; marked by reserve or diffidence (a shy glance); distrustful; wary (little children are usually shy of strangers); not having paid an amount due (she was shy three dollars in paying her bill); short; lacking (eleven is one shy of a dozen)
shy away from.phrasal verb
if you shy away from doing something, you avoid doing it, often because you are being cautious from not having enough information or not yet confident enough or just feel it's not what you want to be involved in and perhaps that because you sense there may be some danger there
shy, shied, shying, shies.intransitive verbs
to draw back, as from fear or caution (Moses was somewhat of a shrinking violet:.Exodus 4:10-16); recoil; to move suddenly, as if startled; start
a sudden movement, as from fright; a start
she has her shynesses when it comes to certain subjects of conversation

a spoken false and malicious.statement or report about someone; slander is an untrue spoken statement about someone which is intended to damage their reputation; compare libel; to slander someone means to say untrue things about them in order to damage their reputation; in law, oral communication of false statements injurious to an individual's reputation
the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation, calumny; a false and defamatory oral statement about a person; compare libel

slander, slandered, slandering, slanders.transitive verbs
to utter.slander; against defame; to slander someone means to say untrue things about them in order to damage their reputation

spurn, spurned, spurning, spurns.verbs
transitive verb use.to kick away; to push or drive away as with the foot; to reject.disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn; refuse; to kick at or tread on disdainfully
intransitive verb use.to reject something contemptuously
a contemptuous rejection

dignified; deliberate; well composed

stifle, stifled, stifling, stifles.verbs
transitive verb use.to interrupt or cut off; to keep in or hold back; inhibit; check; stop; repress.(stifles my expression); suppress; smother or suffocate
intransitive verb use.to feel smothered or suffocated by or as if by close.confinement in a stuffy room

the short, stiff stalks of grain or hay remaining on a field after harvesting; something resembling this material, such as short bristly hairs on a man's unshaven face

the usually short end remaining after something bigger has been used up (a pencil stub; a cigarette stub); something cut short or arrested in development a stub of a tail); the part of a receipt retained as a record; the part of a ticket returned as a voucher of payment
stub, stubbed, stubbing, stubs.transitive verbs
to strike one's toe or foot against something accidentally; to extinguish a cigarette butt by crushing

stubborn, stubborner, stubbornest.adjectives
someone who is stubborn or who behaves in a stubborn way is determined to do what they want, often without getting wise advice from others and is unwilling to change their mind (the stubbornness of the ancients; he is a stubborn character used to getting his own way, but was proved right as it turned out later); resolute.adherence to one's own ideas or desires; stubbornness can be either a good or a bad quailty of character, depending on what one's motivation may be and here one needs to ask 'why am I stubborn? stubbornness can come from an attitude one may have of good or of hate; bullheadedness; intransigence; inflexibly.maintaining a mental stance; unresponsive to kindness; determined in one's own way of thinking; stiffnecked; tending to resist, as an influence or idea; resistant to helpful influence; one who is stubborn resents change and avoids it (he stubbornly held onto ideas of good, in spite of a society mostly of evil and was saved from destruction (the story of ancient Lot:.Genesis 19:11-23); a stubborn stain or problem is difficult to remove or to deal with; unreasonably, often perversely.unyielding; bullheaded (lacking concern for others, he was full of his own will; it was good that she was stubbornly protective of good ways she was taught by her parents and teachers); stubbornness is also entrenched.arrogance.characteristic.of.bullying; mulish; difficult to deal with; difficult to warm up to; averse to good (she showed she wanted to be left to live her limited way by refusing consideration of better positive ways of expression); headstrong; stiffnecked; firmly.resolved or determined; characterized by perseverance; persistent; obstinate; obstreperous; difficult to handle, manage or treat (a stubborn cold which lasted a few days; the stubborn cold days of winter)
synonyms.obstinate; hardheaded; mulish; willful; adamant; headstrong; intractable; intransigent; inveterate; obdurate; obstinate; pigheaded (a colloquial expression) relentless; unflagging; unmoving; unyielding; resistant; renitent; cantankerous; recalcitrant; ornery; resistive
antonyms.flexible; openminded; compliant; friendly; agreeable; easygoing; open

suffuse, suffused, suffusing, suffuses.transitive verbs
to spread through or over, as with liquid, color or light (colors of blackish blue depth suffuse the late night sky); charge

Sanskrit.proper noun
an ancient Indic language written in Devanagari.that is the language of Hinduism and the Vedas and is the classical literary language of India
see Indic

stymie.also.stymy, stymied, stymieing.also.stymying, stymies.transitive verbs
to thwart; stump (a problem in thermodynamics that stymied half the class)
an obstacle or obstruction

superimpose, superimposed, superimposing, superimposes transitive verbs
to impose lay or place something on or over something else; to add as a distinct feature, element or quality (superimposed her own interpretation when she retold the story)

if you do something for the sake of something, you do it for that purpose or in order to achieve that result; to forsake God is to leave God for some other purpose; you can also say that you do it for someone's or something's sake (for the sake of historical accuracy, please permit us to state the true facts; for safety's sake, never stand directly behind a horse nor near or on a curb, best to stay about three feet from the street corner when waiting for the light to change); purpose; motive (a quarrel only for the sake of argument:.Proverbs 27:17); advantage; good (for the sake of his health); personal benefit or interest; welfare (for her own sake); the word 'sake' has to do with 'being correct', 'to be sure we're inline'; word is from Old English, before 900 A.D., from 'sacu' akin to.Old High German 'sahha' meaning 'action at law', 'cause', akin to 'seek'
for my sake, for her sake, etc. means 'on my/her/his account'

sake also saki.noun.(pronounced 'sack e')
a Japanese wine made from fermented rice

sever, severed, severing, severs.verbs
transitive.verb use.to part or break off; to cut in two; to cut off a part from a whole (sever the segments of the oranges and apples to put into the fruit bowl); to break up a relationship, for example; dissolve; to set or keep apart; divide or separate
a severing or being severed
intransitive.verb use.to become cut or broken apart; to become separated or divided from each other

not flowing or moving; foul.(stinking, extremely dirty).from lack of movement; lacking activity; sluggish
stagnate, stagnated, stagnating, stagnates.transitive.or.intransitive verb
to become or make stagnant; if something such as a man or woman, business or society stagnates, it stops changing or progressing, it loses its life, its enthusiasm for living

being self-righteous is when someone is smugly.moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others, implyingevil motives behind good things:.John 8:41; Matthew 12:24; self-righteousness is piously sure of one's own righteousness; moralistic; exhibiting pious self-assurance (self-righteous remarks); if you describe someone as self-righteous, you disapprove of them because they are convinced that they are right in their beliefs, attitudes and behavior and are close-minded to beliefs of others; self-righteousness involves being annoyingly.proud that one's own beliefs, attitudes and morals are good and right
an attitude that overrides concern for others with selfish superiority; an overtone of superiority

scant, scanter, scantest.adjective
barely sufficient.(paid scant attention to the book reading); meager (we were scant of breath after the lengthy climb)
scant, scanted, scanting, scants.transitive verbs
to give an inadequate portion or allowance to (had to scant the older hamsters in order to nourish the newborn); stint.(our leisure time is scanted by this demanding job

slink, slunk.also.slinked, slinking, slinks.verbs
intransitive use.to move in a quiet, furtive manner; sneak (slunk away ashamed; a cat slinking through the grass toward its prey)
transitive use.to give birth to prematurely (the cow slinked its calf)
an animal, especially a calf, born prematurely
born prematurely

easily nauseated or sickened; easily shocked or disgusted

a small spot, mark or discoloration; a tiny amount; a bit; mote (peppered her speech with specks of humor)
speck, specked, specking, specks.transitive verbs
to mark with specks
dotted or covered with speckles, especially flecked with small spots of contrasting color; motley
a speck or small spot, especially a natural dot of color on skin, plumage or foliage

steep, steeped, steeping, steeps.verbs
transitive verb use.to soak in liquid in order to cleanse, soften or extract a given property from (he steeped a cup of tea for a few minutes after removing it from the stove); to infuse or subject.thoroughly to; to make thoroughly wet; saturate
intransitive verb use.to undergo a soaking in liquid
the act or process of steeping; the state of being steeped; a liquid, bath or solution in which something is steeped (is the tea steeped enoough?)
steep, steeper, steepest.adjectives
having a sharp inclination; precipitous; at a rapid or precipitous.rate (a steep rise in volunteers); excessive; stiff (a steep price); ambitious; challenging (a steep undertaking)
a precipitous slope

Syriac.proper noun
an ancient Aramaic language spoken in Syria from the 3rd to the 13th century A.D. that survives as a liturgical language of several Christian Eastern churches
Syria.proper noun
a country of southwest Asia on the eastern Mediterranean coast, conquered by various powers in ancient times. It was a province of the Ottoman Empire (1516-1918) and became a French territory in 1920. Syria officially gained its independence in 1944. Damascus is the capital and the largest city. Population, 9,052,628.
