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Ammon, Ashkelon, Bashan. Bethel, Bethlehem, Bethsaida, Canaanites, Dead Sea, Ephraim, Gaza
Hazor, Hebron, Hesbon, Israel.(twelve tribes), Jericho and a detailed map, Jerusalem, Jordan river, Judah, 
Moab, Nazareth, Philistines, Ramah, Samaria, Shechem, Tyre

Nablus, Samaria

Jericho, detailed map

Argentina, Chile, Strait of Magellan

Chile 2

Mediterranean Sea

Sinai, mount Sinai

Malta, Tunisia

The 40 years wilderness wandering, why?

Israel, Judah

Genesis early nations


Sea of Galilee, Tiberias

Amman, Damascus, Dead Sea, Galilee, Israel, Jerusalem, Jordan, Lebanon, Sea of Galilee, Syria


Middle East

Mount Ararat

