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cobblestones are stones with a rounded upper surface which are used for making streets

a gradual increase, especially in the volume or intensity of musical sounds
gradually increasing in volume, force or intensity
crescendo, crescendoed, crescendoing, crescendoes.intransitive verbs
to build up to or reach a point of great intensity, force or volume
Word usage: note the words crescendos and crescendoes both meaning the same thing, that of an increase, one used as a noun and the other a verb; who was the English idiot who came up with that idea? Must have been one of those out to create confusion:.1Corinthians 14:33.

a fit of emotion, such as anger

in music, a vocal and instrumental piece composed of choruses, solos and recitatives

cui bono.noun,.plural.cui bonos
from year 1604; a principle that probable responsibility for an act or event lies with one having something to gain (she'll present the proposal cui bono); usefulness or utility as a principle in estimating the value of an act or policy

CUSIP is an acronym for Commitee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures, a committee of the American banker's Association. A CUSIP number, such as one's Birth Certificate and/or Social Insurance number, is used to identify a financial asset or bond, which they, the banksters bought your identity and traded back and forth amongst themselves, never letting you know. The CUSIP identity scam began in 1933 during the bankruptcy of the corporate United States (two governments in almost every country, one good, the other very evil). How was this corporate United States involved? It's an interesting story of hijacking by the criminals worming their way into taking over the United States government and controlling it from then on, that is, until now. Much thanks to Trump and the Alliance militaries for working so diligently, freeing all the today slaves who didn't even know that was their status. Interesting the education system stopped teaching what really matters, such as love, the Bible, the money system and how it's made to work for the criminals and is inimical to the good people and of course the so-called.health (mostly death) system, political system, et al, etc:.Luke 8:43,44

crummy.also spelt.crumby, crummier also spelt crumbier, crummiest also spelt crumbiest.adjectives
miserable or wretched (a crummy old building); shabby or cheap (a crummy little beat up rowboat)

clink, clinked, clinking, clinks.intransitive.and.transitive verbs
to make or cause to make a light, sharp ringing sound
a light, sharp ringing sound, as of glass or metal, such as would be those things jingling in someone's pocket

a prison or a prison cell; a jail; word comes from Clink, a district of London, England famous for its prison

chelate.noun,.plural.chelates.(pronounced 'she late')
a compound containing an organic.ligand.bonded to a central metal atom at two or more points by bonding to an amino acid
chelate, chelated, chelating, chelates.transitive verbs
to combine a metal ion with a compound to form a ring, thus removing the metal, such as lead or mercury poison from the bloodstream by means of the chelating procedure; to form a chelate with
types of chelations
types of chelators

Nautical:.the word cringle ia a nautical.term meaning a small ring or grommet of rope or metal fastened to the edge of a sail

any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant (Dianthus caryophyllus) having showy, variously colored, usually double, often fragrant flowers with fringed petals; a flower of this plant; a pinkish tint; word is from Old French and Old Italian 'carnagione', 'carne' meaning 'flesh, 'skin' and from Late Latin 'carnti', 'carntin'

cartouche or cartouch.noun,.plural.cartouches
an oval or oblong figure in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that encloses characters expressing the names or epithets of known individuals royal or divine personages; a cartouche is also a heavy paper cartridge case; from carta (the Magna Carta) meaning card, paper (a paper carton)

a skilled worker who makes, finishes and repairs wooden objects and structures
carpenter, carpentered, carpentering, carpenters.verbs
transitive verb use.to make, finish or repair wooden structures
intransitive verb use.to work as a carpenter as Emmanuel did:.Matthew 13:55

carve, carved, carving, carves.verbs
transitive verb use.to divide into pieces by cutting; slice (carve a roast turkey); to divide by parceling out (carve up an estate); to cut into a desired shape; to fashion by cutting (he carveed the wood into a figure); to make or form by or as if by cutting; to decorate by cutting and shaping carefully
intransitive verb use.to engrave or cut figures as an art, a hobby or a trade

a visible.body of tiny water droplets or ice particles.suspended in the atmosphere at altitudes.ranging up to several miles above sea level; a mass, as of dust, smoke or steam, suspended in the atmosphere or in outer space (example); a large moving body of things in the air or on the ground; a swarm ( a cloud of mosquitos): a cloud of locusts); 
cloud, clouds, clouded, clouding.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover with or as if with clouds (mist clouded the hills); to obscure (clouded the issues with lies); to cast aspersions on; sully (scandals of politicians cloud truth)
intransitive verb use.to become cloudy or overcast (the sky clouded over)
no clouds in the sky today
in the clouds.idiom
good to daydream as many good ideas then come forth

a cancer causing substance, such as most 'cides', including these poisonings
development of cancer (the carcinogenic effects of various products, many authorities said were safe, but they always lie, why?.2Corinthians 11:13; the carcinogenic effects of harmful pesticides used on fruit)

caffeine.also spelt.caffein.noun,.plural.caffeines
caffeine is a natural substance found in coffee, tea and cocoa (chocolate); from German 'kaffein' meaning 'coffee' or French 'caféine' and 'café' also meaning 'coffee'

acronym for Centers for Disease Control, euphemistically called Creation of Diseases Control

remember in the old cowboy & indian movies when the promise of help to come seemed to take forever, while those under siege were in an inextricable situation and how they must have felt when they saw the cavalry coming and they knew they were being saved and you, watching this movie, felt the same when on screen you could see the soldiers coming and the people shouting to each other "the cavalry's here"; the cavalry is part of an army that fought on horses; today the part of a modern army that uses light armored vehicles, such a helicopters, making them a highly mobile and effective unit (Earth Alliance and the non terrestrial Alliance have come to help Earth eradicate the evil ones, both of mankind and evil non terrestrial origins who almost took over the Earth)

cheetah also spelt chetah.noun,.plural.cheetahs
the fastest animal on land, can run for short distances at about 60 miles per hour (96 kilometers per hour); the cheetah is a long-legged, swift-running wild cat (Acinonyx jubatus) of Africa and southwest Asia, having black-spotted, tawny colored fur and non retractile claws; akin to the tiger and Leopard, the Cheetah surpasses them both in speed, but is no where near as fast as the Peregrin Falcon