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-coulombs: a unit, named after French physicist.(Charles Augustin de Coulomb, 1736-1806).for measuring the quantity of an electric current; the amount of electricity provided by a current of one ampere flowing for one second

-current(s).(in electricity): the flow or rate of flow of electric force in a conductor from a point of higher potential to one of lower potential; a stream of particles as in solar winds. Electric currents produce magnetic forces.

-electron(s): Thanks to what is called the electron, electricity can flow to power our appliances, etc. The electromagnetic force binds the path of the electron to the nucleus. Actually there is only one electron, but its appears tp be everywhere and so we think there are many of them. Why and how does this all work?

What is it that keeps an electron going if not the hologram? And is there really only one electron in the multiverse traveling at speeds so great that it appears that there are more and that they are everywhere? It's been orbiting steadily for billions or longer of years without stopping. At what point would you agree that this is perpetual motion?

An electron appears as a stable subatomic.particle in the lepton family having a rest mass of 9.1066 × 10–28 gram and a unit negative electric charge of approximately 1.602 × 10–19 coulomb.

The multiverse provides an abundance of energy. Particles pop into and out of existence continuously, popping from the depths of invisibility. We cannot see this sea of energy but it is very real and able to be used for free energy.

This energy is often called Zero Point Energy because it is the energy which remains when a system has its temperature lowered to absolute zero.

The Law of Conservation of Energy is undoubtedly correct when it shows that more energy cannot be taken out of any system than is put into that system. So-called free energy systems are open systems which have two energy inputs and draw power both from the user and from beyond the user, from an environmental source such as the vacuum, which thus allows excess energy to be produced by the device, similar to the need of two humans to produce a baby, where the spirit of the baby comes from beyond the couple.

Physicists believe all matter is comprised of what an electron is, an up quark and a down quark. Many now believe that the commonly held view that an electron was like a planet revolving around the Sun, is incorrect and that now this traditional view only exists when we observe it, expecting what it is that our brain tells us we are seeing to be the case, expecting it from either our own preprogrammed expectation and/or the information that is in the collective mind.(soul). It is believed that it is our view of the electron that gives it definition.

The electron is a non nuclear negatively charged particle that is a part of all atoms, carrying one charge 1.6 x 10-19.coulombs in size. An electron when observed in an atom is restricted to certain discrete regions called orbitals. The electron is everywhere. There is only one electron in the entire multiverse. How could this be? The energy of an electron depends on the orbital it occupies.

The invisible multiverse keeps track of the electron's location. It's a fully aware intelligent multiverse. It appears when an electron changes position or spin. It appears as though it has a twin, but again, it's because of how the invisible works that we explain as massive speed, so it can be at all places at once. If one electron will do the job, others would not be needed.

The zero point field communicates without regard for time, distance or the speed of light. We see this same characteristic in many things of nature, one for example being migration., another conundrum for the evolutionary theory.

An invisible intelligence causes all birds to simultaneously change direction at once and to all fly off at basically the same time. Same for schools of fish. Ever watch them? They are not following the leader. The same intelligence affects them all.

Science has yet to bind fields of subjectivity and objectivity, staying mostly on the side of objectivity. It's like saying one can't understand jazz until we diagnose the atoms in Louis Armstrong's trumpet. This road of ignorance has been followed by pseudo scientists

The single electron appearing in all in atoms has an orbital pattern movement resulting from their motion about the nucleus. Like the Earth they too spin on their axis. And, like the planets revolving about the Sun, they revolve angularly around the atom's nucleus.

An electron has a spin number of 1/2. The laws of physics.(patterns set of behavior of things by the Creator).provide no preferred direction for electron spin unless iron and other metals are involved, then the action is like tiny bar magnets. 

What appears as a single isolated electron has an axis that points in any direction, but when in iron, prefers to spin in the same direction as what appears to be others. The electron creates magnetism, until what has been magnetized cools.

Some, not understanding a single electron's speed, believe electrons are bound in pairs with 2 electrons occupying the same orbital.(orbit in the atom), but possessing opposite spins. When what appears as electrons occupying orbitals in the same system.(orbitals of the same energy {spinning at the same rate}).going into different orbitals with their spins parallel.(side by side), could actually be the one and only electron being what appears to us as more, because it can be 'everywhere' at once because of speeds we never take into consideration; for example.

The electron is much lighter than a proton. The mass of the electron is about 1/1800 of that of a proton and the number of times the electron circulates around a nucleus is equal to the number of positive charges on the nucleus.

The electron has mass without size. The electron has an agreed upon mass, a precisely determined electrical charge and magnetism.(arising from its spin), yet no detectable spatial.(of space).extension measurable as a radius, a problem for theoretical physicists, as they can't yet find a way to measure it. Until this conundrum is solved, physicists will continue pursuing answers to the questions: How is the world constructed and how should we describe it? 

An electron is 350,000 times lighter than the heaviest quark. Neutrinos are even lighter.

The electron travels at 300 miles a second.(500 kilometers per second).when in matter as described and equals the kinetic energy of the traveling proton.

The attraction between a negatively charged electron and a positively charged proton allays rapidly upon separation.

An electron's anti particle is a positron.

-gyroscope: A gyroscope is a wheel mounted in a ring so that the wheel's axis.(imaginary or real straight line).is free to turn in any direction. When the wheel is spun rapidly, it will keep its original plane.(flat; level; even).of rotation no matter which way the ring is turned.

-ion: Ions cause lightning and many other things including the electrolytes.(the effect of the passage of electric current through an aqueous {of, or like water} solution containing minerals).affecting the taste of bottled water.

An ion is an electrically charged particle.(atom).that will float in water, if the carbohydrate is deoxyribose. The electrical charge of the ion results when when a neitraatom loses or gains one or more electrons; the loss of electrons results in a positively charged ion called a cation and the gaining of electrons results in a negatively charged ion called an anion. 

This loss or gain occurs during chemical reactions in which electrons are transferred from one atom to another, by the action on matter of X-rays, ultraviolet light and other forms of radiant energy, and also by impact of alpha and beta particles, protons, neutrons,.deutrons.(the nucleus of an atom of deuterium {the hydrogen.isotope having an atomic weight of 2}), etc., on atoms and molecules)

-ionization: Ionization is the process by which an atom or molecule is turned into an ion by the loss or gain of one or more electrons.(disassociation into ions); to change or be changed into ions, as a salt dissolved into water or become electrically charged as a gas under the influence of radiation. Each second, cosmic rays strip electrons from some of the normally neutral molecules in the atmosphere. Ionization is also triggered by ultraviolet light, fires and the radioactive decay of certain elements.

-isotope/isotopic: the isotope/isotopic.(Greek: 'same place').of any given element is an atom with the same number of protons, but differing numbers of neutrons. It is any of two forms of an element having the same or very closely related properties and the same atomic number but different atomic weights. Example: U 235, U 238, U 239 are three isotopes of uranium; to explain another way, an isotope is an atom having the same number of protons in their nuclei, but different numbers of neutrons, thus different masses; a nuclide is an isotope with a specified.nucleon number
