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today referred to any living creature that being a multicellular.organism.other than a human being, can be referred to as an animal; word comes from 'anima' meaning 'soul', the invisible but very real factor.common to both humans and animals who can reproduce life and which can be filled with spirit, courage, resolution and also encouraged to action; animate; animals differ from plants in certain typical.characteristics such as capacity for locomotion, nonphotosynthetic.metabolism, response to stimuli, restricted growth and fixed bodily structure; our horribly.stupid educational system still fails to see that all things are alive and connected (*), for example that water has memory and feelings
relating to, characteristic of or derived from an animal or animals (animal fat; animal instincts and desires); a brute

an opening, such as a hole, gap or slit; a usually adjustable opening in an optical instrument, such as a camera or a telescope, that limits the amount of light passing through a lens or onto a mirror; the diameter of such an opening, often expressed as an 'f-number'

awake, awoke.or.awaked.or.awoken, awaking, awakes.verbs
transitive verb use.to rouse from sleep; to waken; to stir the interest of; excite; to stir up memories, for example)
intransitive verb use.to wake up; to become.alert; to become aware or cognizant (awoke to reality)
completely conscious; not in a state of sleep; vigilant; watchful
awaken, awakened, awakening, awakens.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to wake up
intransitive verb use.to wake up

attack, attacked, attacking, attacks.verbs
transitive verbs use.to set upon with violent.force; to be of a hostile.attitude against someone; to start work on with purpose and vigor (attack a problem
intransitive verb use.to make an attack; launch an assault: (sitting quietly conversing with others, suddenly this bully of unsane.ignorance steps over to the group and with no apparent.provocation and attacks one of them with punching and shoving)
the act or an instance of attacking; an assault; the initial movement in a task or undertaking (made an optimistic attack on the pile of paperwork)

a person who is opposed to something, such as an idea, a suggestion, a group, policy, proposal or practice is 'anti' that thing; 'antis' can be caused by misinformation a he or a she may hold to be true, such as 'vaccines are safe', where so-called evidence for safety is based on anti-science, whci is that which transgresses.scientific methods (espousing vaccinations is anti-science)
opposed to; against

a botanical.term, meaning.having no petals

an anniversary is a date which is remembered or celebrated because a special.event took place on that date in some previous year; the annually.recurring date of a past event, such as a wedding anniversary; a celebration commemorating such a date; the word anniversary is often used to modify another noun (an anniversary party; an anniversary ring)

a passageway between rows of seats, as in an auditorium or an airplane; a passageway for inside traffic, as in a department store, warehouse or supermarket

a public sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidder; the bidding in a game of bridge (auction bridge)
auction, auctioned, auctioning, auctions.transitive verbs
to sell at or by an auction (retired and sold all the farm machinery in an auction held on our property)

a large room to accommodate an audience in a building such as a school or theater; a large building for public meetings or performances

Augustine, Saint served 354-430 A.D.
early Christian church father and philosopher who served then as the bishop of Hippo in present-day Algeria and who wrote the autobiographical.Confessions.and the voluminous.City of Godon; one of his quotes

free of pathogenic.microorganisms (aseptic surgical instruments); using methods to protect against infection by pathogenic microorganisms (aseptic techniques); lacking.animation or emotion (an aseptic smile)

an antiseptic is a substance that kills germs and harmful.bacteria; (she bathed the cut with an iodine antiseptic); disinfectant; something that is antiseptic kills germs and harmful bacteria, thus.halting.sepsis (these vegetables and herbs have strong antiseptic qualities); of, relating.to.or.producing antisepsis; capable of preventing.infection by inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms; thoroughly clean; aseptic; devoid of enlivening or enriching.qualities (the atmosphere in some offices is antiseptic); sanitized (an antiseptic version of history)
a substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of microorganisms that may cause disease
the inhibiting of the growth and multiplication of harmful microorganisms by antiseptic means; destruction of disease-causing microorganisms to prevent infection

an aristocrat is someone whose family has a high social rank, especially someone who has a title; a person of nobility; a person having the tastes, manners or other characteristics of the aristocracy (a natural aristocrat who insists on organic food and best accommodations; one considered the best of its kind (the aristocrat of cars)

the word amen as used at the end of a prayer or a statement to express assent or approval
also called.Amon
the ancient mythological Egyptian God of life and reproduction, represented as a man with a ram's head, such as the stupid idol worship of the gross Baphomet; many don't use 'Amen' because of this connotation

avenues in many cities run east to west and streets run north to south; a wide street or thoroughfare; a means of access or approach (got great ideas on new avenues of life from a movie; new avenues of trade to consider)

arraign, arraigned, arraigning, arraigns.transitive verbs
in law, to call an accused person before a court to answer the charge made against him or her by indictment, information or complaint; to call to account; accuse

an astringent is a constrictive liquid that you put on your skin to make it less oily or to make cuts stop bleeding (the white part of oranges, grapefruit, etc, is called bioflavinoid and is effective in stopping blood flow just by eating it; try it next time you get a nosebleed); tending to draw together or constrict tissues; styptic means the same as astringent; sharp and penetrating; pungent or severe (astringent remarks coming from one who dislikes another); see also yin and yang
a substance or preparation that draws together or constricts body tissues and is effective in stopping the flow of blood or other secretions

ammonia is a colourless liquid or gas with a strong, sharp smell; it is used in making household cleaning substances; it's a pungent colorless gaseous alkaline.compound of nitrogen and hydrogen NH3 that is very soluble in water and can easily be condensed to a liquid by cold and pressure 