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originally Gaius Caesar, 12-41 A.D. Emperor of Rome (37-41) who succeeded his adoptive father Tiberius; after a severe illness, he displayed the ruthlessness, extravagance and megalomania that led to his assassination; as an adult he became insane and had members of his own family murdered

either of the two daughter strands of a duplicated chromosome that are joined by a single centromere and separate during cell division to become individual chromosomes

the most condensed and constricted.region of a chromosome to which the spindle.fiber is attached during mitosis

crystalize.also.crystallize, crystalized, crystalizing, crystalizes.verbs.(spelt with an 's' instead of a 'z' in the UK and some other countries)
transitive verb use.to cause to form crystals or assume a crystalline structure; to coat with crystals, as of sugar; to give a definite, precise and usually.permanent.form to (it only took a week for her to crystallize (form in her mind) her design for the decorations)
intransitive verb use.to assume a crystalline form; to take on a definite, precise and usually permanent form

being, relating.to or composed of crystal or crystals; resembling crystal, as in transparency or distinctness of structure or outline
a crystal is a small piece of a substance that has formed naturally into a regular symmetrical shape (salt crystals; a single crystal of silicon; crystal is a transparent rock that is used to make jewelry and ornaments (a strand of crystal beads); crystal is a high quality glass; a homogenous solid formed by a repeating three-dimensional pattern of atoms, ion or molecules and having fixed distances between constituent parts; a mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces; a natural or synthetic crystalline material having piezoelectric or semiconducting.properties; a high-quality clear, colorless glass; such objects considered as a group called crystal; a clear glass or plastic protective cover for the face of a watch or clock
clear or transparent (a crystal lake; the crystal clarity of her reasoning)
the science of crystal structure and phenomena

labor.exacted by a local authority for little or no pay or instead of taxes; a day of unpaid work required of a vassal by his feudal.lord (today it's working for nothing for one half the year just to pay all the taxes and the next half of the year what you've earned is yours to spend on things requiring even more taxes and/or fees to be paid on them, it being a.mechanism to keep the majority of people at the slavery level of existence)

castor bean.noun
the castor oil plant; the poisonous seed of the castor-oil plant, from which castor oil is obtained

one that casts (fishermen are casters of nets); a small wheel on a swivel, attached under a piece of furniture or other heavy object to make it easier to move; a small bottle, pot or shaker for holding a condiment; a stand for a set of condiment containers

a sauce, relish or spice used to season food (pass the ketchup)

excellent; first-rate