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a passage for escape or exit; a vent; a stream that flows out of a lake or pond; the mouth of a river where it flows into a larger body of water; a store that sells the goods of a particular manufacturer or wholesaler (the show store has 40 outlets in New York); a receptacle, such as one mounted in a wall, that is connected to a power supply and equipped with a socket for a plug (the plug in for the toaster)

the act of pouring out; something that pours out or is poured out; an outflow (an outpouring of lava; an outpouring of love to all)
outpour, outpoured, outpouring, outpours.transitive verbs
to flow out rapidly; pour out
a rapid outflow; an outpouring (an outpour of sympathy)

the act or the process of flowing out (watched the heavy outflow of the tide); something that flows out (an outflow of water from a sewage.treatment.plant); the amount flowing out (a heavier outflow of sewage occurs when tourists flood the town)
outflow, outflowed, outflowing, outflows.intransitive verbs
to issue or stream out, in or as if in a flow (the garden hose being left on flowed over all the garden)

so strong as to be overwhelming (an overpowering need for solitude)
overpower, overpowered, overpowering, overpowers.transitive verbs
to overcome or vanquish by superior.force; subdue; to affect so strongly as to make helpless or ineffective; overwhelm; to supply with excessive mechanical power (pushing the backhoe to the limit)

a line marking the outer contours or boundaries of an object or a figure (the little girl drew an outline of the house in which she lived); the shape of an object or a figure; a style of drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading; a sketch done in this style; a general.description.covering the main.points of a subject (give us an outline of your book report); a statement.summarizing the important points of a text
outline, outlined, outlining, outlines.transitive verbs
to draw an outline of; to give the main features or various.aspects of

Old Testament.noun
the first part of the Holy Bible containing ancient Hebrew writings whcih were about the time before the birth of Emmanuel; the first of the two main divisions of the Holy Bible with Scriptures originally written in Hebrew and which writes of the covenant of God with the ancient nation of Israel as distinguished from the later dispensation of Emmanuel constituting the New Testament; this first part of the Bible contains laws and prophecies later fulfilled in the person of Emmanuel, whose mission is described in the New Testament

offer, offered, offering, offers.verbs
transitive verb use.to present for acceptance or rejection; proffer (offered me a drink); to put forward for consideration; propose (offer an opinion); to present for sale (a hotel that offers conference facilities); volunteer (offered to carry the packages)
intransitive verb use.to present an offering in worship or devotion; to make an offer or a proposal
the act of offering (an offer of assistance)
the act of making an offer; an oblation; a contribution or gift

a forward rush or flow (was slowed down by the morning onrush of traffic to get to work)
onrushing adj.

overtake, overtook, overtaken, overtaking, overtakes.transitive verbs
to catch up with; draw even or level with; to pass after catching up with (in the horse race the 3rd horse overtook the lead horse and passed him)

the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated.muscles, joints and ligaments
from French 'orthopédique', 'orthopédie' meaning 'orthopedic surgery' and from Greek 'ortho-' and 'ortho-' + Greek 'paideia' meaning 'child-rearing'

oncoming means moving toward you (oncoming car, traffic etc; a storm etc that is coming towards you); advancing; approaching; forthcoming; imminent; impending; looming; onrushing; upcoming

an odyssey is a long exciting journey on which a lot of things happen; an extended adventurous voyage or trip; an intellectual or spiritual quest (an odyssey of discovery); a series of experiences that teach you something about yourself or about life (a spiritual odyssey)
Etymology:.the etymology is from the epic.poem.The Odyssey, attributed to the Greek poet Homer of B.C.E. 9th or 8th century. Two of the greatest works in Western literature,.The.Iliad.and.The Odyssey, are attributed to him recounting the longitude.wanderings of Odysseus
A character, being the King of Ithaca in ancient Greek mythological.stories and husband of Penelope, who is the main character in the poems. The two poems,.The Iliad.and.The Odyssey.by Homer are about a man who spent ten years fighting in the Trojan War and another ten years traveling home after the war. Homer's character is brave, clever and good at tricking people in order to get what he wants. In ancient Roman stories his name is Ulysses.

currently taking place (one's ongoing life of experiences); being.actually.in.process; in progress; something that is ongoing seems.likely to continue for some time in the future

another name for masturbation; coitus interruptus; named as such after Onan, son of Judah (Genesis 38:8,9)

outstrip, outstripped, outstripping, outstrips.transitive verbs
to leave behind; outrun; to exceed or surpass; excel

one that has been excluded from a society or system; an outcast is someone who is not accepted by a group of people or by society

conspicuously.unconventional; bizarre; if you describe something as outlandish, it's because you think it is unusual, strange or unreasonable (her idea is not as outlandish as it sounds, when you consider it; strikingly.unfamiliar; located far from civilized areas (he lives in the wild, outlandishly far from any town)
outlands are the outlying areas of a country (the wetlands are usually in the outlands); the provinces; a foreign land
an individual from the outlying area of the country (we call him an outlander because he's far outside the city and we seldom see him); a stranger; a foreigner

deprived of parents by death or desertion; a child deprived of parental care and has not been adopted; a young animal without a mother
deprived of parents
orphan, orphaned, orphaning, orphans.transitive verbs
to deprive a child of parents
the state of live experienced by one who is orphaned
an orphanage is a place where orphans live and are cared for