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a small, thin, crisp cake, biscuit or candy; a wafer is a thin crisp biscuit; a wafer is also a circular, thin piece of special bread (unleavened) which in some religious.ceremonies, the individual conducting them gives people to eat in a service of Holy.Communion (also called the Eucharist), where the wafer is symbolic of Christ; a small disk of adhesive material used as a seal for papers; in electronics, a small, thin, circular slice of a semiconducting.material, such as pure silicon, on which an integrated circuit can be formed
wafer, wafered, wafering, wafers.transitive verbs
to seal or fasten together with a disk of adhesive material

an individual who lacks.confident.interaction with others ineffectual
wimpy, wimpish.adjectives

either of two carnivorous.mammals of the family Canidae, especially the gray wolf of northern regions, that typically live and hunt in hierarchical packs and prey on livestock and wild animals; the fur of such an animal; any of various.similar or related mammals, such as the hyena
wolf, wolfed, wolfing, wolfs.transitive verbs
to eat greedily or voraciously
keep the wolf from the door.idiom
to avoid the privation and suffering resulting from a lack of money (both spouses had to take jobs in order to keep the wolf from the door)
wolf at the door.idiom
creditors or a creditor
wolf in sheep's clothing.idiom
one who cloaks a hostile.intention with a friendly manner; one who feigns.congeniality while actually holding malevolent intentions

a hard, rough lump growing on the skin, caused by accumulation of cell garbage that must be rid from the blood stream in order to keep the body in optimum.condition and which cannot be gotten rid of through peeing, pooping, sweating and breathing; a wart is often linked with being a virus by those not understanding and/or not letting the public know what a virus really is; a similar growth or protuberance as on a plant

a wild African hog that has two tusks and wart like growths on the face

wrap, wrapped.or.wrapt, wrapping, wraps.verbs
transitive verb use.to arrange or fold.something about as cover or protection (she wrapped her coat closely around herself); to cover, envelop or encase, as by folding or coiling something about (wrapped my head in a scarf); to enclose, especially in paper and fasten (wrapped a package for her for a Thanksgiving Day.gift; wrapped up the potato peelings); to clasp, fold or coil about something (she wrapped her arms about his neck); to envelop and obscure (fog wrapped the city); to engross (he was wrapped in thought)
that in which an object is wrapped or covered, such as material, as paper, in which something is wrapped (a candy wrapper; the material encircling a magazine or newspaper sent by mail; a book jacket; the tobacco leaf covering a cigar); one that wraps, as a store employee who wraps parcels
intransitive verb use.to coil or twist about or around something (the flag wrapped around the pole; to put on warm clothing);
wrap up.phrasal verb
to conclude a project (the movie is scheduled to wrap up filming next week); to summarize; recapitulate; wrap up means the same as wrap
a garment to be wrapped or folded about an individual, especially an outer garment such as a robe, cloak, shawl or coat; a blanket; a wrapping or wrapper (we ordered two vegan wraps for lunch); the completion of filming on a movie
wrapped up in.idiom
completely.immersed or absorbed in; involved in (she is wrapped up in her studies)

Western Hemisphere
the Western Hemisphere is the half of the Earth that includes North and South America, Central America, the Caribbean, their islands and the surrounding waters; the part of the globe west of the Atlantic ocean; that half of the Earth traversed in passing westward from the prime meridian to 180 degrees longitude; longitudes 20° W and 160° E are often considered its boundaries

wherever.adverb.also.where ever
in or to whatever place (she used red pencil wherever needed; where ever have you been so long?; in or to whichever place or situation (he easily makes friends wherever he goes)

wade, waded, wading, wades.verbs
intransitive verb use.to walk in or through water or something else that similarly.impedes normal movement; to make one's way arduously (waded through a long but interesting report)
transitive verb use.to cross or pass through water, for example, but with difficulty (on this hike, we have to wade a swift creek)
the act or an instance of wading
wade in.or.wade into.phrasal verb
to plunge into, begin work on (waded into the task at hand)

a weapon is something used to harm someone (he used the baseball bat and cast iron frying pan to club the intruder); an instrument of attack or defense in combat, as a gun, missile or sword
weapon, weaponed, weaponing, weapons.transitive verbs
to supply with weapons or a weapon
weaponize, weaponizes, weaponizing, weaponized.verbs
if a substance or material is weaponized, such as a vaccine, it is used as a weapon or made into a weapon and if a vaccine it's a bioweapon
weaponry is all the weapons that a group or country has or that are available to it; also called armaments

the sale of goods in larger quantities at lower prices as for resale by a retailer at higher cost to the public
of, relating to or engaged in the sale of goods in large quantities for resale (a wholesale produce market; wholesale goods; wholesale prices); made or accomplished extensively and indiscriminately; blanket (wholesale destruction caused by wildfires)
in large bulk or quantity; extensively; indiscriminately
wholesale, wholesaled, wholesaling, wholesales.verbs
transitive verb use.to sell in large quantities for resale
intransitive verb use.to engage in wholesale selling; to be sold wholesale

a small furrow, ridge or crease on a normally smooth surface, caused by crumpling, folding or shrinking; a line or crease in the skin, as from worry or poor nutrition and/or aging; a wrinkle is a raised fold in a piece of cloth or paper that spoils its appearance (he noticed a wrinkle in her stocking)
wrinkle, wrinkles, wrinkling, wrinkled.verbs
transitive verb use.to make wrinkles or a wrinkle in; to draw up into wrinkles; pucker (wrinkled her nose in disdain); if cloth wrinkles or if someone or something wrinkles it, it gets folds or lines in it (her stockings wrinkled at the ankles); when you wrinkle your nose or forehead or when it wrinkles, you tighten the muscles in your face so that the skin folds
Frannie wrinkled her nose at her daughter
intransitive verb use.to form wrinkles
(she did indeed looked older and wrinkled more than last time seeing her; his suit was wrinkled and he looked very tired)

the Earth; the multiverse; the Earth with its inhabitants; the human race; humanity considered as social.beings; people as a whole; the public; a specified part of the Earth (the Western World); a part of the Earth and its inhabitants as known at a given period in history (the ancient world before the flood); a realm or domain (the animal world; the world of imagination); a sphere of human activity or interest (the world of sports); a class or group of people with common.characteristics or pursuits (the scientific world); a particular.way of life (the world of the homeless); all that relates to or affects the life of a person (he saw his world involve an increasing number of likeminded people); human existence; life (brought a child into the world); a large amount; much (the quiet retreat on the weekend did her a world of good; why are political parties worlds apart when people all seem to want the same things?)
of or relating to the world (a world champion in chess)
for all the world.idiom
in all respects; precisely (she took in all the scenes of her trip as if she would later describe them in a book for all the world to read about) looked for all the world like a movie star
in the world.idiom
out of this world.idiom
extraordinary; superb (the dinner was out of this world
the world over.idiom
throughout the world (Bruno Gröning was known the world over); 
world without end.idiom
forever.(Ephesians 3:21)