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impossible or difficult to console; despondent (she was inconsolable after her pet died)

the word I've is a contraction of the short phrase I have, which has been.abbreviated

iron is an element which usually takes the form of a hard, dark grey metal; it is used to make steel and also forms part of many tools, buildings and vehicles; very small amounts of iron occur in your blood and in food (the huge, iron gate was locked)

an iron is an electrical.device with a flat metal.base; you heat it until the base is hot, then smoothly rub it up and down over clothes to remove creases; iron is used in expressions such as an iron hand and iron discipline to describe strong, harsh or unfair.methods of control which do not allow people much freedom; atomic number 26; atomic weight 55.847; melting point 1,535°C; boiling point 2,750°C; specific gravity 7.874 (at 20°C); valence 2, 3, 4, 6.
iron, ironed, ironing, irons.verbs
transitive verb use.iron clothes by pressing and smoothing with a heated iron (iron clothes to remove creases)
intransitive verb use.to iron clothes (I managed to get all the ironing done this morning)
iron out.phrasal verb
to settle through discussion or compromise; to work out
iron in the fire.idiom
an undertaking or project in progress (she has many irons in the fire this year); if someone has a lot of irons in the fire, they are involved in several different activities or have several different plans

too numerous to be counted; numberless; incalculable

being or occurring between galaxies (intergalactic space)

you use ineradicable to emphasize that a quality, fact or situation is permanent and cannot be changed; impossible to eradicate or be eradicated (ineradicable stains)

the part of the mind below conscious.thinking and which brings thoughts to it from the invisible with an apparent time delay of 6 seconds

produced by inbreeding; fixed in the character or disposition.as if.inherited; rooted and ingrained in one's nature as deeply as if implanted by heredity; innate; derived from within, subjective, intrinsic, fundamental, normal, implanted, inherent, essential, natural, inborn; existing from birth; produced by breeding among closely related members of a group of animals, people or plants (an inbred racehorse); inbreeding often results in decreased.vigor, size and fertility of the offspring because of the combined.effect of weaker recessive.genes in both parents, but one does have control over correcting the genes
inbreed, inbred, inbreeding, inbreeds.transitive verbs
to breed over time by the continued mating of closely related individuals, especially to preserve desirable traits in a stock (selecting one to mate with that is within one's close family may weaken the progeny); to breed or develop within; engender

interbreed, interbred, interbreeding, interbreeds.verbs
intransitive verb use.to breed with another kind or species; hybridize; to breed within a narrow.range or with closely related types or individuals; inbreed
transitive verb use.to cause to interbreed

also called Aryan; a subfamily of the Indo-European language family that comprises the Indic and Iranian branches; a member of any of the peoples speaking an Indo-Iranian language

a country on the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea (map), surrounded by Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. Population: 6,000,000 in 2001. Capital is Jerusalem
a descendant of the Hebrew.patriarch.Jacob.specifically; a native or inhabitant of the ancient northern kingdom of Israel (map)
a term.having to do with modern day Israel; of.or.relating.to Israel or its people today; a native or inhabitant of modern-day Israel

the quality or condition of being imperfect; something imperfect; a defect or flaw; a blemish
not perfect
a piece of merchandise having a minor.flaw that does not impair its use, usually sold at a discount
Grammar:.the imperfect tense; a verb in the imperfect tense; in Grammar, of or being the tense of a verb that shows, usually in the past, an action or a condition as incomplete, continuous or coincident with another action
Botany: in botany, as used of a flower, having either stamens or a pistil only
Law: in law, not legally.enforceable (an imperfect contract)

incinerate, incinerated, incinerating, incinerates.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to burn to ashes
intransitive verb use.to burn completely; from Medieval times, the Latin incinerare, incinerat- + Latin cinis, ciner-, meaning ashes

being such that a cure is impossible; not curable; believed to be incapable of being altered, as in disposition or habits

not high in price; less in cost than expected

intercept, intercepted, intercepting, intercepts.transitive verbs
to stop, deflect or interrupt the progress or intended.course of (intercepted me with a message as I was leaving); in sports, to take possession of by catching an opponent's ball such as in football
Mathematics:.in mathematics, to include or bound a part of a space or curve between two points or lines
interception of a radio transmission; an interceptor; in mathematics, the distance from the origin to the point at which a line, curve or surface.intersects a coordinate.axis; from Middle English 'intercepten' meaning 'to seize'
the act of intercepting or the state of being intercepted; in sports, a pass that is intercepted, such as a forward pass in football; something, such as a a radio transmission, missile, or aircraft that is intercepted
someone or something that intercepts