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R a t e - A - M a t e
(has 3 pages)
Rate-A-Mate or a potential one.

"Healthy love.(what's healthy love?).cannot be demanded nor taken for granted. It can only be a continuing give and take exchange and dialogue between two independent persons who share many values and responsibilities, yet still feel a childlike magic with each other."....unknown.

Healthy love is that where each partner is becoming one soul, beginning where each 'sees' a connection of the soul of the other with the Soul of all and merging each partners' soul with the Soul of all into a new creation.

Many males and females have alternative hidden agendas. Some are anxious to marry. Many want this for selfish reasons other than being together and sharing life together, growing in love. Better to be together and share life together without this licensed thing from the state for a price, called marriage certificate. Marriage then comes with a high price tag to get out of once things turn out not as expected.

Look away from your flesh hunger for a moment and consider the person who is the object of your attention.


Categories are in no particular order of importance whatsoever. 

Too many of us have relationships that have deteriorated into little more than a convenience of association. Perhaps rate your mate or a prospective one and find out a little more of where you stand or should stand with each other.

When to rate? Whenever. Do it a few times. At the beginning, a month later and so on. The score should go up each time. 

Get a piece of paper and for.each item.rate your thoughts from 1-10 with 10 being the absolute epitome of your expectations.

An expectation is something you feel another should fulfil.in order for them to be accepted by you. It's good to have standards, but acting as if another's interactions lack some standard of perfection you adhere to, will be disappointing. Expect a lot from yourself in being your best at all times if you are out to fit with another of similar character quality as you may be.

The word expectaton denotes a strong unbendable.hope. That's different from an anticipation, which is more of a looking forward that the following categories will exemplify the kind of person you would like to be together with throughout your life. 

When completed, add up your score. From a possible of 320, anything less than around 224, find another or decide how you are going to handle the too many negatives. Can and/or would the negatives eventually dissipate when and if the mind changes and how long do you think that would be in order to see change and are you willing to 'go through it' until you see improvement? Is the person worth it as Stasi was? And how do you feel about, keep looking?

Add 1 point for each year if you already are together.

The following 32 points for consideration will help you determine what is really attractive about another. Keep in mind that the negative things you see in another are things submerged.in you.that are often not instantly available on the surface for immediate consideration; they require contemplation.

If you score well in these 32 categories, know then that you.belong with.each other. Avoid controling men and if a man, avoid controlling women. These are those believing not that you belong with each other, but rather,.belong to.each other, as if the other person was some sort of a possession, like a car or bank account exclusively for personal use.

1- Sexually attractive to you.lovemaking excitement potential; passionate? Being in love is being aroused by the sexual and romantic thrill of the other person. There are many kinds of love.

4 more reasons for not being a 'porker': The head is clearer, the health is better, the heart is lighter and the purse is heavier! Drop the philosophy you get enough exercise just pushing your luck! To find out where you stand...

Sexual attraction is the first thing that brings males and females toward a relationship. A question to ask yourself about your prospective is can his/her kiss keep the winter warm for you? If you don't think it can, don't think much about this person for a mate.

Another thing that will kill sexual attraction quickly is if one or the other is a 'sapper', an energy hog. And why would someone be like that instead of being giving and helpful?

Do you feel as elated around the person 6 months into the relationship 'trial period' as you did initially? How many instances of you feeling sapped by the other were there? One is more that enough to make you think seriously about any long term commitment.

Do you think she/he is able to.keep.you happy?

What about older combining with younger?

The first thing toward a relationship after attraction is noticed, is courting, beginning with conversation.

Yeah, but, what if a guy has 8 girls or a girl has 8 guys that they are attracted to that all seem to fit well? Nice to have such a choice, eh? Go for the one you are most attracted to and this should include qualities of character important to you that he or she possesses more of than the others.

Does he or she have that light, that life in them:.John 8:12 "Then spake Emmanuel again unto them saying, I am the light of the world. He that follows me.(1Peter 2:21).is not in darkness but has the light of life.".Does she or he make the Sun shine in your heart? Do they reflect the higher standards of character to you? Do they even know anything about higher standards? Do they know any high standards at all? Do they follow high standards?

The mate you will attract will be in accordance with what you feel is needed at this time to complete yourself. If this completion of each other fails to carry on as you both grow on in life, the relationship will dissipate. It's a process that needs continuance.

If there is more than one for you that seems to fit, you have to weed them out by getting to know them until some shine not quite as bright as at first. Still not sure? Then, you're not ready or you're being 'called' either to somewhere or someone else!

But what if once I decide on someone and become committed, then later some other person comes along that I'm strongly attracted too?

You have to at some time make a decision and stick with it or you'll be forever in a mode where nothing ever grows into the depth necessary to fully carry a relationship through life. 

First, decide if you really do want to spend the rest of your life with this person or continuously with any person and the way he or she is now. If not, say goodbye.

Decide then, that once you have set your heart on someone, that this person will be your one and only, providing of course, that the one you have decided upon generally and overall, keeps growing in positives with you.

In making this decision on your one and only, consider: Do you live in his heart and vice versa? If not, better wait till you begin to at least function as a unit. All relationships are to help each other and that direction should generally be consistent, so that each improves as a person.

If you are in it just for sex or for other selfish reasons, get out and get mature, otherwise you'll waste too much time on patching, patching, patching as things continually will tend to fall apart because of a sketchy start.

The equation is: the degree of selfishness is equal to the length of time the relationship can continue. Unless equal and thus balanced, the relationship will wobble and then fall over:.2Corinthians 6:14.

Guys, increasing your chances.

2- Good looking to you?.pleasant looks; but remember, Emmanuel was no beauty.(Isaiah 53:2-4), nor was the great apostle Paul and Emmanuel was perhaps even chubby.(servant.org/h_cc.htm).yet would have been as perfect a mate as a girl would want.

Could not a man or woman today who is an.active.spiritual person.(see #15).also be a perfect mate?

Is the person under consideration attractive to you? Ask yourself "do I really want to live with this person for the rest of my life the way they presently may be and can I...warts, faults and all or do they have to change a lot first?"

If the answer is no and/or if they have to change first, say goodbye, for their sake and yours. Be honest with yourself! The world doesn't rise or fall in one day. Don't put excessive attention and all your hopes on anything but your connection with the Soul.

Do you think he or she feels you in their heart, sees you in their heart, wants you to be in their heart? If you answer no, say goodbye!
   Ask yourself if this guy or girl has enough love to last a lifetime.

People who say one cannot fool nature never watched a beauty shop operator work! Ha ha!

They all look cute by the dashboard light, but it's what's there the morning after the night!

3- Affectionate?.likes to be close and touch you or resistive, self sabotage type; thinks life is a succession of things to be enjoyed, endured, licked or commanded?

One can't be affectionate from the heart unless he or she knows that they are loved. Some believe that they are so worthless, that no one could possibly love them. They come with a burden!

Expressing heartfelt affection is important. Be sure the someone you find wants to be the fire in your night! Be sure he or she is hot for you!

4- Fun?.Is he/she fun, sharing good times, enjoyable to be around, upbeat and encouraging; do you feel good with him/her; humorous; do I want this person just to fill a void in my life or because I'm anxious to share what I am; is he or she nice, but not freakishly nicey, nice?

The nicest people are those who minimize one's faults and maximize one's virtues

5- Likes to be and do things with you?.Does he or she accept you? If they do, they'll be happy around you and will build upon acceptance by being and doing positive things with you and to you and for you. In this way rapport is built.

Or perhaps the person you're considering is really not yet ready for a relationship, still 'finding the self' or is a competitor with you having little to no innerstanding of sexual differences

To be loved as much as possible from another's heart, what we all want, right?, he or she must be interested enough to want to have an innerstanding of you and want to be like this...

What is an innerstanding? It's being aware of where another stands in their heart, what they are like. Do they possess higher consciousness qualities and if so, which ones or maybe even, all of them?

To this end, one seeking a relationship must both be capable of allowing the heart to be comprehended, that is, being open and honest, able and willing to perceive another's feelings. Predictable behavior is always based on love. Erratic behavior is based on selfishness.

If someone is not trying to comprehend this and discover who is this person that is you, what then do they want from you? Certainly not a lasting relationship!

6- Proud of this person?.Proud to be with him or her, proud of their looks and demeanor? Sincerely makes you feel special; giving, generous; exhibits composure; a gentleman or lady or, embarrassed somewhat to be seen with them? Want them to change before acceptable to you? Find another.

Some bras are better called, 'over the shoulder boulder holders'.