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Q u e s t i o n s  W e  M a y  H a v e
p a g e  1 5 b

...answer continued from...

...Christians today should concentrate instead on a relationship with God based on the righteousness of Emmanuel the Christ and on loving and caring for others.(see 'Compassion').

Christ made us free from all do's and don'ts, free to love out of a heart filled with compassion according to our individual level of concern. It is love that fulfils the law, the Creator's love in us:.John 17:26; Romans 13:10. In modern common law.(common law applies to man or woman, not the legal term of 'person'; search on the Internet for more). The only basic principles a man or woman.(a living soul).need adhere to is to not cause harm or loss.

Anything less is simply some form of "getting and keeping ourselves 'right' with God, with others, with the corporations acting as governments.(most governments are now corporations), etc., by means of rules & regulations.

Trusting in the righteousness of Christ, which righteousness He completed:.John 3:15. is all that really matters. If not that, then we are, in effect, saying to God: "look at my actions; I'm doing what You commanded", instead of "I'm thankful I've been made holy, righteous and perfect because of what Christ has already done and want from my heart to go out and do works of love moving away from the works that hold one to a religion". 

We ought to be showing forth good works, thereby adorning the doctrine of God instead of selfishly clinging to practices which define our particular clique as exclusive of others:.Titus 2:7,10,11.

The word 'communion' means 'fellowship' and other things. We already have communion with the Holy Spirit:.2Corinthians 13:14....

In 1Corinthians 10:16,17, Paul is talking about whatever the Christians.(his brethren:.verse 1).may eat; not to worry if the food had first been dedicated to a pagan idol, knowing full well that such idols are nothing but nonsense and pure idiocy.(verse 26), however if a new Christian 'babe'.thought.the idol to indeed still be 'something'.(not having yet grown in understanding to the extent of others).then one should refrain from doing anything that may offend him:.verses 23,28,29,32,33. Another example. And another

Paul says that our communion is with others of spiritual likemindedness, others who know what it means to, as they say, 'be in Christ'. All such are one body or one fellowship, one communion.

In 1Corinthians 11:23-30 Paul again talks of this, as the Corinthian Christians were babes.(1Corinthians 3:1), not having yet matured and thus had many problems as well as questions about how various concerns should be handled. They were frequently offending others and needed some guidance in interrelating with others:.Acts 24:16

When they got together in fellowship.(communion with one another).to celebrate the Lord's supper.(a noble reason to get together with others).they were getting drunk and didn't care if others in the body of Christ.(1Corinthians 10:16,17 and 1Corinthians 12:25-27).had anything to eat:.1Corinthians 11:20-22

Some were cliquish.(1Corinthians 11:18).and by their actions, rejected others who were also part of the family of God.

In 1Corinthians 11:19, Paul sarcastically says "you have to have divisions among you to show who is the greatest among you and the better group". Then in verse 20 Paul says "when you people get together it doesn't look to me like you came to celebrate anything regarding the Lord". And why?.verse 21. 

In 1Corinthians 11:22 Paul says that if you want this, then do it in your own home. In 1Corinthians 11:23-26 he reminds them of the original Lord's supper as an example for comparison. And in 1Corinthians 11:27-30 tells them that they are having this meal in an unworthy manner.(their manner being unworthy of the reason for which they agreed to come together in the first place)

In 1Corinthians 11:30 he tells them that this hypocritical approach to it all, is a cause of double mindedness.(James 1:8; 4:8) through which the healing and cleansing power of the Holy Spirit is hindered:.Ephesians 4:30).serious enough to make some of them, whose faith may become weakened, sick to death. 

In 1Corinthians 11:31,32 Paul tells them to think about what they are doing and if they can regulate themselves then God won't have to take a hand in circumstances to get them on track

1Corinthians 11:33 finishes off with Paul saying that they should tarry.(original is 'accept, receive').one another, again, as some were being left out.(1Corinthians 11:21,22).and this was not portraying the spirit or attitude which existed among the original disciples around Emmanuel at His last supper:.Matthew 26:17-30. Paul wanted them back on track by reminding them of the true purpose of such fellowship. 

Emmanuel rose from supper and showed an example of service and humility by washing the disciples' feet.(John 13:5,12-15), an act that only low ranking servants would have done when someone came to visit, in order to remove grains of sand from the feet because of the open sandals commonly worn in hot countries then. This expressed a depth of desire to serve others in humility.(with no selfish motives attached).and to be at one with the person. 

Emmanuel shows in the above scriptures that actions are important in expressing love. What good is feeling it and not showing it? We should have the same attitude one toward another. Some denominations and small groups do this today as a reminder of the higher meaning involved. I can see where it would be a humbling experience, as well as a reminder of the attitude of service Emmanuel here exemplified

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right. You'll be criticized anyway."
...Eleanor Roosevelt