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-Abimelech: king of the Philistines in very early history, circa.B.C.E. 2000.

Comprised with.Bible Dictionaries:.Abimelech is the name of two kings of Philistia. The first was a contemporary of Abraham, the second, probably son of the former, was king in the days of Isaac. Abimelech's name is applied to the king of Gath, elsewhere known by his personal name, Achish:.1Samuel 27:2.

Shortly after the destruction of Sodom.(Jude 1:7), Abraham journeyed with his herds and flocks into the extreme Southeast country of Palestine:.Genesis  20:1-18. While sojourning at Gerar, the country within which was city of Abimelech king of the Philistines, Abraham made believe that Sarah was his sister.(Genesis 20:2).and Abimelech took her, intending to make her one of his wives. But God rebuked Abimelech in a dream, besides sending barrenness on the women of his household.

After Abimelech had reproved Abraham most justly for the deception, he dealt generously with him, loading him with presents and granting him the liberty of the land.

When contention had arisen between the servants of the two men over the wells of water, the two men made a covenant.(a covenant is an agreement).at a well, which took its name, Beersheba, from this fact of covenant making.

This other Abimelech.was a son of Gideon by a Shechemite concubine. The selfish and cruel con man Abimelech induced the men of Shechem to choose him as ruler and then he turned around and slew 70 of his brethren:.Judges 9:1-5. Jotham alone escaped, who pronounced a curse upon the murderers. This was fulfilled by many of the men of Shechem being killed and Abimelech being mortally wounded by a piece of a millstone cast upon him by a woman at his attack upon Thebez:.Judges 9:53-56.

-Ahaziah: eighth king of Israel:.2Chronicles 22:2-4. Son of Ahab and that evil woman Jezebel. He reigned two years, B.C.E. 897-896, alone and with his father, who associated him in the kingdom the year before his death, B.C.E. 894.

1Kings 22:40 "So Ahab slept with his fathers and Ahaziah his son reigned in his stead."

Ahaziah imitated Ahab's impiety and worshipped Jeroboam I's calves.(*).and his father and mother's idols, such as Baal and Astarte, whose pagan.rites had been introduced into Israel by Jezebel his evil mother.

After a fall from the second floor gallery of his house, he sent to consult a God of the Philistines as to his recovery:.2Kings 1:2-4.

The history of this king presents a sad picture of the state of idolatry and wickedness into which Israel had fallen, while professing to be God's people.

But what could one expect, having such a bad mom and dad. When Ahaziah's mom saw that he died from his fall, she killed all those who may grow up and reign in his stead:.2Kings 11:1,2.

"And when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the seed royal. But Jehosheba, the daughter of king Joram, sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah and stole him from among the king's sons which were slain and they hid him, even him and his nurse, in the bedchamber from Athaliah, so that he was not slain."

2Kings 1:17 "So he died according to the word of the Lord which Elijah had spoken. And Jehoram.(the Jehoram of Israel, who was also son to Ahab).reigned in his.('his', speaking here of Ahaziah, verse 2; always read the context if there's a question).stead in the second year of Jehoram.(the Jehoram of Judah).the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah; because he.(Ahaziah, king of Israel).had no son."

-Ahaziah: king of Judah

-Alexander the Great:.aka Alexander III, B.C.E. 356-323. King of Macedonia B.C.E. 336-323 and conquerer of Asia Minor, Greece, Syria, Egypt's kings, Babylonia and Persia and most of the countries to the east of the Mediterranean Sea as far as India. His reign marked the beginning of the Hellenistic Age. He ruthlessly ruled most of the civilized world by the time he died in 323 at the age of 33. He is regarded in history as a tactical.genius, the modern equivalent being General George Patton.

-Amasa:.David's nephew, the son of Abigail, David's sister and Jether an Ishmaelite. B.C.E. 1022.

David was going to replace Joab as the captain of his army:.2Samuel 19:13. His percentage may have led David to show him less favor than his other nephews and this may have disposed him to join in the rebellion of Absalom:.2Samuel 17:25. He was the general of Absalom's army and was defeated by his cousin Joab, who was adamant at protecting David:.2Samuel 17:1-18:33. David afterwards offered him a pardon and the command of his troops in the place of Joab, whose overbearing conduct he could no longer endure:.2Samuel 19:13. But in the confusion of Sheba’s rebellion, Amasa was treacherously murdered by his powerful rival Joab:.2Samuel 20:4,5,9,10.

-Amon: The fourteenth king of Judah, son of Manasseh, began to reign as his successor in B.C.E. 639 at the age of twenty-two and reigned only two years at Jerusalem. He did evil in the sight of the Lord, as his father Manasseh had done, by forsaking God and worshipping idols. His servants conspired against him and slew him in his own house, but the people killed all the conspirators and established his son Josiah on the throne. He was buried in the garden of Uzza:.2Kings 21:18-26; 2Chronicles 33:21-25.

-Artaxerxes: the name or title of several kings of Persia, as were the names used in other parts of the world, such as 'tsar or czar', 'pharaoh', ahasuerus, agag, all meaning 'king'.

Artaxerxes I, an Achaemenid king of Persia, as he was of that line, reigned B.C.E. 465–425. He was a good king of ancient Persia. Artaxerxes Longhand as his name was called in Greek, was son and successor of Xerxes.(Xerxes was the Ahasuerus of the book of book of Esther:.Esther 1:1, B.C.E. 485), who ascended the throne B.C.E. 465-425. He was, as history records."the first of Persian monarchs for mildness and magnanimity".

He greatly favoured both Ezra and Nehemiah.

Ezra the prophet.(Ezra 7:6).led a second company of the Jewish exiles back to Jerusalem. In the twentieth year of Artaxerxes Longimanus, the prophet Nehemiah, a contemporary of Ezra, was sent to Jerusalem as governor:.Nehemiah 2:1-6; 5:14.

Artaxerxes II, an Achaemenid king of Persia, as he was of that line, reigned B.C.E. 404-358. He was the son and successor of Darius II and was surnamed 'Mnemon' in Greek, meaning 'mindful one'. Under Artaxerxes an important change occurred in the Persian religion. The Persians apparently did not worship images of the Gods until Artaxerxes set up statues of the Goddess Anahita and Mithra, two deities of the old popular Iranian religion that had been neglected. He was a politician type ruler, often dealing in compromise.

Artaxerxes III, an Achaemenid king of Persia, as he was of that line, reigned B.C.E. 358–338. A raging and cruel ruler, he was son and successor to Artaxerxes II. To protect his throne he put to death most of his relatives.

-Athaliah: A granddaughter of Omri.(2Chronicles 22:2).and daughter of Ahab and the bitch Jezebel. She murdered any and all competition to her reigning. She reigned 6 years, B.C.E.. 884-878, before she was killed.

She was chosen as the wife of Jehoram.(also called Joram, so Jehoram/Joram), son of the pious.Jehoshaphat king of Judah.

Her pernicious influence drew into idolatry and crime both her husband Jehoram.(of Judah).and her son Ahaziah:.2Chronicles 21:6; 22:3

After the premature death of Jezebel and her son Ahaziah.(2Kings 1:2), she usurped the throne and sought to secure herself in it by the murder of all the seed royal:.2Kings 11:1-3.

Only Joash her grandson.(grandson by her son Ahaziah), then an infant, was saved by his aunt Jehosheba. Six years afterwards he was brought from his place of refuge under protection.(2Kings 11:1-12).of Jehoiada the high priest.(2Chronicles 24:3).and crowned by the bold and faithful high priest Jehoiada, who at the same time caused the blood-stained Athaliah to be put to death:.2Kings 11:15,20.

Athaliah was a tool of the dark side that made her crazy:.2Kings 11:13,14; 2Chronicles 24:7.

Athaliah was the instigator of much trouble and thus, she got her comeuppance:.2Chronicles 23:21.
