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-history of the nation of Israel: from the FreeBible references: History of Israel with its twelve tribes

-B.C.E., before it was changed to B.C.E., it was called B.C., meaning before Christ.

Abraham receives the Blessing in about B.C.E. 2000:.Genesis 12:1-7; Genesis 15:5,6; Genesis 17:4-8; Genesis 22:17,18
..The Blessing is transferred to Isaac:.Genesis 26:1-6.
..The Blessing is transferred to Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel.(Genesis 32:24-28).after wrestling with what he thought was God.
..now with the name of Israel, he blesses his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of his son Joseph:.Genesis 46:20; 48:17-20.
..Blessing is divided among Jacob's sons:.Genesis 49:1,8-10,28

-B.C.E. 1843: Israel in Egypt and their exodus:.Exodus 1:6-20; Exodus 3:6-8; the uproar with Pharaoh.(which Pharaoh?).about the Israelites leaving Egypt and Israel's 40 years wandering.(Joshua 5:6-9).in the wilderness because of their bad attitude. The Israelites had to hurry getting out of Egypt:.Exodus 12:34-36,39.

-B.C.E. 1446: Receiving the Law at Sinai:.Exodus 19:1-6
-B.C.E. 1406: Conquest of Canaan:.Joshua 1:1-7
-B.C.E. 1382: Period of the Judges:.Judges 2:7-18
-B.C.E. 1043: Israel asks for a king:.1Samuel 8:1-9

Saul anointed king:.1Samuel 9:27 to 10:1
David anointed king:.1Samuel 16:1-13
Solomon anointed king:.1Kings 1:34

-B.C.E. 930: Divided Kingdom of Israel to the north and Judah, south:.1Kings 11:9-13
-B.C.E. 721: Israel destroyed by Assyria:.2Kings 17:5,6,24
-B.C.E. 586: Judah destroyed by Babylon:.2Kings 25:1-12
-B.C.E. 536: Cyrus, king of Persia, conquers Babylon
 ..Zerubbabel and Jews rebuild the ancient temple:.Ezra 2:1,64
-B.C.E. 457: Ezra the priest and 1754 Jews return:.Ezra 7:6
-B.C.E. 444: Nehemiah becomes governor

-B.C.E. 332: Alexander the Great invades Judah:.Josephus,
 Jewish Antiquities, XI, 313 
-B.C.E. 323: Alexander's kingdom split in 4 parts:.Josephus,.Jewish Antiquities, XII, 1
-B.C.E. 168: Syrian king sacks Jerusalem:.Josephus,.Jewish Antiquities, XII, 242 
-B.C.E. 167: Maccabean family leads revolution:.Josephus,.Jewish Antiquities, XII, 265; Josephus, W I, 36
-B.C.E. 63: Roman general Pompey:.Josephus,.Jewish Antiquities, XIV, 57 conquers Jerusalem:.Josephus W I, 141 
-B.C.E. 37: Romans appoint Herod king of Judea..Josephus,.Jewish Antiquities, XIV, 270; Josephus W I, 218 
-B.C.E. 4: Emmanuel is born:.Matthew 1:18-23; Luke 2:1-7

-Israel again to be one nation.
