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-I have a wild and crazy idea to do, but I wonder if God would bless me in it?

Jacob.(Joseph's dad), too had a 'nutty' idea which worked out wonderfully: Genesis 30:29-43.

But let's back up the story a bit:

Jacob went to find Laban, his uncle:.Genesis 29:1,5-9. He finds him:.verses 12-14. Laban now fishes around to find out what Jacob wants in order to take advantage of him. That was Laban's way, the low consciousness way of me first, you maybe if I have to and, what can I get for me, me, just for me, at another's disadvantage if necessary?.verses 15-18. That's the kind of guy Laban was. How many Laban types do you know? Make sure you're not one of them.

Jacob was naive. Laban, Jacob's mother's brother, being the shrewd character that he was takes selfish advantage of Jacob:.verses 19,20

Jacob now wants his 'wages':.verse 21. Laban makes a party for the occasion, of course, all with Laban's own interests in mind:.verse 22. No doubt Jacob drank himself a little silly and didn't notice who he slept with that night:.verse 25. So, he ends up with Leah the older sister of the one he really wanted, who was Rachel. So he had both and it's interesting to see how God balanced the one against the other:.Deuteronomt 21:15-17.

In verse 26 Laban works his 'magic' again and promises to Jacob, his younger daughter Rachel, but only after Jacob agrees to work for Laban.another 7 years:.verse 27. Cloud the mind and you cloud your life.

Jacob was easy going but hungry for the love of Rachel, the girl he wanted in the first place, so he waits another 7 years for her, agreeing to work for Laban in order to get Rachel.

So, Jacob had been duped into getting Leah, Rachel's older sister:.verse 28. But Leah, already Jacob's partner, loved him too:.verses 30-35. So, now Jacob will have the both of them.

And so the rigmarole continues with Jacob smilin' all the way to the bedroom:.Genesis 30:1-13

Here, Rachel gets love hungry. She must have been one hot chic or maybe things just cooled off too much for her with Jacob sleeping around and with her blessing!

She tries to make a deal with of all people, Leah, her sister, for some mandrakes.(verses 14,15) (mandrakes produce an alcohol like effect). Leah says, no deal! Leah really liked Jacob:.verse 20. Jacob was probably much more of a good man than just an exciting passionate lover.

Back to the story about Jacob's wild and crazy idea: So after all the above, Jacob wants out from Laban. By now he's worked hard for 14 years for Laban:.Genesis 30:25-30

Now it is Jacob's turn to make a deal.(verse 31). He makes a deal to take only the speckled and spotted cattle and agrees to look after, for Laban, all the cattle that aren't:.verses 31,32. Laban agrees, gives Jacob some land, miles away.(verse 36), but again cheats Jacob, taking out all the cattle that were to belong to Jacob for his ranch. And Laban gets his sons to take them to Jacob:.verse 35

So here comes Jacob's nutty idea. Jacob figures that if he took branches from two different types of trees and stripped them to reveal the different color on the insides and set these in front of the trough where the cattle drank, that not only would they conceive, but they would have calves that were striped, speckled and spotted:.verses 37,38. It worked!.verses 39-43. God was in all this. It's not like the divinations the pagans used.

Jacob increased, Laban decreased:.Genesis 31:1. When Laban saw that he was no longer in the 'driver's seat', the real Laban came out.(verse 2) (like many people who appear caring of others, showing feelings of affection as long as there is something for them to selfishly gain), shallow, corrupt, greedy and shrewd:.verse 7; verses 41,42

The Great Infinite One blessed Jacob's wild idea, just as He had blessed Laban because of Jacob:.Genesis 30:27,30. For what is impossible in the realm of spirit and energy? Nothing!

Learn to think the impossible and it will come true. Someone had to think of the idea of the self-powered automobile, the airplane, the jet and rocket engines, scissors, zippers, the television, the computer, the cell phone, the dishwasher, etc. See the.What If? The Movie.about this and to rid yourself of mental and emotional limitations, get ready to take notes on the new movie called.The Grand Self.

The Creator instructed Jacob in a dream:.Genesis 31:11. When in the dream it is as real as when you are living life awake. Dreams are real, even to you until you awaken and realize it was 'all a dream'. Dreams are thoughts, a series of motion images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. They are a series of events experienced in the mind at this time. Why? No one is sure exactly.

Dreams do come from busyness:.Ecclesiastes 5:3 "For a dream comes through the multitude of business..."

Dreams, like all thoughts are creative. You created them. And, because they are expressions of thoughts that are manifesting, they produce action, in some realm.somewhere. Dreams express usually in another realm, in some other dimension which can 'bleed off' the negatives of any dream.

Notice in your dreams that the mouth never moves and that there are no smells. This is because it's all telepathic.

Bad dreams are notices from the soul that you need to correct something, just the overview feeling you get from the dream. Many bad dreams, if not all, come from depression and depression is caused by many things, such as anger, hate, resentment, greed, feelings of lack such as where is one going in life, etc., some emotion you had toward another that had negative intention. Ask yourself what am I to learn from this dream? An attitude of love slays negative influences.

"Nature goes to the same place to create a tree or a thought. The Universe is a dream machine."....Deepak Chopra. The entire thing we think is so real is actually illusory. The entire multiverse is, shall we say, a dream. They are as real as anything else. Awakening from dreams maintained by the ego, frees one from shackles of the negative side.

In dreams look for clues to what is meant, if you even remember them. Look for patterns of your dreams. Note behaviors in dreams. Decide that you want to know the meaning of your dream(s) and your subconscious will respond and bring things to your conscious mind. How?

Dreams reveal what is circulating in the 'psychic sea' concerning you; battles are fought and won, lessons are learned and concepts are gained. The movie series Lord of the Rings brings out this more clearly.

More on Jacob's personality

Corporations explore wild and crazy ideas today with their brainstorming sessions, where any and all crazy and wild ideas are brought out. One nutty idea just might spur a great idea in the mind of someone else in the room. It works! One great successful corporation does things very differently than most.

-If the next life is so great, why do Christians, knowing about it, pray for each other to be healed so that they can carry on living here? Why not let them get on to where they believe they are going, heaven? And, just why do some die after praying for them to be healed?
We pray for others because we are a family of concerned individuals. We like others and appreciate the time we have with them here on Earth and would miss them if they passed on. They're not going to heaven!

Paul said that he was anxious to be with the Lord:.2Corinthians 5:6-8. Paul was hot for God and ready to go on a moment's notice:.Philippians 1:21,23. He knew that he would remain 'asleep' till the resurrection. Paul kept at it here on Earth.(2Corinthians 5:9; Philippians 1:24).in spite of an affliction he had.(2Corinthians 12:7-10; Galatians 4:13-15; 6:11).and in spite of many trials and sufferings

Once called into the Family, one's purpose should include the great overview; that of why is he is here, what he should do while he is here to gain a great reward in the coming Kingdom of God and a high position for all eternity and not be overly concerned with physical trials and tribulations which daily afflict us all:.Matthew 6:34. We may not like 'em, but we need 'em to get us good:.James 1:2. That's why we have the two lines God caused to come out of Isaac and Rebekah with the two boys they had, named Esau and Jacob.

Regarding gaining this reward: There is much to be done in reaching to the world out of a compassionate heart with all the gospel is truly about.

"Character builds slowly, but it can be torn down with incredible swiftness."
...Faith Baldwin, novelist (1893-1978)