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Deepak Comments Index
(Information gleaned and inspired mostly from Deepak Chopra's writings and speakings.(deepakchopra.com)

5 Tibetan Rites, 7 Laws of Spiritual Success, 7 ways we react to the world, 5 rules of living, 5 levels of existence, 5 masculine energies and 5 feminine energies

A.absolutes, abundance, acceptance, accept yourself, accidents, action, addictions, affection, affluence, afterlife, aging, akasha, akashic field, alchemy, alignment, ama, anger, animals, anxiousness, appreciation, approval, archetypes (see also Gods/Goddesses), aromatherapy, arrogance, ask (your body b4 making a decision)(ask and knock)(ask the ?)(asking and receiving), attachment, attention, attention and intention (spirit trying to get your attention), atom, attraction, authentic, autism, automatic, awakening, awareness (awareness and love are connected)(contracted/expanded)(choiceless awareness)(time awareness), ayurveda

B.baby, bad/good, Bagavad Gita, balance, behavior, being (enlightened beings), belief, biology, blame, bliss, bodies (physical, subtle, causal), bondage, bonding, books/movies/music/poems, bonding, boundaries, brahman, brain, brain waves, breath, breath and thought, breath and the present, buddha,

C.causal level, candle, cause and effect, cells, centered, centers in us, change behavior, change soul; changing the world (avoid attempting to change society), chaos, chi masters, children, choices, choiceless awareness, choicemaker, christ a body, church, clingers, cognitive therapy, coincidences, cold (warm in the cold), collective soul, comfort/discomfort, commander, commitment, communication (of the body), communion, community, compassion, comprehension, computer (the body is), conditioning (socially conditioned), conduit, conflict resolution, consciousness (cosmic, divine, unity, uncreated) (higher consciousness) (the 7 states of consciousness)(limiting one's consciousness)(pure consciousness)(three types of), contentment (and 4 ways to live from the soul); context (meaning), continuity, contracted/expanded awareness, contrasts, conversation topics, at our core, cosmic meaning, cosmic consciousness, unity consciousness), creation/creativity (see also hard part, manifesting), criticizing, critical mass, curves back,

D.dark things, dating (conversation topics), day (imagine your day), death (fearing death), deeper reality, defenselessness, deliverer, generator, organizer, delusion, demons, denial, depletes, depression, desire, (fulfilment of desire), destiny, detachment, dharma, disagreements, discipline, discontinuity, banishing disease, do nothing, don't get it, doshas (are body types kapha, pitta, vata), doubts, dreams, duality

E.eco system, ecstasy, education, effort (law of least effort), ego, ego's purpose, ego sense, electrical, emotions, emotional clearing, empathy, empty again in some way, enemies, energy (masculine/feminine energies)(energy centers in body), enlightenment (enlightened beings), entrainment, equality, essence, eternity, evaluation means, everything, evil, examination of self, experiencer

F.fair, faith, fancy, fear, fear base choices, fear of death, feelings, field, fingertips, five Tibetan rites, flow (go with the flow), forgiveness, free will, freedom, fulfilment, future

G.Gandhi, gap, generator, organizer, deliverer, gestalt, gestation time, ghost, giving, goals, God, find God, God is revealed in stages, God is both good and evil, see God in all, Gods/Goddesses (here zeus, thira, athena, venus)(see also archetypes), good/bad, good luck, grace, grieving, gratitude, growth, guidance, guilt, gunas

H.habits, hallucinations, happy, harmony, healing (of love), healing/sickness (manifesting healing), health (biomarkers of deteriorating), heart (4 heart sutras here)(is a pacemaker), heaven, hidden meanings, hiding, higher consciousness things, holds us in life, hologram, holy spirit, hope, hormones,hostility, humility, hundreds of times daily (spirit alerts us), hypnosis,

I.I am, this_I_am_this_I_am_not, identifying with, identity, ignorance, illuminator, illusion, images (in love with an image), imagination, imagine your day, immune system, individuality, inertia, infatuation, infinite/infinity, infinite intelligence, information, injustice, innocence, integrity, intellect (what is), intellectual insight, intelligence (infinite intelligence), intention (subtle intention), interpretation, interpreter, intimacy, intuition, invisibility, IQ,

J.J. Paul Getty, jobs, jotish, journey, judgment

K.kama sutra, kapha, karma, kindness, knowing God, knowledge, the known, knows how, koshas

L.labels, laslow, laughter, laws, so many, leap, least effort, levels, life (5 levels of existence)(laws to life)(lessons from life)(purpose of life)(5 rules of living)(and the mysteries of life)(other life out there?), life centered present moment awareness, let go, levitation, light, light of the world, limiting one's consciousness, listening, looking for approval, losses, love (love at the core of you)(love conditions)(love's qualities)(awareness and love are connected)(how to know if you love someone)(making love),

M.magical, making love, manifestation (see also creation/creativity), mantra, many things at once, masculine/feminine energies, mass mind, master teacher, matter, mechanics, medical, meditation (also here meditations), (a meditation from Deepak), (mindful meditation), (benefits of meditation), memory, mind (agitated mind to a peaceful mind), (mind/body connection), (open mindedness), mindfulness, miracles, mirror, misl, moving on; mysteries of life, myth meaning, mythology (see also archetypes),

N.namaste, nature's principles, natural state, needs, psychological needs, negatives, negativity born in the gap, negotiate, nervous system, neuro peptides, Nietzsche, non local mind is the nothingness, notions, notes and quotes.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21 (poem on death), 22, 23, 24, 25

O.object referral, observer, ocean (mind is like), old paradigm versus new thinking, oneness, open mind, opposite, orchestrate, organizer, generator, deliverer, organizing power, others, other life out there, outcome,

P.pain, paradox, Paramahansa Yogananda, paranoia, parenting, particles, passion, past, past can be known, path, patterns, peace, Dr. penfield, people (types of people), perception, persona, personality, phoenix bird, pitta, divine plan; plants, playfulness, poems, possibilities/potential, powers, prana, prayer, prejudice, presence; present, the present and the breath), primordial sound mediation, principles of nature, probability amplitude, problems (see suffering), process, programming the self, progress, projection, projection physics, psychological, psychological needs, psychopaths, physics, prosperity, pure, pure consciousness, purpose on Earth (also see we), purpose of life

Q.quantum events, quantum leaps, quantum mechanics, questions to ask of spirit (ask and you're guided to live the answer; see also guidance), qigong, quotes & notes

R.rational, real you (as real as possible), reality (deeper reality), reason, recycles, redemption, reductionist, rejection, relationships, religion, repetition (and the present moment), responsibility, right/wrong, resentments, Rishis, roles, romance, romance and bliss

S.saints, samsara, samskara, sat, chit, ananda; sayings, scientists, security, see God in all, seed, seer, self, self actualized, self control, self examination, self image, self in other forms, self referral, senses, sensual (difference between sensual and sensuality), sensitivity, sensuousness, separation, serving others, sexual, shadow, shame, shapeshifter, shavashakti, sickness, silence, silkworm, silver cord, simplicity, sin, single minded, sleep, social conditioning, society (avoid attempting to change it), SODA, sorrow (freedom from), soul (collective soul)(software of soul)(changing the soul), soulmate?, sound, space/time, speaking; when you speak, spiral, spirit/spirituality and things of the spirit (spirit being human, spiritual ground rules, trying to get your attention), spite, spontaneous fulfilment, storms, stress /struggle, structure (our personality), studying, subtle body, subtle intention, success, suffering, Sufi, sunkulpa, superiority, superstitions, surrender, sutra, sweet,sympathy,synchronicity/synchrodestiny,

T.tagore, talk about, teacher (master teacher), terms, terrorism, tests, thankful, thinker (where is?), thinking, thought is, thought history, thoughts, tibet, time, time awareness, time bound, toning (voice), torture, traits that stick, transformation, transparency, trust, truth, TV

U.uncreated consciousness, understanding, unity, unity consciousness, unknown/uncertainty, unified field, universe (multiverse in you), upanishads,

V.vata, vedanta, vedas, vibration, victim mentality, vision/visualization, voice (toning), 

W.war (stages of), warm (warm in the cold), watcher, wave, we, wealth, what am I, wholeness, witness, why here, wiggle your finger, will (free will), wisdom, world (changing it)(7 ways we react to the world) (wrongs out there), world in you, worry,

Y.yin/yang, yoga, a yogi is, yogi's example of presence and ego, yogi types,you, (accept yourself, acceptance, universe in you, world in you, you matter),


back to Index D
In addition, notes from these dates in 2011/2012: December 7, be the change you want to see in the world; let the universe work out the details; the ?'s connect you to the consciousness of the universe; December 8 surrender to moments as they are, not as I wish them to be; December 10, just give attention to wealth is all that counts; can do nothing and yet, have it all; no defined edges to us; living from the spirit is living in love; December 13, attention is either on the presence or ego, either in love or in selfishness; nothing is created from outside my spirit but only from within it; knowledge has organizing power with it; just be aware of the knowledge; December 15, as your awareness shifts so does your soul; your God is that which you believe him to be like, some believe in a cruel God; heart and mind control the external reality; December 27, have the right response to every situation as it occurs; January 7, as long as there is a you and I there is no liberation; see the world as one living organism, as whole; the wise keep their attention on the timeless; if you do not have the notion 'this I am, this I'm not, you will not limit you consciousness; January 16 need something new in the mind to be transformed; February 28, just put your attention on what you want, it's the healing force of life.