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of.or.relating.to the Dominican Republic.(map).or its people or culture
a native or inhabitant of the Dominican Republic; an individual of Dominican ancestry
a member of an order of preaching friars.established in 1216 A.D. by one known as Saint Dominic

the territory ruled by a duke or duchess; a dukedom; a duchy is an area of land that is owned or ruled by a duke; from Middle English 'duchie' and Old French 'duche' and from Latin 'dux', 'duc-' meaning 'leader' from Medieval Latin 'ducltus'

a nobleman with the highest hereditary.rank, especially a man of the highest grade of the peerage in Great Britain; a sovereign prince who rules an independent duchy in some European countries; used as the title for such a nobleman
Botany:.in botany, a type of cherry intermediate between a sweet and a sour cherry
duke, duked, duking, dukes.intransitive verbs
to fight with fists (duking it out in the boxing ring)
the land owned by a duke

a duchess is a woman who has the same rank as a duke or who is a duke's wife or widow; a woman with the highest social rank outside the royal family

a douche is a method of washing the vagina using a stream of water with something such as vinegar or silver; you also refer to the object which you use to wash the vagina in this way as a douche (never douche if you are pregnant); date 1700-1800, Italian 'doccia' meaning 'water-pipe'
douche, douches, douched, douching.verbs
intransitive verb use.to cleanse or treat oneself with a douche
transitive verb use.to cleanse or treat by means of a douche

of, suffering from or characteristic of delirium; marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; ecstatic: delirious joy (a crowd of delirious baseball fans)
a temporary.state.of.mental.confusion and clouded consciousness which can result from various.causes.including.intoxication, shock and high fever and characterized by anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, trembling and often.incoherent speech; a state of uncontrolled excitement or emotion (sports fans in delirium after their team's victory); date 1500-1600 A.D..Latin 'delirare' meaning 'to leave a straight line', be 'mad', 'to be deranged'

detox, detoxes, detoxing, detoxed.transitive verbs
a detox is a treatment that is intended to remove poisonous or harmful substances from your body (overhaul your body with a cleansing detox); to subject oneself to detoxification
the process of detoxifying; the state.or.condition of being detoxified; the metabolic process by which the toxic.qualities of a poison or toxin are reduced by the body through normal peeing, pooping, breathing and sweating
detoxicate, detoxicated, detoxicating, detoxicates.transitive verbs
to detoxify
detoxify, detoxified, detoxifying,detoxifies.transitive verbs
to remove the effects of poison from; to counteract or destroy the toxic properties of

a scaly.scurf formed on and shed from the scalp, as caused by skin too dry and/or often caused by the body lacking.proper.oils

Linguistics:.in linguistics, a mark like this ( ¨ ) placed over the second of two adjacent.vowels to indicate that they are to be pronounced as separate sounds rather than a dipthong, as in the word 'naïve' and such also as in the name Bruno Gröning or a mark ( ¨ ) placed over a vowel, such as the final vowel in 'Brontë' to indicate that the vowel is not silent

something good or agreeable; great (we're on our vacation with the kids and everything so far is just fine and dandy); a dandy is also a man who thinks a great deal about his appearance and always dresses in smart clothes
dandy, dandier, dandiest.adjectives
fine; good

a megalithic structure consisting of two or more upright stones with a capstone, typically forming a chamber and appear to have been used in free energy generation; according to Michael Tellinger, many stones apparently have been used anciently for this

also use.demagog
if you say that someone such as a politician is a demagogue you are criticizing them because you think they try to win people's support by appealing to their emotions rather than using reasonable arguments; demagogues often use lies and distortion, like Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler
demagogy, demagoguery.noun,.plural.demagogies, demagogueries

if you refer to something or someone as a decoy, you mean that they are intended to attract people's attention and deceive them, for example by leading them into a trap or away from a particular place; a decoy is someone or something that is used to trick someone into going somewhere or doing something, so that you can catch them, etc.; someone or something used to lure or lead another into a trap, such as an artificial bird used to attract live birds within shot; someone or something used to draw attention away from another (they didn't want her to come home right then, as what they were preparing for the surprise party wasn't quite ready, so Susan picked her up at work and took her for coffee and this gave the others time to finish preparing); a decoy is also a living or artificial bird or other animal used to entice game into a trap or within range for birdwatching; a means used to mislead or lead into danger
decoy, decoyed, decoying, decoys.transitive verbs
to lure or entrap by or as if by a decoy; from 1630 Dutch 'de kooi' meaning 'the cage' 

low inspirit; depressed

drape, draped, draping, drapes.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover, dress or hang with or as if with cloth in loose folds (draped the coffin with a flag; a robe that draped her figure); to clothe; to arrange or let fall in loose folds (draping the banner from the balcony); to hang or rest limply (draped my legs over the chair)
intransitive verb use.to fall or hang in loose folds (arranged the cloth to drape over the table legs)
a drapery; a curtain; the way in which cloth falls or hangs (adjusted the drape of the gown); from Middle English 'drapen' meaning 'to weave' from Old French 'draper' from 'drap' meaning 'cloth' from Late Latin 'drappus'
cloth or clothing gracefully.arranged in loose folds; a piece or pieces of heavy fabric hanging straight in loose folds, used as a curtain; cloth

deflate, deflated, deflating, deflates.verbs
transitive verb use.to release contained air or gas from (the camping trip was over and so they deflated the air mattress and  folded it up ready for next time); to collapse by releasing contained air or gas; to reduce or lessen the size or importance of (losing the contest deflated my proud.ego)
intransitive verb use.to be or become deflated (the balloon deflated slowly)
the act of deflating or the condition of being deflated