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rémoulade means 'sauce' and is a piquant cold sauce made with mayonnaise, chopped pickles, capers, anchovies and herbs; from the French root word 'rémola' meaning a 'large black radish'

if something is redolent of something else, it has features that make you think of that other thing (her perfume was redolent in that it made me think of where we met); having or emitting.fragrance; aromatic; suggestive; reminiscent

Rig Veda
the most.ancient.collection of Hindu.sacred.verses

roil, roiled, roiling, roils.verbs
transitive verb use.to displease or disturb; vex; to make a liquid.muddy or cloudy by stirring up sediment
intransitive verb use.to be in a state of turbulence or agitation

a long, loose, flowing outer garment; an academic.gown; a dressing gown or bathrobe; a blanket or covering made of material, such as a lap robe would be
robe, robed, robing, robes.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover or dress in or as if in a robe; to clothe
intransitive verb use.to put on a robe

a truck trailer or railroad car that carries refrigerated cargo

refrigerate, refrigerated, refrigerating, refrigerates.transitive verbs
to cool or chill a substance, such as food, so it doesn't go bad as quickly
refrigerative or refrigeratory.adjective
an appliance, a cabinet or a room for storing food or other substances at a low temperature

ripen, ripened, ripening, ripens.intransitive and transitive verbs
to make or become ripe or riper; mature. (the grapes on the tree are now ripe and can be picked; the best ripeners of most fruits are sunshine, warm nights and moisture from adequate rain)
ripe, riper, ripest.adjectives
fully developed; mature (ripe peaches); matured fruit or cheese ready to eat (ripe cheese); thoroughly matured, as by study or experience; seasoned; advanced in years (at the ripe age of 86, he hopped up on the stage like a young man in his thirties; sufficiently.advanced; opportune (the time must be ripe for great societal changes, because they are occurring); emitting a foul.odor, such as body odor; stinky

a tough outer covering such as the bark of a tree, the skin of some fruits such as a lemon and also the coating on cheese or bacon

remodel, remodeled also spelt.remodelled, remodelingremodelling, remodels.transitive verbs
to make over in structure or style; restructure

the act or an instance of unlawfully taking the property of another by the use of violence or intimidation; compare thievery

rob, robbed, robbing, robs.verbs
transitive verb use.in law, to take property from someone by using or threatening to use violence or force; commit robbery upon; to take valuable or desired articles from without permission (rob a bank); to deprive.unjustly of something belonging to another (robbed her of her professional standing by using lies)
intransitive verb use.to engage in or commit robbery
rob someone or something blind.idiom
to rob in an unusually deceitful or thorough way (robbed the old couple blind while employed as a caregiver)

in nautical.terms, a steering mechanism usually of a wooden handle mounted at the stern of a vessel for directing where you may want the vessel to go; similarly at the tail of an aircraft, the rudder is used for making horizontal changes in course; a rudder is used to guide a boat or a airplane; from Middle English 'ruder' and from Old English 'rother', meaning 'steering oar'

Richter scale.noun,.plural.Richter scales
a logarithmic.scale ranging from 1 to 10, used to express the total amount of energy released by an Earthquake, example; in this scale an increase of 1 represents a 32-fold increase in released energy; after Charles Francis Richter, 1900-1985, American seismologist

rally, rallied, rallying, rallies.verbs
transitive verb use.to call together for a common purpose; to unite; to assemble (rally troops at a parade ground); to reassemble and restore to order (rally and scattered forces); to rouse or revive from inactivity or decline (paused to refresh themselves and rally their strength)
intransitive verb use.to come together for a common purpose; to join in an effort for a common cause; to recover from a setback or disadvantage; to show sudden improvement in health or spirits
a gathering, especially one intended to inspire enthusiasm for a cause (rallies against injustices); a reassembling, as of dispersed troops; a signal ordering reassembly (the school bell rallies the students back to class); a recovery from a setback or disadvantage; a sharp improvement in health, vigor or spirits; a competition in which automobiles are driven over public roads and under normal traffic regulations but with specified rules as to speed, time and route; from French 'rallier' and from Old French 'ralier' meaning 'to unite'

rebut, rebutted, rebutting, rebuts.verbs
transitive verb use.to refute, especially by offering opposing information; to repel
intransitive verb use.to present opposing information; from Middle English 'reboten', 'rebutte' meaning 'to rebuke', 'to repel' and from Old French 'rebouter', where 'bouter' means 'to push', word is originally of Germanic.origin
the act of rebutting; a statement made in rebutting

something done that will have extremely important effects in the future and that you cannot change

Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, before marriage Marjorie Kinnan
born Aug. 8, 1896, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
died Dec. 14, 1953, Saint Augustine, Florida, U.S.A.

U.S.A. short-story writer and novelist. Rawlings worked as a journalist before moving to backwoods Florida and devoting herself to fiction. Taking her material from the people and land around her, she wrote richly atmospheric works that resemble vivid factual reporting and are noted for their magical descriptions of landscape. Her best-known novel is The Yearling (1938, which won her the Pulitzer Prize of literature), about a boy from a hardscrabble family and the fawn he adopts. Her later works include Cross Creek (1942) and The Sojourner (1953); a quote of hers

replace, replaced, replacing, replaces.transitive verbs
to put back into a former position or place; to take or fill the place of; to be or provide a substitute for; to pay back or return; refund
the act or process of replacing or of being replaced; substitution; one that replaces, especially an individual assigned to a vacant military position

refund, refunded, refunding, refunds.verbs
transitive verb use.to give back, especially money; return or repay (refunded the purchase price)
intransitive verb use.to make repayment
a repayment of funds; an amount repaid

Russia.(map)(map with Ukraine).proper noun
the country consists of the land from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Black Sea in the south and from the borders of Belarus and Ukraine in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. Population about 230,000,000. Capital city is Moscow. Before the international banker Khazarian mafia communist aka.Bolshevik takeover in 1917, Russia was ruled by a good king called the TSAR. The brutally cruel communists (called communists, nazis and all the other names they used to hide their true Khazarian descent, slaughtered the entire TSAR's family including his children, outlawed Christianity and impoverished the country under their satanic communist idealogy. The Bolshevik communists were thrown off by the people and in 2000 the former director of the Federal Security Bureau, born in 1952, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was chosen by the people and proved to be a highly regarded peaceful, capable and honest Christian leader.
