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the inside parts of an animal or person's body, especially their intestines; viscera; from date 1200-1300, Old French 'entrailles', from Medieval Latin 'intralia' and Latin 'interaneus' meaning 'inside'

the point of the Earth's surface directly above an Earthquake; a focal point (the helicopter flew over the epicenter of the Earthquake)

encamp, encamped, encamping, encamps.verbs
intransitive verb use.to set up camp or live in a camp
transitive verb use.to provide quarters for in a camp (ancient Israelites encamped in the wilderness whose 'bread' was manna)

an inscription on a tombstone.in memory of the one buried there; a brief.iterary.piece.commemorating a deceased person

membranous.tissue.composed of one or more layers of cells.separated by very little intercellular.substance.and.forming the covering of most internal and external surfaces of the body and its organs

erase, erased, erasing, erases.transitive verbs
to remove something written, for example by rubbing, wiping or scraping (teachers had to teach the kindergarteners how to properly use an eraser); to remove recorded material from a magnetic tape or other storage medium (erased a file from the computer's hard drive); from Latin 'eradere' meaning 'to scratch out'

entomb, entombed, entombing, entombs.transitive verbs
to place in or as if in a tomb or grave; to immure; to serve as a tomb for

a place where various.goods are bought and sold; a marketplace; a large.retail.store or place of business; a large shop with a wide selection of goods (a furniture emporium); from Greek 'emporion' which is from 'emporos' meaning 'traveler' and 'merchant'

Eshmanezer also spelt.Eshmunazar
one of two Sidonian kings of the Phoenician period 

ethos.plural noun
the disposition, character.or.fundamental.values.peculiar to a specific.individual, people, culture.or.movement

epinephrine.also.spelt.epinephrin.noun,.plural.epinephrines.also spelt.epinephrins
also called adrenaline; a body hormone.secreted by the adrenal medulla that is released into the bloodstream.in.response.to physical or mental.stress, as from fear or injury, such as when a bear may be walking toward you and you just want to get away as fast as you can, but you know you must back away very slowly, aways facing the bear, until it's time to turn around and move faster; epinephrine/adrenaline initiates many bodily responses, including the stimulation of heart action and an increase in blood pressure, metabolic rate and blood glucose.concentration; it's  white to brownish crystalline.compound, chemical name C9H13NO3, isolated from the adrenal glands of certain mammals or synthesized and used as a heart stimulant, vasoconstrictor and bronchial.relaxant

a site on an antigen at which an antibody can bind, the molecular arrangement of the site determining the specific combining antibody; also called 'antigenic determinant'; date 1960, from the International Scientific Vocabulary, from 'epi-' + Greek 'topos' meaning 'place'

inscriptions.considered as a group; the study of inscriptions; decipherment of ancient inscriptions, such as hieroglyphics

on, above, upon, near, at, against (epicenter; epitaph); outer, exterior or covering (epidermis; epithelium); extending generally (epicene; epidemic); accompanying, additional (epiphenomenon; episode); to, towards (epistle); following, succeeding (epigone);  suddenness or forcefulness (of the action of the verb) (epiphany)
above genetics, that is, the mind controls the body (Dr. Bruce Lipton explains); the process discovered by biologist.Bruce Lipton where humans are not a product of their genes, but rather, the product of the mind's attitudes affecting one's genes
development of a plant or animal from an egg or spore through a series of processes in which what appears to be unorganized cell masses differentiate into organs and organ systems also; plant and animal development proceeds in this way
Biology:.the theory that an individual is developed by successive differentiation of an unstructured egg rather than by a simple enlarging of a preformed entity
Geology:.change in the mineral content of a rock because of outside influences

one or more persons accompanying another to guide, protect or show honor; a man who is the companion of a woman, especially on a social.occasion; one or more vehicles accompanying another vehicle to guide, protect or honor its passengers; the state of being accompanied by an individual or protective.guard
escort, escorted, escorting, escorts.transitive verbs
to accompany as an escort

a native or inhabitant of Europe; a person of European descent. European.adjective
of.or.relating.to Europe or its peoples, languages or cultures
the continent (map) that is north of the Mediterranean sea and goes as far east as the Ural Mountains in Russia and is the sixth-largest continent and technically is a vast.peninsula of the Eurasian land mass

a British.nobleman next in rank above a viscount and below a marquis

a colorless, volatile liquid, C2H5NH2, used in petroleum.refining and household and other detergents and in organic.synthesis; also called ethamine

a period of decline or diminution:
ebb, ebbed, ebbing, ebbs.intransitive verbs
to decline or recede; to fall away or back; to fall back from the flood stage
ebb tide.noun,.plural.ebb tides
the receding or outgoing tide; the period between high water and the succeeding low water; the ebb or the ebb tide is one of the regular periods, usually two per day, when the sea gradually falls to a lower level as the tide moves away from the land; if someone's life, support or feeling ebbs, it becomes weaker and gradually disappears; you can use ebb and flow to describe the way that something repeatedly increases and decreases or rises and falls (the ebb and flow of feeling and moods)

execrate, execrated, execrating, execrates.transitive verbs
to declare to be hateful or abhorrent; denounce; to feel loathing for; abhor; to invoke a curse on
a curse; the act of cursing; something that is cursed or loathed
deserving of execration; hateful; bad (an execrable meal)

ethylene glycol.noun,.plural.ethylene glycols
a poisonous colorless, syrupy alcohol, HOCH2CH2OH, used as an antifreeze in cooling and heating systems; see types of alcohols

Thomas Stearns Eliot, 1888-1965. American-born British critic and writer whose poems The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (1915) and The Waste Land (1922) established him as a major literary figure. He also wrote dramas, such as Murder in the Cathedral (1935) and wrote works of criticism. He won the 1948 Nobel Prize for literature; much more on his life is in an encyclopedia. A quote and a poem of his.