14 Dating:.For
the ages to be valid, the amount of radioactive carbon 14 in the atmosphere
must have always been constant. Carbon 14 is produced by cosmic rays smashing
into nitrogen atoms near the top of the Earth's atmosphere. If the intensity
of cosmic radiation.was
different in the distant past, then the C-14 dating system will be
in error.1)
to errors in radio carbon dating is the ground water problem; that is,
seeps into fossilized
bones causing the proteins to break down more quickly than they would otherwise,
washing out the resulting amino acids and generally playing havoc
with a steadily ticking clock. The 70,000 year date was found to be off
by 63,000 years."....The
Neanderthal Enigma.
Because of errors
in measuring.(7
methods of radiocarbon dating).radiocarbon-14,
dates are calibrated.(check,
adjust, compare with a standard).against
calendar dates for Egyptian tomb artifacts
and construction dates recorded in early local texts.
Then there was the story
of a man whose tree was hit by lightning, who took a piece of that wood
in to be dated. The age for his five year old tree's piece of wood was
established to be approximately two hundred thousand years ago.
This is only one.type.of
measurement on an instrument called a radiometer that detects electromagnetic
Of the seven methods
of radiometric dating, there are no easy.(say,
of directly dating fossils or even the
rocks which may hold them.
Plants take in carbon dioxide
gas from the atmosphere and incorporate it into their tissues. Some of
that carbon dioxide contains the radioactive isotope
of carbon.(14C
or carbon 14). This decays at a known
rate, so elapsed time can be measured since the plant died, one half of
the radioactive isotope decays at 5,730 years. Carbon 14 persists in decaying
after the death of an organism, so once discovered, a part of the discovered
fossil can be burned to transform it into CO2
where detectors of radiation count the electron emission that occurs as
the CO2 decays into nitrogen. The amount of C-14 is referenced
to stable carbon, C-12, to conclude how much decay has occurred, thus
dating the fossil.
Dating Methods:.Regular
rates of decay for radioactive elements were found in the Earth's rocks.
dating techniques are established using constant rates of isotope
decay. Once an isotope is added to a growing mineral crystal, decay begins
at a steady rate, showing forth products eliciting
time intervals. These are the clocks in rocks geologists use to measure
Some main
dating approaches apply, of which radiocarbon-14
and potassium-argon
are two of the
radiometric methods. Radiometric dating methods can only be used on
previously molten.(liquid).rock
such as lava or granite.
evolution defined as natural
selection acting upon random
produce near perfect adaptation
by means of sequential
Evolution is disorder in
disguise, being a blend of randomness and determinism,
somewhat like the Roman God Janus.(door
and gateway God), who had two heads
looking in opposite directions, that of, randomness, being not sure in
which direction she should go and determinism, sure that she should be
going somewhere. The entire legal
systems of the world show this idiocy along wityh the educational systems.
or chance, can actually account for nothing. When it comes to the slight
chance evolution may be correct, we reach the impossible realm.
randomness and determinism can be transvalued
as deterministic.chaos.
The concept of randomness
is another evolutionary argument
from silence; that is, an argument based on the silence of there being
to support
it, instead
being a combination of conjecturable.concoctions.
we are all connected.(free
viewing of the movie.The
Connected Universe, about the greatest discovery in quantum physics
in 150 years).to
the patterns of intelligence.(example).of
the universe. All is connected to everything else. No randomness.
No chaos. Just one pattern moving into another, as when you the baby is
now you the adult. Invisible energy
is highly organized
and mathematically intricate
as it changes form into something other than what it was.
creator of the Periodic
Table Of Elements and others,
discovered no randomness.
Some of the ideas facing
the direction toward determinism
are here.
von Neumann, mathematician,.(claimed
by others to be brighter than Einstein
and on a
par with.Ramanujan),
believed with other mathematicians that there is a pattern to randomness,
that all is essentially ordered. Randomness is therefore really the lack
of understanding the pattern supported by the invisible.
Once the pattern is understood,
the concept of randomness disappears and with it any matters that may rely
upon it. And Stephen Wolfram
is well on his way towards intelligently comprehending
this concept.
There can be no formal proof
that a string of species
has resulted from randomness because there is no assurance that complexity
or the invisible, has been accounted for in evolution. Therefore evolution
itself and shows itself to be the product of either ignorance
or sly.deception.
Darwin perceived.symmetry
and sought a cause that could not be quantified.
He was honest enough to admit he
had trouble with his theory. Those who later hijacked
his theory as part of a ploy
to dumb down
people were not high quality persons like Darwin.
Throughout this entire dissertation
the pattern of creation, the mosaic
of life, has become readily
evident, eliminating natural selection's randomness and thus, the theory
of evolution becomes simply an antiquated.dictum.
It can thus be said that ignorance of pattern spawns randomness. Does this
mean Darwin's random processes have no definitive
direction because they are ignorant blind processes?
One cause of ignorance is
lack of interest. Another is lack of
time to accurately arrive at quantitatively.verifiable
information. This is really the randomness, that being our on again, off
again approach, our hit and miss stabs at acquiring information, again,
I think, mostly due to lack of time, because most people must surely be
interested in how we got here and why
we are here.
Evolution is an attempt.(I
say an 'attempt', as evolution, being really
anti knowledge, presents an illusion of power to effect change, when
it is simply bluster).at
chance; that is, if evolutionists can increase that intensity.(increasing
the possibilities), then weight
is added to what evolutionists have decided to believe.