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T r i a l s  a n d  S u f f e r i n g s

F o x ' s  B o o k  o f  M a r t y r s

Ahistory of the lives, sufferings and triumphant deaths of the early.Christian.Protestant.martyrs.from about 36 A.D. to the early 1800's, the Inquisition portion being from 1522 to 1834.

James wrote about the 'would be' world controllers and how they afflicted Christians back then:.James 5:5,6 "You have lived in pleasure on the Earth and been wanton. You have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. You have condemned and killed the just.(an example from the horrible times of the Inquisition).and he does not resist you."

Fox's Book of Martyrs
(published 1563 A.D.)

Original book edited by William Byron Forbush

Index for an overview

Reprinted here.(ccel.org/f/foxe/martyrs/home.html), free for download in its most complete form
