1) History of Christian Martyrs
to the First General Persecutions Under Nero
2) The Ten Primitive Persecutions
....The First Persecution
Under Nero, 67 A.D.
....The Second Persecution
Under Domitian, 81 A.D.
....The Third Persecution,
Under Trajan, 108 A.D.
....The Fourth Persecution
Under Marcus
Aurelius Antoninus,
162 A.D.
....The Fifth Persecution
Commencing with Severus, 192 A.D.
....The Sixth Persecution
Under Maximus, 235 A.D.
....The Seventh Persecution,
Under Decius, 249 A.D.
....The Eighth Persecution
Under Valerian, 257 A.D.
....The Ninth Persecution
Under Aurelian, 274 A.D.
....The Tenth Persecution
Under Diocletian, 303 A.D.
3) Persecutions of the Christians
in Persia
....Persecutions Under the
Arian Heretics
....Persecution Under Julian
the Apostate
....Persecution of the Christians
by the Goths and Vandals
....The Last Roman 'Triumph'
....Persecutions from About
the Middle of the Fifth to the Conclusion of the Seventh Century
....Persecutions from the
Early Part of the Eighth to Near the Conclusion of the Tenth Century
....Persecutions in the
Eleventh Century
4) Papal Persecutions
....Persecutions of the
....The Bartholomew Massacre
at Paris, etc.
....From the Revocation
of the Edict of Nantes to the French Revolution, in 1789
....Martyrdom of John Calas
5) An Account of the Inquisition
....An account of an auto
da fe, performed at Madrid.(1682
....An Account of the Cruel
Handling and Burning of Nicholas Burton, an English Merchant, in Spain
....Some Private Enormities
of the Inquisition Laid Open, by a Very Singular Occurrence
....The Persecution of Dr.
....The Persecution of Dr.
....The Life of William
....An Account of the Life
and Sufferings of Mr. William Lithgow, a Native of Scotland
....The Story of Galileo
....Summary of the
6) An Account of the Persecutions
in Italy Under the Papacy
....An Account of the Persecutions
of Calabria
....Account of the Persecutions
in the Valleys of Piedmont
....An Account of the Persecutions
in Venice
....An Account of Several
Remarkable Individuals Who Were Martyred in Different Parts of Italy, on
Account of Their Religion
....An Account of the Persecutions
in the Marquisate of Saluces
....An Account of the Persecutions
in the Valleys of Piedmont in the Seventeenth Century
....Further Persecutions
in the Valleys of Piedmont, in the Seventeenth Century
....A Narrative of the Piedmontese
....An Account of the Persecutions
of Michael de Molinos, a Native of Spain
7) An Account of the Life
and Persecutions of John Wickliffe
8) An Account of the Persecutions
in Bohemia Under the Papacy
....Persecution of John
....Persecution of Jerome
of Prague
....Persecution of Zisca
9) An Account of the Life
and Persecutions of Martin
10) General Persecutions
in Germany
11) An Account of the Persecutions
in the Netherlands (Holland)
12) The Life and Story of
the True Servant and Martyr of God, William
13) An Account of the Life
of John Calvin
....Calvin as a Friend of
Civil Liberty
14) An Account of the Persecutions
in Great Britain and Ireland Prior to the Reign of Queen
Mary I
15) An Account of the Persecutions
in Scotland During the Reign of King
Henry VIII
....An Account of the Life,
Sufferings and Death of George Wishart Who Was Strangled and Afterward
Burned in Scotland, for Professing the Truth of the Gospel
16) Persecutions in England
During the Reign of Queen
Mary I
....The Words and Behavior
of the Lady Jane upon the
....John Rogers, Vicar of
St. Sepulchre's and Reader of St. Paul's, London
....The Rev. Lawrence Saunders
....The History, Imprisonment
and Examination of Mr. John Hooper, Bishop of Worcester and Gloucester
....The Life and Conduct
of Dr. Rowland Taylor of Hadley
....Martyrdom of William
....Dr. Robert Farrar
....Martyrdom of Rawlins
....Rev. George Marsh
....William Flower
....Rev. John Cardmaker
and John Warne
....John Simpson and John
....Thomas Haukes, Thomas
Watts and Anne Askew
....Rev. John Bradford and
John Leaf, an Apprentice
....Rev. John Bland, Rev.
John Frankesh, Nicholas Shetterden and Humphrey Middleton
....Dirick Carver and John
....John Denley, John Newman
and Patrick Packingham
....Rev. Robert Samuel
....Bishop Ridley and Bishop
....Mr. John Philpot
....John Lomas, Agnes Snoth,
Anne Wright, Joan Sole and Joan Catmer
....The Vision of Three
....Hugh Laverick and John
....Preservation of George
Crow and His Testament
....Executions at Stratford
le Bow
....Rev. Julius Palmer
....Joan Waste and Others
....Persecutions in the
Diocese of Canterbury
....Rev. John Hullier
....Simon Miller and Elizabeth
....Executions at Colchester
....Mrs. Joyce Lewes
....Executions at Islington
....Mrs. Cicely Ormes
....Rev. John Rough
....Cuthbert Symson
....Thomas Hudson, Thomas
Carman and William Seamen
....The Story of Roger Holland
....Flagellations by Bonner
....Rev. Richard Yeoman
....Thomas Benbridge
....Mrs. Prest
....Deliverance of Dr. Sands
....Queen Mary's Treatment
of Her Sister, the Princess Elizabeth
....God's Punishment upon
Some of the Persecutors of His People in Mary's Reign
17) Rise and Progress of
the Protestant Religion in Ireland, with an Account of the Barbarous Massacre
of 1641
18) The Rise, Progress, Persecutions
and Sufferings of the Quakers
19) An Account of the Life
and Persecutions of John Bunyan
20 An Account of the Life
of John Wesley
21) Persecutions of the French
Protestants in the South of France, During the Years 1814 and 1820
.....The Arrival of King
Louis XVIII at Paris
.....The History of the
Silver Child
.....The Catholic Arms at
.....Massacre and Pillage
at Nismes
.....Royal Decree in Favor
of the Persecuted
.....Petition of the Protestant
.....Monstrous Outrage Upon
.....Outrages Committed
in the Villages, etc.
.....Further Account of
the Proceedings of the Catholics at Nismes
.....Attack Upon the Protestant
.....Murder of General La
.....Interference of the
British Government
.....Ultimate Resolution
of the Proestants at Nismes
22) The Beginnings of American
Foreign Missions
.....The Persecution of
Doctor Judson
.....Removal of the Prisoners
to Oung-pen-la; Mrs. Judson Follows Them
.....Missionary Beginnings
.....Epilogue to the Original
In addition there were many
more Inquisitional murders for various concocted reasons, such as the death
the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno, 1548?-1600,
who used Copernican
principles in formulating his cosmic theory of an infinite multiverse.
He was condemned by the
Inquisition for heresy,
immoral conduct and blasphemy
and burned at the stake.
the Book