-Are people out
to get you like they were David?.Psalms
59:3,4. Faith will get you through it:.Hebrews
11:27. Some people of low consciousness become jealous of others of
higher character than they are and do things they think no one sees, to
in some way, thwart
the evil ones of old also did to Daniel:.Daniel
6:1-15. who was behind all this?.Revelation
had many heartaches in his life:.Psalms
38:8-16; 55:4-7; 102:4-9,11.
learned a lot out of what He suffered through:.Hebrews
Pontiac did his best
to get rid of the British who were out to subjugate the Algonquain
speaking people living on Manitoulin Island and adjacent shores of Lake
Huron and Georgian Bay and later dispersed in large part, now living also
on reserves in lower Michigan and in Oklahoma. Chief Pontiac was chief
of the Ottawa First Nations tribe. He was born 1720? and died by assassination
in 1769. He led a large Native American revolt against the British in the
Great Lakes region during 1763-1766. Chief Pontiac became a great leader
organizing a combined resistance, now known as Pontiac's War, 1763–64,
a war against the corrupt British who were stealing their land in the Great
Lakes area.
We all go through darkness
at times without comfort. Why?
Trials are better than gold.(1Peter
1:3-13; Proverbs 3:12-18;
3:18,19), but preferred by the
frozen chosen to be the other way around. Some are so used to comfort,
it is inconceivable
to imagine putting themselves out for another in need. And these are 'spiritual'
persons? I think not!
See what some other people
of love in past times went through in the classic Fox's
Book of Martyrs.or.continue
to Questions.