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As a man thinks
As good as done
Asa.(ancient king of Judah)
Asaph.(a writer of some of the Psalms)
Ascended masters
Ascension.(rising up)
Ashamed at His coming
Ashamed sin's still affecting you?
Ashid Bahl.(For the Love of Children Society, Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Ashurbanipal.(an ancient king of Assyria; also called Asnappar)
Asimov, Isaac.(quote)
Ask.(ask a question of yourself)
Ask.(asking for help from those of high consciousness who have passed on)
Ask, seek, find and you'll experience it:.Luke 11:9-13
Ask.(is the same as having a desire; how to 'ask' is key)
Ask Suby
Asleep (people asleep to what's going on, wake up!)
Ass.(Balaam's ass)
Ass.(dumb ass parents, dumb ass people, dumb ass schools)
Asshur.(Assyria rooted to the son of Shem; also spelt Ashur)
Assyrian Empire.(ancient history)
Astray:.Matthew 18:11-14
Astrology.(and other ancient practices of divination)
Astronomy/Astrology.(and questions on this topic)
ATB.(Alberta Treasury Branches {the peoples' bank})
Antibiotics.(and viral infections)
Athaliah.(a woman evil to the core)
Atoms line up
Atomic number
Atomic weight
...meaning of
...ancient Day of Atonement
ATP.(adenosine triphosphate,.1)
Attacking or being attacked
...and intention
...is light
Attracting same types time and time again
Attributes of God.(same as attributes of love)
Audio.(speakers - strange how physics of acoustics works)
Audio talk.(inspiring audio talk about Bruno)
Audiology.(not scientific, not mathematical provable, full of errors)
Augustine, Saint
Augustus.(one of the Caesars of ancient Rome)
Aurora Borealis.(Northern Lights)
Australia.(bet you didn't know this is going on?)
Australia & Alberta.(did you know this was going on?)
Australian Bill of Rights
...corrupted authorities
...questions to have in mind for analyzing them
...submitting to
...trusting.(history has proved to We the People that trusting earthly authorities has been a huge mistake, as Pascal Najadi found out)
Autism.(getting rid of it)
Automatic functioning due to invisible patterns
Automobiles.(toxic interiors)
Avenging yourself?
Avenger of blood.(Old Testament; cities of refuge for protection of some criminals)
Avim/Avites.(some of many people in the Old Testament who worshipped idols) 
Awakening key.(how to awaken and how to know if another is)
...2 overall awakening keys.people need awareness of
...reason why more aren't awakening
AWARE OF DANGERS.(dangers that could kill you)
Away.(Matthew 5:40-48 don't turn others away & more)
Ayn Rand
Azariah.(aka Ahaziah; a king of ancient Judah)
Azariah.(a prophet of ancient Judah in time of Asa)
Azariah.(aka Ahaziah; a king of ancient Judah)
"Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living
and the other, a life." ...Sandra Carey