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Joshua and the walls of Jericho: The Israelites had just come out of captivity in Egypt.(Joshua 2:10; 5:6-9).where they had been in bondage for 430 years.(see the movie The Commandments with Charlton Heston as Moses for a record of this).

It was time for the Creator to give them land. Now began the wars of conquest which Joshua carried on for many years, the record of which is in the book which bears his name. Six nations and thirty one kings were conquered by him.(Joshua 11:18-23).as it says in Joshua 12th chapter.

And,.the famous story.of the walls of Jericho:.Joshua 6:1-27.

Protecting your children in and around the home and since they are naturally sensitive to evils, note their reactions to others: Consider...

...Protection from pedophiles, Internet stalking, etc., see Cyberangels.(cyberangels.org/); see Cybertip.ca.(cybertip.ca)
...RCMP.(Royal Canadian Mounted Police).video on Street Protecting Your Children; call 1.800.445-5144. About $19.95.
...Planters and hanging items that could be grabbed and pulled down.
...Sharp coffee and end table corners. Many toddlers have fallen and received serious injury by hitting their face, especially an eye or temple, on sharp corners of these; replace them with rounded corner furniture or put some kind of protector on the corners that'll suffice.
...Babies in strollers near stairs.
...Be careful of what they sleep on. Most mattresses have dangerous flame retardants sprayed on them. Organic mattresses and sheets are available.
...Childproof locks on cupboards with toxic chemicals or medicines in them or anything that may prove injurious.
...Unsecured bookshelves or drawers open that could pull the entire thing over on a toddler if he grabs at it or tries to climb it. Consider the danger of imbalanced, front heavy flat screen TVs.
...Things lying around that he or she could trip over.
...Toddler wearing loose clothing that could be caught in appliances, doors, etc.
...Be careful of cords hanging down from the counter, as from a kettle or a pot handle showing from the top of a stove or counter that a child could grab on to; also strings hanging from blinds
...Hot water set too hot.
...Sharp utensils, scissors, etc. left within reach.
...Electrical outlets, cover with safety plugs.
...Keep an eye on your kids outside. Are they safe and how are they playing?

-Dangers when eating, from Ximena Gregoire:
...chia seeds: very nutritious, but use them this way. Into a glass of warm water put a teaspoon of them and leave them until the seeds release their goodness. It should look like the consistency of an egg white when this occurs. Then pour them into a tea strainer to drain the thick liquid in a glass. Gently press the seeds in the tea strainer to get a little more of the liquid. You don't want any of the seeds in with the thick liquid, as these seeds can really stick in the throat. Because the seeds can be so sticky, they may not be able to be removed by drinking water or trying to scrape them by eating and swallowing a piece of bread. Some have needed to have a tracheotomy; not good.
...popcorn: like chia seeds, popcorn can also be dangerous if all the kernals have not popped properly and the husk is still on the popped pieces. These too can cause choking off of air if they get into the windpipe. Some people, to be safe, avoid popping corn altogether.
...apple seeds: contain tiny amounts of arsenic. Careful with mashed up apples if seeds were mashed up with the pulp, as the arsenic in the seeds will severely damage the teeth. Apples, only if organic and why, should be cut up for children not yet able to know about avoiding the seeds, as their little systems should not be exposed to the poison of arsenic. There's very little in a seed, but best to avoid. If an adult, not to worry if you do happen to eat a few when eating an apple; it takes many seeds from many apples to severely poison you. Again, careful with mashed up apples if seeds were mashed up with the pulp, as the arsenic in the seeds will severely damage the teeth and the arsenic, as you probably know, is highly poisonous in much larger amounts.

-If a choking happens and you are alone, what to do.

-Dangerous when using; don't be around sparklers. They are an eye hazard. What are sparklers? They spue particles randomly when they burn, some of which are sure to hit your face with hot metal particles. Better to never use them when decorating, say, a birthday cake and advise others not to as well.

-Babies: don't let them go to sleep with a bottle of milk as the milk stays on the teeth all night and can damage the teeth. Better to use alternatives to dairy products in this day and age, such as Bancha tea. It has many benefits, way beyond milk. Bancha is also called Kukicha. 

-Books to help you:.Why Johnny Can't Tell Right From Wrong, William Kilpatrick, 1992; William Bennet's.Book Of Virtues, 1993.

The Duties of Parents.by J.C. Ryle.

-Is your child at a 'dumb ass' school that destroys his or her creativity? And there is a plot to undermine the abilities of children, so they will easily be obedient to the worldwide system the cabal has set up, a system contrived by those who wish to 'dumb them down', an effort called 'slaving the masses':.1Samuel 8:10-22

"Around 1980 in North America ethics and morality were removed from being taught in the school system."....Dr. Pete Peterson (projectcamelot.org)

In one series of I.Q. tests given to children ages 2 to 4 years, 95% of the children were found to be highly creative with curious, questioning minds and an ability for abstract thinking. 

When the same children were tested again at age 7, only 5% still demonstrated high levels of creativity. In the ensuing years, they had learned to conform. 'If you want to get along, you had better go along' is what they had discovered. No wonder many end up believing the crap evolution story and the lie that vaccines are 'safe and effective'. Critical.thinking has been hindered.

Over time, children can lose the wonderful fearless spontaneity of youth and learn to suppress ideas and insights that were unusual or different.

Homeschool your children. Get together with 4 or 5 others who also want to homeschool.

Dumb ass teachers armed with propagandized.curricula producing dullards, obviously.care less about any idea of how to bring out the best in individual children. Instead of the corrupt educational system, become another of the many parents that homeschool their children.

The way to destroy what a child is:."Take the line of least resistance; keep your lips closed; go with the stream; look after yourself! This is the method of reasonableness taught. This is the policy which assures self-preservation! This is the secret of a successful and progressive life. Keep your lips closed—the policy of silence; go with the stream—the policy of opportunism; look after yourself—the policy of self-aggrandizement. Such is the counsel of Mr. Worldly Wiseman."....Jowett

-Wise words from George Carlin, famous comedian now passed on.

A child is more than a test score. Einstein's life a sort of example, 
smart but also dumb and not too honest.