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Some people I know have actually got a house this way. However, so many other factors weren't expected they actually gave up their house and moved back to the big city. Life constantly prompts us for more.

With the real God on your side.(Isaiah 45:5,6; 46:9), when you receive something, all with it is complimentary and in balance and good for you. There is no downside with a gift from the Creator.(Proverbs 10:22), just promptings to 'come up higher', 'to move beyond', to reach further'. You have the power. You lose what you don't use. The Creator wants us not to lose.

The Creator says that He wants you to have the desires of your heart. Creator is concerned with your spirituality and your eternity:.Luke 6:35. Without understanding how these universal laws work, any good positive thoughts for say, a better future for yourself, will be negated as soon as you come up against something in life that tells you that you cannot have what you are imagining. And here you will kill your new mind creation. Trying to get yourself better by 'pulling yourself up with your own bootstraps' does not work. You cannot just 'decide to be positive' and that's it. You must be sure that the universal laws the Infinite One has designed and put in motion, really will produce the results you want:.Jeremiah 10:23. And how do you become really sure? Proving to yourself God indeed is real would be a good step towards having faith in God.

Astrology and various modern forms of ancient hocus-pocus not based on God, take you nowhere spiritually:.Ecclesiastes 1:9; Revelation 12:9.

No matter what you may plan, God may have an alternate one for your life:.Lamentations 3:37; Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 2:13; Proverbs 16:9; 21:1,2. So it is important to get quiet with yourself. Here you listen. Here you sense the direction where your abilities will be of greatest benefit. Here you make the decision to do this thing and not to do other things.

Once your direction is set, the steps to get there should be pursued with confidence and here, guidance from your subconscious will be in accordance with what you see as right and true for you along the way. Here, the AskSuby system of subconscious guidance can be of benefit.

The key is harmony. When what you focus upon is to produce good for yourself and others, you are in harmony with the principles of universal law the Infinite One has set up in love:.Romans 13:10.

All the promises are in Christ.(what exactly does 'in Christ' mean, just religious stuff? Not at all):.2Corinthians 1:20. When your in Christ, you have all the promises and have an effective alternative to endless repetitions being used in trying to convince yourself of the reality of these things being for you, repetitions with uncertain and varying results due to the vicissitudes of life as caused by wavering faith.(one day you are sure, and the next day unsure:.James 1:6-8):.Matthew 6:7,8; 1Timothy 6:17; Amos 5:8,14,15. One proves any affirmation by results, like this one.

"Ascended" Masters?

Eastern Religions
 The major religious literature of the world are as follows: The "Veda" of Hinduism, the "Tripitaka" of Buddhism , the "Zend-Avesta" of Zoroastrianism, the sacred texts of Confucianism, the "Koran" of Islam and the "Holy Bible" of Christianity. 
   According to the World Almanac there are over 950,000,000 Muslims.(Koran), 700,000,000 Hindus.(the Veda's), and over 300,000,000 Buddhists.(Tripitaka).in the world today.

Today and in the early Christian movement, there are many great spiritual leaders.

Buddhism: A religion of eastern and central Asia imported into Tibet from India in the 7th century A.D. and which grew out of the teaching of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, B.C.E..circa 563-483, Indian.(of India).mystic and founder of Buddhism. One core belief is that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by mental and moral self-purification.."The lesson of Buddha is a journey from asleep to awakening."....Deepak Chopra

"Nichiren, 1222-1282 A.D., a Japanese Buddhist monk of the Kamakura period, 1185-1333 helped establish Buddhism in Japan. At a time in Japan's history when Buddhist teachings were diffuse and conflicting, Nichiren sought the true teaching of the historical Buddha, which would serve as a central, unifying doctrine. After 20 years of careful study, he concluded that authentic Buddhism could be found only in the Lotus Sutra or Lotus Scripture text and he denounced all other forms of Buddhism. For his audacity he was expelled from his monastery and was subjected to hostility and persecution from both religious and civil.authorities. In 1271 he was arrested and condemned to die, but his sentence was subsequently.commuted."....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

More on Buddhism.

Confucianism: Of or relating to the Chinese philosopher Confucius or his teachings or followers. Confucius lived B.C.E.  551-479. More of a philosophy than a religion.

Many of his life's sayings and actions are depicted in the movie Confucius; about his life and sayings of 2500 years ago. Interestingly presented keeping one engaged throughout. Confucius taught principles of proper conduct and social relationships that comprised high ethical and moral standards, teaching that each human being must cultivate personal virtues as honesty and love.."Virtue is never left to stand alone. He who has it will have neighbors."....Confucius, Chinese philosopher, B.C.E. 551–479..Proverbs 18:24 "A man that has friends must show himself friendly and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother."

"Confucius claimed to be a restorer of ancient morality and held that proper outward acts based on the five virtues of kindness, uprightness, decorum, wisdom and faithfulness constitute the whole of human duty. Reverence for parents, living and dead, was one of his key concepts. His view of government was paternalistic and he enjoined all individuals to observe carefully their duties toward the state. In subsequent centuries his teachings exerted a powerful influence on the Chinese nation."....comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Hinduism: The dominant.religion of India that emphasizes.dharma with its resulting ritual and social observances and often mystical.contemplation and ascetic practices. Hindus are people who mostly live in northern India. Because they are Hindus doesn't necessarily mean that they embrace the religion of Hinduism. Hindi is the language of India. Also, Hindoo, plural Hindoos, is the variant of the word Hindu, plural Hindus. More.

Islam: The religious faith of Muslims includes belief in Allah as the sole deity and in Muhammad as his prophet. A Muslim is one who has surrendered his life for spirituality. 

Koran of Islam: Koran means 'recite'. Deepak Chopra has a book on the Koran.

From The Bible Knowledge Accelerator: Islam was founded in 622 A.D. by Mohammed, 570-632 A.D., the prophet, in Medina, Arabian peninsula. Today, the Muslim faith is a growing religion, having spread to over 40 countries on three continents. Its founder, Mohammed.(Muhammad), was born in Mecca, Arabia.(570 A.D.). It is believed that he received his first revelation by the angel Gabriel at the age of 40. Though he could not read or write, his revelations were apparently written down by his secretaries for about 22 years until he died in 632 A.D. He denied polytheism and only worshipped Allah, meaning, one God, the only God. It is believed the prophet Mohammed was to give the words of God he received by revelation.(came into his mind through prayer/meditation), the Koran, to humanity. 

The Qur'an or Koran are the holy scriptures in Islam. Almost as large as the New Testament, it contains 114 chapters. Many Koranic believers feel the Koran is superior to all other revelations because other revelations have been corrupted beyond recognition and so then, only the Koran is infallible. There is no room for discussion of the historicity of the Bible because Mohammed said it was corrupt. True, the Bible has been altered many times, but...

When both have love at heart, there is more that keeps us together than what divides us.

The Koran was written in the Arabic language shortly after Mohammed's death. It teaches that the one true God's name is Allah. He is so far above man in His knowledge and power that no man could ever know him. In fact, it would be blasphemous to call Allah 'your father'; there is no personal relationship with him. He is to be obeyed without question, therefore the name Moslem or Muslim means "to submit". It is held by believers in the Koran that Allah has spoken through numerous prophets, Abraham, Moses, Emmanuel, etc.


My Karma ran over your Dogma.
