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...continued from.Buddhism – Eastern Religions Page 7

Comprised from the book Readings In Eastern Religions by Harold Coward, Eva Dargyay and Ronald Neufeldt who teach in the Department of Religious Studies at the University.(people.ucalgary.ca/~lipton/subject.html).of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Buddha means.(Awakened or Enlightened One). Buddhism originated in India at a time when Hinduism was still in its infancy. Buddha was not a Buddhist as Buddhism was the religion that came later intended to guide the spiritually thirsty.

Buddha dying said "I'm awake". He apparently didn't see himself as having the nature of high consciousness that Emmanuel had constantly. 

Large amounts of Indian Buddhist texts were lost. We rely mostly upon their Tibetan and Chinese translations.

From The Bible Knowledge Accelerator: Buddhism: An Eastern religion which began in India by Siddhartha Gautama B.C.E. 563-480. Buddhism teaches that suffering and existence are inseparably united and salvation is being set free from suffering only through realizing oneself as a part of this inseparable connection.
   This knowledge brings one away from himself and the senses to the final state of illumination called nirvana.

Gautama became "the Buddha" i.e. "the enlightened one". There have been many other Buddha's in history but he set a unique.precedence for others to follow. For one to achieve "nirvana" he had to fully comprehend the teachings dharma.(rather than the basically selfish person's ways). The essence of that teaching is summarized in four statements known as the Four Noble Truths:
1. Everything is suffering.
2. Suffering comes from the desire for existence.
3. Suffering is eliminated when desire for existence is eliminated, realizing the real person (their soul) has always existed.
4. Desire for existence is eliminated by following the eight fold path.

The eight fold path is basically the path of a good ethical life from actions to speech and even the very motives in the pursuit of truth, the way the Great Teacher Emmanuel came to reveal leading one into unity with the Infinite One. A principle of Buddha was that of impermanence, that is, if a negative thought arises, it will also diminish. Another principle of Buddha is that there is no separation between us at the invisible level, only oneness. We have cut the line to God, no thanks to our ego and the upbringing of most people. It can be reopened by meditating. In meditation the soul of us makes known what the causes of suffering are and wells up to our minds the way out of the mess of life so many wander aimlessly through. 

The "Tripitaka" of Buddhism: Buddhism began in India about B.C.E. 525. The founder was Gautama Siddhartha, B.C.E. 563-480 who achieved enlightenment through meditation. The Tripitaka is a collection of Buddha's teachings, rules of monastic life and commentaries. It is about 10 times larger than the Bible, just huge.

The basic belief is that life is misery and decay and there is no ultimate reality in it or behind it. The cycle of endless birth and rebirth continues because of desire and attachment to the unreal 'self', the physical self, the ego self. Right meditation and deeds will end the cycle and achieve Nirvana, the Void, 'nothingness'. the peace of God.
