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NT and OT Questions

Q u e s t i o n s  O n  N e w  T e s t a m e n t  B o o k s

R o m a n s

1 to 7th chapters...8 to 16th chapters

-Romans 8:1.What does it mean to be."in the Spirit"?

-Romans 8:2.What is this."law of the spirit of life in Christ Emmanuel"?

-Romans 8:4.If the law is done away as explained in the Mosaic Law subject, why does Paul then say that the righteousness of the law should be fulfilled in us?
   What is the."righteousness of the law"?

-Romans 8:6.What does it mean to be."carnally minded"?

-Romans 8:7.I thought the carnal mind was."enmity against God".as it says here, but yet here.(Romans 2:14,15).it seems to say that the ancient Gentiles who knew nothing of the ancient law God gave, were just as far ahead not knowing God's law as those whose tradition was for centuries was to keep it? Hardly seems fair! These two Scriptures seem so contradictory.

-Romans 8:10.My body isn't dead to sin. Does that mean Christ is not in me?

-Romans 8:17.How are we to suffer with Him?

-Romans 8:18.Why does this life seem like it's stacked against us?

-Romans 8:26.What's it mean."with groanings that can't be uttered"?

-Romans 9:3.What is Paul saying here?

-Romans 9:11.What does it mean."that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works"?

-Romans 9:13 on."Jacob have I loved but Esau.(his brother).have I hated".said God? Why or what does this mean?

-Romans 9:27 and 1Corinthians 3:17 If all are to be saved, what about what it says here?

-Romans 10:3.How is one to."submit unto the righteousness of God"?

-Romans 10:10.Are we not to confess our sins to God as it says here?

-Romans 11:11.Why does God provoke others to jealousy?

-Romans 11:25.What are the times of the Gentiles spoken of here?

-Romans 11:28.What's this scripture talking about?

-Romans 12:1.Does this mean Christians shouldn't smoke?

-Romans 12:2.What does this mean to not be conformed to the world?

-Romans 12:14.Why."bless those who persecute us".and how?

-Romans 12:18.What are some things we can do to live at peace?

-Romans 12:19.Does."vengeance is mine".mean God will punish our enemies?

-Romans 12:20 and Proverbs 25:21,22.Why would I want to care for an enemy if this just made things worse for him? How is this showing love?

-Romans 13:1-8.Surely this doesn't mean to submit to evil leaders?

-Romans 13:2.Why would we receive."damnation".for resisting the power of tyrannical leaders?

-Romans 14:1.What does it mean here."receive him but not to doubtful disputations"?

-Romans 14:17 talks of joy in the Holy Ghost. How can I get more joy into my life? Romans 14:17 says that."the Kingdom of God, which is thr rule of God on Earth, is not meat and drink":.Are we in the Kingdom of God when we have Christ in us? How can I be sure that I'm going to be in the Kingdom of God? And just how does it."come with power".as it says in Mark 9:1?
   How can I be sure that I'm going to be in the Kingdom of God?

-Romans 14:23.What's it mean."damned if I eat"? Lose salvation?

-Romans 15:5 and Philippians 2:2.Are we really all that much different from any other person?

-Romans 16:25.Why is the Bible such a mystery?

...Romans 1 to 7th chapter Questions