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NT and OT Questions

Q u e s t i o n s  O n  N e w  T e s t a m e n t  B o o k s

R o m a n s
1 to 7th chapters; 8 to 16th chapters

Romans 1:9.What does it mean to."serve God in the Spirit"?

-Romans 1:16.What does is mean."to the Jew first, then to the Greek"?

-Romans 1:17.What does it mean in this scripture.'from faith to faith'?.(see the scripture)

-Romans 1:18 explain.

-Romans 1:20.Does creation fit with evolution.(2Peter 3:5)?

-Romans 1:26,27.How can I circumvent homosexual tendencies from developing in my child?

-Romans 1:28.What does it mean."God gave them over"?

-Romans 2:14,15.I thought the carnal mind was enmity against God.(Romans 8:7), yet here it seems to say that the ancient Gentiles who knew nothing of the ancient law God gave, were just as far ahead not knowing God's law as those whose tradition was for centuries to keep it? Hardly seems fair! These two Scriptures seem so contradictory.

-Romans 3:4.What does it mean in this verse where it says.".....that you might be justified in your sayings and might overcome when you are judged".

-Romans 3:10.I know good people. Surely they can't be unrighteous; and little children and innocent babies, how can they be unrighteous?

-Romans 3:19,22,23.If God wanted all the world to be guilty, does it not make sense that the reason for this is so that they could all be saved?

-Romans 4:5 What does it mean here when it says "to him that works not"?

-Romans 4:6.On one hand it's mentioned that we are not to have works to be accepted by God and on the other, it's mentioned that we should do good works.(James 2:24).because we love others and that these count toward our reward. Please explain.

-Romans 4:16.Why is Christ called a."seed Son"?

-Romans 5:12.Does this apply to a new born baby too?

-Romans 5:13.What does it mean."sin is not imputed where there is no law"?

-Romans 5:14.What does it mean."not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression"?

-Romans 5:16 What is this saying?

-Romans 5:15,19.Who are the."many".mentioned in these scriptures?

-Romans 6:6.What does it mean that the."old man is crucified with Him"?

-Romans 6:15.Isn't grace a license to sin?

-Romans 6:23 with 1John 3:5 If the wages of sin is death and Emmanuel did no sin; why then did He have to die? Could not His righteousness have been imputed to us without His having to die?
   And it says in 1John 5:17 about."a sin not unto death".and in this verse in Romans 6:23 that the result,."the wages of sin is death"; seems contradictory?

-Romans 7:2.I'm in a marriage by nothing more than name alone, but wondered if I should divorce after reading this scripture?

-Romans 7:6.What does it mean to."serve God in newness of Spirit"?, and what is the law being talked of here?

-Romans 7:12.If sin no longer counts, why did Paul put such an emphasis on the law here calling it holy, just and good and why does Paul also talk about a spiritual warfare as in 2Corinthians 10:4 and Ephesians 6:12?

-Romans 7:13.If there is still sin in my life, does that mean that the devil is working in me?

-Romans 7:14.What did Paul mean when he said."he was carnal and sold under sin"? If the law is spiritual it came from God. Why would not then it be always in effect?

...Romans 8 to 16th chapter Questions