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-homosexuality:.It has been noted in the book by Tom Monte, The Way Of Hope, that homosexuals seeking to get off AIDS, while sitting listening to a nutritionist, were eating sweet like.ice cream, chocolate bars, etc. It is known that these things make for 'yin' blood as opposed to 'yang' blood; both not good; better to have a balance between both; a balance between yin and yang. For help in this area contact the Kushi Institute.

The book details how many with 'terminal' AIDS now live completely normal lives after changing diet, which changes the blood:.Leviticus 17:11. Consider this example.

Besides the example linked above, another way to prevent your children becoming homosexual is to be sure that they have no reason to repulse from a natural male/female relationship. They see.(or, should see).in their father and mother's interactions, genuine affection toward each other.

A lesbian often grows up without rapport with their mother or main female in their lives and similarly, a man without a heartfelt relationship with his father. Perhaps mother and/or father were overbearing and submerged the natural sexual.inclinations. So the children may grow up seeking the same gender for the relationships they were deprived of. That's why the Creator inspired to have recorded in the Bible, the good news for humanity:.Luke 1:17, "And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children...."

The AIDS virus is extremely fragile and can easily be killed by raising the blood oxygen level. One way to do this is with an infusion.(health professionals have suggested mixing with Spring Water {not fluoridated and/or chlorinated city water} starting at 3 drops to about 6 ounces of water, increasing over a few days to 9+ drops to the same amount of water and doing this 3 times a day; check with a alternative health professional and your doctor on any updated information and if any cautions, such as would be necessary if you are taking any medication).of food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide. This oxygenates the blood. See the video on YouTube by Dr. Robert Beck, Why the AIDS Cure is Suppressed.

Another thing you can safely do is use Chlorine Dioxide, used by millions of people outside of Western Medicine countries to get and keep well; serious diseases welcome! https://www.bitchute.com/video/XiHw1WNDQEC4/
Look it up at https://t.me/Chlorine_Dioxide

Akin to Chlorine Dioxide is hydroxychloroquine.(learn about it at https://t.me/AmericasFrontlineDoctors and how to make your own or where you can get it

Hydroxychloroquine is anti inflammatory. One can easily make in the kitchen after you see the quick video on it.(type 'making hydroxychloroquine' into a search engine), originally used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and malaria and lupus erythematosu. 

Also check out for use, the safe and powerful Potassium Iodide, many often use in increasing hydroxychloroquine's and/or chlorine dioxide's effectiveness.

More about the distorted reasoning on AIDS keeping one in ignorance and off base; an amazing article by Jon Rappoport.

The AIDS issue has been proven to be a fraud, right from the start. Learn how it is so in the book.AIDS: Fauci's First Fraud.about exposing a creation of crooked politicians, dishonest journalists and crooked scientists; at brasscheckTV.com

-Oxygen and health: Nobel Prize-winning doctor, Otto Warburg, shocked the world when he revealed that most disease is caused by insufficient levels of oxygen in the body. In fact, his studies showed that if you deprive a cell 35% of its required levels of oxygen for 48 hours, the cell is likely to become cancerous. Listen to brilliant professor Brian Peskin. brianpeskin.com

In 1986 and 1987, two doctors from Stuttgart and Munich, Germany published case histories of dozens of AIDS patients whom they had cured with a simple therapy involving oxygenation of the body. The patients, who were all in the late stage of AIDS, reversed their death sentences, were restored to health and lived normal lives again. Hydrogen peroxide rubbed on the skin absorbs into the body and stops cancer.book - Cure For Aids

"53 Cured Cases the First Year
"Cure, not treatment, is the subject of this book. In 1991 I discovered the source of HIV. Once the source became clear the cure became obvious. But would it work? After curing 53 cases in a row, all who used this method, I could wait no longer to present these findings. Since that time many more have been cured, too many to be added to this book."...From the book The Cure for HIV/AIDS, Copyright Dr. Hulda Clark. drclark.net

In the most recent edition of the book five cases verified by PCR lab testing for HIV have been added.
...HIV is a virus
...AIDS is a condition. Sometimes they occur together. Sometimes they occur separately.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

"The human intestinal fluke (Fasciolopsis buskii) is the source of the HIV virus. This parasite typically lives in the intestine where it might do little harm, causing only colitis, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome or perhaps nothing at all. But if it invades a different organ, like the uterus or the kidneys or liver, it does a great deal of harm. If it establishes itself in the thymus, it causes HIV/AIDS!" What can kill them? Safe silver hydrosols will kill any infection, no matter where in or on the body it may be.

"It only establishes itself in the thymus in some people. These people have benzene in their bodies. All HIV patients (100%) have both benzene and a stage of the intestinal fluke in their thymuses. The solvent benzene is responsible for letting the fluke establish itself in the thymus. In order to get HIV, you must have both the parasite and benzene in your body. The HIV virus belongs to this fluke. It is not difficult to kill this parasite and all its stages.

"AIDS is a condition. When the thymus gland cannot 'make' enough T cells, your immunity is lowered. Benzene is the cause of AIDS. Different toxins accumulate in different organs. If you eat or rub in the tiniest bit of benzene it goes directly to the thymus. It damages the thymus so much that everything else is allowed to land there, too: The mercury from metal tooth fillings, the copper from your copper water pipes etc. Is it any wonder that the thymus can't turn out T cells when it is full of bits of your fluoride toothpaste, your hand lotion, your hair spray, toxic food and beverages? Copyright Dr. Hulda Clark. From the book The Cure for HIV/AIDS."

We all gravitate to what is positive and fun. Everything a child is exposed to helps form their concepts.

They will like or dislike the male/female experience depending upon what they see in the early years. Many lesbians dislike men for a sexual relationship. Many gay men dislike women similarly. They all want.someone.to be sweet to them. Don't we all!

The inexperience, natural curiosity, eagerness for learning and lack of discernment in children, makes them susceptive to gravitating emotionally to those things that provide attention, fun and affection. This helps them make decisions in that which they feel.(even in error).is good for them. Thus the importance of contrasts. Instilling a family's values as to what the family has adopted to be either right or wrong will keep the child on track:.Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Homosexuality is a decision, albeit influenced by one's make up, the blood we are born with from our parents.(Leviticus 17:11 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood.....", and what we daily eat in life we are what we eat), emotional state, peer influence, etc.

Once one becomes homosexual, it becomes so much a part of one's life, they begin to look at women differently, seldom, if ever again, desiring a sexual relationship with them and the same with lesbians....example

Homosexuality is a choice against balance according to how the Creator basically set things up to work:.Ecclesiastes 7:29.

Any decision is reversible by another decision, even though it seems like you may be giving up all that is you.

Creator loves us all enough to allow freedom to make decisions either way, but God Himself, never compromises with what He has set up. Lacking trust in Him opens up many alternative paths.(for a while).for experience and ultimate reflection.

Romans 1:26,27 "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections. For even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.(fitting, proper)."

-much more:.The words "much more" occur 25 times in the New Testament. For an interesting study, look up their occurrences to see how greater was the New over the Old.

-Red Sea Crossing.(see frame 17 when at link).and the same thing again crossing the Jordan River:.Joshua 4:17-23.
