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B e l i e f  N o t e s
p a g e  2

"Two days later, Ruth arrived at my front door. I did not immediately recognize her. She was neat and composed, with tidy hair and a calm smile. She, asked if she could now tell me the full story which would explain her earlier behavior

"She showed me a letter she had just received from her son, Rufus, about whom she had talked so much. She had failed to mention that he was a schizophrenic confined in a mental institution some four hundred and fifty miles away!

"She told me that after storming out of my house on that Thursday morning and then telephoning me, she had walked about aimlessly for a long time. At the top of a hill, feeling breathless, she had entered a church to rest. As she sat in the pew, she heard a voice saying clearly 'You have never cut the cord of your youngest child!'

'I thought it was you, doctor' she said, 'who had followed me into the church.' Angrily, she had looked around, even under the altar and found no one. Then she heard the voice again and, this time, she realized it must be God talking to her. She fell on her knees and answered humbly 'If this is true, Lord. I will do it now.' A strange feeling swept over her as though she had actually taken a pair of scissors and cut the umbilical cord. She was a changed woman.

"The youngest of her five children, Rufus, now aged thirtyfive had been eight years old when his father died suddenly. From that time on on, Ruth had ordered his entire life even deciding his career and his choice of wife. His wife was now in a sanatorium suffering from tuberculosis.

"On the fateful Thursday afternoon, Rufus had felt a sudden surge of release. He wrote immediately to his mother, telling her that he 'felt he was himself again' and that he had asked the hospital for permission to spend the next weekend with his brother. Rufus was wholly cured. His wife also had felt unusually well on that same day and after various tests had proved negative was discharged from the sanatorium. 

"Shortly afterwards, their baby came home from the foster home where he was being cared for. Twenty years later, Rufus and his wife are still fit and well and Ruth has had none of her 'heart trouble'."

Sometimes a forceful individual may be highly influenced by the dark side and may unknowingly.(it's natural for them).use their personality to subjugate another. Such was the case of another of Dr. McAll's patients:."Carol had many strange attacks occurring randomly, sometimes at long intervals, but always after some contact with her grandmother, who treated Carol like a favorite child."

Dr. McAll got them all together and they prayed quietly together asking God to cut the negative bond between Carol and her grandmother.."Carol never had another attack. Carol changed her lifestyle and is now a nurse and hospital ward sister."

Dr. McAll states."It is possible to break bonds by proxy prayer without the knowledge of the two who are bonded together."

Dr. McAll continues:."Cliff, a schoolmaster in his thirties, was a homosexual. He was under his mother's protection and feared any relationship not only with women, but also with chaplains and he refused to attend the school morning assemblies. Treatment with various drugs and many sessions with psychiatrists didn't help his problem at all. I approached Cliff's mother and asked her for information about her son's early life.

"She was a good woman, very active in her church and had been a nurse before she was married. After much heart searching, she brought herself to tell me about her own life and her pregnancy. At that time she had been working in a large hospital and was already pregnant. On several occasions when on night duty, she had allowed sexual intercourse to take place with one of the patients who was an army chaplain.

"Seemingly, the mother's behavior had produced some sort of inexplicable reaction in the unborn child which influenced his whole life and thinking in regard to women and chaplains. It is a fact that when the mother made her confession with true repentance.(true repentance is a willingness to change to something better), fully shared with the son whom she had damaged so badly before he was born, he forgave her just as Emmanuel the Christ had been waiting to forgive her and he immediately felt freed. The total forgiveness of the individual who was responsible by the one who has been hurt had broken the controlling bond of fear, anger and aversion. Cliff is now happily married and living a very full normal life.".But for some others the way is different.

"If the constricting bond is with the dead who are unknown, the first difficulty is to identify the controlling force. The most effective way to do this is to draw up a Family Tree and try to establish whether there have been any excessive behavioral problems or whether there has been any person or an occurrence for which confession should be made to Emmanuel the Christ and forgiveness obtained from him. This is not always easy but with patience and prayer it can be done to a greater or lesser degree of completeness. Since it is being done in the name of Emmanuel the Christ, even the lesser extent will often prove to be enough to furnish sufficient evidence for the identification of the 'controlling spirit'.

"There are two main objectives in constructing a Family Tree: Firstly to establish whether any ancestor showed evidence of the same unacceptable behaviour. Secondly, to ascertain whose voice, whose unquiet spirit, is speaking to and through the person seeking help – the patient. In the first instance, similar behaviour can express itself in similar feelings, aversions, actions or even certain physical diseases. Or these can manifest themselves in various phobic patterns.

"In drawing up the Family Tree, consider who in the ancestral line needs prayer. It's important to commit the dead to the Lord as you'll soon see in a following example.
