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Romans 14:1 Him that is weak in the faith receive you, but not to doubtful disputations.
Accept him in love as a brother and not with thoughts of criticism because he doesn't see spiritual things exactly as you may.(*). His self is what makes him an individual human being.
Romans 14:2.3 For one believes that he may eat all things; another, who is weak, eats herbs. Let not him that eats despise him that eats not and let not him which eats not judge him that eats, for God has received him.

Romans 14:4 Who are you that judges another man's servant? to his own master he stands or falls. Yea, he shall be holden up, for God is able to make him stand..(*)

Romans 14:5 One man esteems one day above another. Another esteems every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind..(?)

Romans 14:6 He that regards the day, regards it unto the Lord and he that regards not the day, to the Lord he does not regard it..(in other words, either doesn't matter).He that eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks and he that eats not, to the Lord he eats not and gives God thanks.
Barnes Notes:."Regards it unto the Lord".Regards it as holy or as set apart to the service of God. He believes that he is required by God to keep it, that is, that the laws of Moses in regard to such days are binding on him.
Romans 14:7 For none of us lives to himself.(all one).and no man dies to himself.

Romans 14:8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord and whether we die, we die unto the Lord. Whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.
We are always in this energy of existence, which is the Creator, because all is God.
Romans 14:9 For to this end Christ both died and rose and revived.(revived is being made alive again), that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.
Hebrews 10:19,20 "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Emmanuel, By a new and living way, which he has consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh."

Emmanuel's death.(Isaiah 52:14).was for all sentient beings in the multiverse. The true God made all:.Ephesians 1:23; 3:9.

What does this 'Lord of the dead and living' mean?.Ephesians 2:10.

Romans 14:10 But why do you judge your brother? or why do you set at nought.(despise).your brother?.(why? is because we don't realize the oneness of the multiverse).For we shall.(word 'shall' not in original).all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
Not a future happening but a continuously present occurrence, happening daily according to the spiritual laws set up. Important to know all Christ is.
Romans 14:11 For it is written.(written where?), As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess God.
Not forced, but an awakening. We'll all eventually know the Creator:.Jeremiah 31:34.
Romans 14:12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
It's all recorded in the Book of Life.

Every one gives account of himself by how he lives according to what he or she may have learned and lived by, including beliefs and words used. We all reap what we have sown:.Matthew 12:37 "For by your words you are justified and by your words you shall.(word 'shall' not in original).be condemned.".And how is this to be done? All is recorded and we'll all see {because nothing is hidden} how it all works out and for each of us:.2Corinthians 4:2; Matthew 12:36; Luke 6:35. Always do the best you can.

Romans 14:13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more, but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.
Your brother is not those influenced by Satan:.Hebrews 13:17. How would you know who was and who wasn't:.Matthew 7:16-20. So then who is my brother?
Romans 14:14 I know and am persuaded by the Lord Emmanuel, that there is nothing unclean of itself, but to him that esteems any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.

Romans 14:15 But if your brother be grieved with your meat.(original is 'food, the act of eating' an example showing it's not good to upset anyone over anything), you're not walking.(acting, behaving).charitably.(or 'in love'; charity is an Old English word for love). Destroy not him with your meat, for whom Christ died.
Barnes Notes: You eat that which he regards as unclean and to him that's offensive. Paul shows this individual that he ought not to act in a way so as to to wound another's feelings or grieve him:.1Corinthians 10:32 "Give none offence...".Romans 12:10. Live your life in a way that shows love for others. Be caring and deferentially.respectful.
   Being grieved is being pained. A conscientious individual always would be pained in heart when he sees another do or live by concepts which he esteems to be wrong. The pain would be real, though the opinion from which it arose might not be well founded. Avoid trying to 'turn people around' from what you may see as wrong:.1John 5:16.
Romans 14:16 Let not then your good be evil spoken of.
Romans 12:10 "Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another.".Don't be so much out to correct others if you think they may be wrong. Put criticism aside, instead learn love.
Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink.(the physical things of eating & drinking, keeping your body going), but righteousness and peace and joy in.(original for word 'in' is also 'with', that is, in the essence of the Creator, which essence is the Holy Ghost).the Holy Ghost.
These are the spiritual things, the things of attitude, the things above the ego, the things which originate above our senses, the things of a higher consciousness, such as an attitude of love, goodness, kindness, mercy, comprehending, happiness, humor, joy, wisdom and other attitude things which grow one on his spiritual journey..(?)
Romans 14:18 For he that in these things serves.(original for 'serves' connotes 'a wanting to serve', not a having to).Christ is acceptable to God and approved of men.
Approved of others because you have prepared yourself, that is, you have something inside of you that is good and helpful to others if they seem to be asking for help:.2Timothy 2:15; 1Peter 3:15; James 3:13.
Romans 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and things wherewith one may edify another.
Paul is saying that these things.(*).are the key to peace:.Romans 12:18; Philippians 4:8.
Romans 14:20 For meat.(original is 'food, the act of eating').destroys not the work of God. All things indeed are pure, but it is evil for that man who eats with offence.

Romans 14:21 It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak.

Romans 14:22 Have you faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he that condemns not himself in that thing which he allows.
Don't be so down on yourself:.1John 3:20,21. Be good, so you won't be. God is with the good:.2Chronicles 19:11. Original for word 'allows' is 'test', 'prove', 'try', 'examine', 'discern', 'approve', 'like', a testing to find out if something is good for you:.Hebrews 5:14. Each struggle in your life is worthwhile if you gain something good from it and this by learning and learning requires thinking. When you gain, you lose, that is, when you gain the good, you lose the evil. That's how to know if you're on the right track.
Romans 14:23 And he that doubts is damned if he eat.(?), because he eats not of faith, for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
Sin is 'missing the mark' as the original has it. And here refers to a missing the mark of being in a spiritual relationship with God, the love energy of the multiiverse.
