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D r i n k i n g  a n d  S m o k i n g  Q u e s t i o n s
p a g e  3

-Romans 12:1 Does this mean Christians should not smoke?

The word used here for "present" is also used elsewhere in the New Testament as "yield". The word "present".denotes work having to be done in order to be acceptable to God. And this is incorrect. The word "yield" carries a better connotation.

Paul sacrificed himself for the work of God:.2Corinthians 11:23-31. What does sacrifice mean in the era of the New Testament? What about Old Testament times?

Paul was holy, even after all he did, and understood that all those with God's Holy Spirit, God's nature, in them are also holy

And Paul understood that we are acceptable to God because He.(Christ).has made us that way.

The.Peoples New Testament Notes.states: "The Jewish dispensation with its sacrifices was ended; it closed when Christ, "our passover".(1Corinthians 5:7), was offered for us. But a new order of sacrifice has come in. We should give ourselves. As the victim on the altar was surrendered wholly to God, so our bodies with all their members should be consecrated to his service; not as slain, but as "living sacrifices." We do this when they become the temple of the Holy Spirit, and are used to serve others from a heart of sincere love. 

Christ has made us free; free to live confidently from our hearts in our relationship with Him. If in your personal relationship with Him, you feel you shouldn't smoke, then don't. But do not feel that God is displeased with you and will leave your heart, where He dwells, if you do smoke:.Romans 8:35,39;.Hebrews 13:5 "...for he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you." Romans 14th chapter.
